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Gary Johnson 2012: End The Drug War Now & Save Billions

Brand new video sent to us by the Gary Johnson 2012 campaign.  Johnson is former Governor of New Mexico.

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National Debt Contest Winner - The Spending Is Nuts

This is the winner of a recent National Debt Video Contest.  Though slick and well produced, the creator fails to mention how the freedom-loving squirrells chose to fight 2 decade-long wars on two different continents that were never paid for, and the total cost of those wars exceeded 4 trillion nuts.  Meanwhile nuts set aside for Social Security were stolen annually by corrupt squirrells in Congress to pay for general spending and make deficits appear smaller.  Our Verdict - MASIVE FAIL.

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13 Reasons Why The U.S. Is Now OFFICIALLY BANKRUPT

Profanity warning.  Everything you won't read in the mainstream media about the debt deal.

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CHART: Jobs Report Shows U.S. Labor Force Participation At 63.9%, A 27 Year Low


1,400 Millionaires Paid No U.S. Income Taxes, Bank Of America Signs HUD Settlement Over Mortgage Fraud, The Secret History Of Treasury's ESF, How NOT To Live Your Life According To The Dalai Lama (LINKS)


Sen. Wyden Demands To Know How Many Americans Are Under Surveillance Via The Patriot Act

Video - Ron Wyden with Keith Olbermann - Aug. 3, 2011

Important discussion, at least for anyone who still cares about the Constitution.  Is there actually anyone left who cares?

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Max Keiser: 'Italy's 2400 Tons Of Gold Are The Real Target Of IMF Terrorists'

Updated on Aug 4, 2011 at 9:36 PM by Registered CommenterDailyBail

Video  - Max & Stacy - July 13, 2011

Short clip.  Italy has the third-largest gold stockpile in the EU behind France and Germany.

UPDATES Thursday:


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Jack Daniels Explains The Deficit

More inside.

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Stock Market Takes A Bath With Mr. Bubbles


Bears Ripping Thru Wall Street - Dow Down 350 Points


FRAUD: Has The Fed Become The Next AIG?

Video - Fed is selling put options on Treasuries to drive down yields

Video was made by Eric deCarbonnel, great grandson of Frank Vanderlip, one of the original founders of the Federal Reserve back in 1913.


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Sen. Lieberman Says U.S. Must Cut Social Security To Pay For Wars & Offensive Military Action - Vote Him Out!

Video - Lieberman on the Senate floor - Aug. 2, 2011

The Senate's leading shill for useless war does not hide his extreme prejudice yesterday as he discusses budget priorities.

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Sympathy For Blankfein: Goldman CEO Can't Understand Why Everyone Loves To Hate Him

It's a pretty decent new read from NY Mag's Jessica Pressler, albeit with an anti-Taibbi slant and a decidedly pro-Lloyd flavor.  What Pressler misses, or in some cases glosses over, are the details of Goldman's control over Washington via an endless stream of Government Sachs Squid turned Treasury policy makers, from Dan Jester to Neel Kashkari, Henry Paulson and a dozen more.  She also neglects to recount how Goldman drove AIG into bankruptcy and then demanded a bailout (see Tavakoli's Arsonists With Fire Insurance), or how Goldman acolyte Jester purposely sabotaged AIG's plea for leniency from the ratings agencies after having followed Paulson there from 85 Broad Street, or how Paulson installed former Goldman executive Ed Liddy as CEO of AIG in order to facilitate a counterparty payout at 100 cents on the dollar for Goldman and its clients, and finally how Goldman execs lied to Congress with the claim that Goldman did not receive ANY of the AIG counterparty payments, when in fact it leaked a few months later that more than $3 billion went straight to the Squid.

That said, you might enjoy reading Pressler's piece for a look inside Lloyd's now 'constantly unquiet mind.'

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David Walker On The Debt Deal: "U.S. Is 3 Years Away From Being Greece, Congress Dealt With $2T Of A $61T Problem"

CNBC Video - David Walker With Joe Kernen On Squawk Box - Aug. 2, 2011

Quotes inside.

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