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UPDATE - DOW Trading DOWN More Than 400 Points

DJIA is tumbling Wednesday due to new unrest in European financial markets.  Fear over the insolvency of banks in Italy and France, as well as a sovereign credit downgrade of somehow still AAA France have EU markets in chaos.

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Euro Bank Bailout 2.0: SocGen & Unicredit Teetering On 'Brink Of Collapse'

Updated on Aug 10, 2011 at 11:18 AM by Registered CommenterDailyBail

UPDATE - French banking giant Societe Generale is fighting insolvency rumors, trading down 16% while French CDS spike on rumors of a credit downgrade of sovereign France.

UPDATE - DOW is trading down more than 400 points.

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Dow Turns NEGATIVE After Fed Statement, Losing 200 Points - Full Text Of FOMC Statement

Updated on Aug 9, 2011 at 4:14 PM by Registered CommenterDailyBail

UPDATE - DOW closes up 430 points.

The DOW is extremely volatile after the FOMC statement was released minutes ago, quickly shedding 200 points and trading down more than 60, before briefly turning positive again.

Full FOMC statement is inside.  I have highlighted the section referring to a possible QE3.

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Jack Cafferty: "We Need A Clean Slate In 2012, Vote Out Every Single Incumbent In Washington"


Moody's Considers U.S. AAA Cut, McConnell Wants 'Significant Entitlement Reform', S&P Cuts Thousands Of Munis, French CDS Explode Higher, SEC Subpoenas HFT Traders, Barney Frank Goes On Anti-Defense Offensive


Rick Santelli Tees Off On Obama's Failed Leadership: "We Have a Spending Problem, If Not For The Tea Party, The U.S. Would Be Rated Triple-B" (VIDEO)

CNBC Video - Santelli goes to war with Steve Liesman - Aug. 8, 2011

A must see from Monday afternoon after Obama's miserable press conference sent stock indexes plummeting.

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CHART - Food Stamp Use Jumps To Record 46 Million Americans - 15% Of U.S. Population (1970 To 2011)

Most interesting about the longer term chart (1970-2011) shown inside is the fact that the program is hard to escape.  Once a family starts on food stamps, the chance of getting off the program is slim.

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Tim Geithner CNBC Interview: "Obama's Policies NOT To Blame For Downgrade, NO CONCERN About China, Europe Needs Bigger Bailout Fund"

CNBC Video - Tim Geithner on the S&P Downgrade - Aug. 7, 2011

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Netherlands Joins Germany In Opposing Larger EU Bailout

This is not good late-afternoon news for European equity and bond markets.

AMSTERDAM -(MarketWatch)- The Netherlands joined Germany Monday in warning against boosting the volume of the euro zone's rescue fund, saying it won't solve the problems in the currency area, and it even may hurt the solvency of guarantornations.

In a letter to lawmakers, Finance Minister Jan Kees de Jager said that an increased European Financial Stability Facility is "no panacea" to solve the mounting troubles in the euro zone. "Any significant increase of the EFSF can...have consequences on the creditworthiness of guarantor nations," he said.

A bigger EFSF therefore shouldn't be seen as an alternative to achieving structural reforms and debt sustainability, he added.

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CHART: Bank Of America Stock Has Fallen 50% In A Month

AIG sued BAC for $10 billion today (for massive mortgage fraud) which sent the stock down 21%.  Details including a copy of the lawsuit are here.  Story from CNN inside.

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Dow Plummets More Than 600 Points


Flashback: Obama Tells C-Span 'We've Run Out Of Money'


In a sobering holiday interview with C-SPAN, President Obama boldly told Americans: “We are out of money.”

C-SPAN host Steve Scully broke from a meek Washington press corps with probing questions for the new president.

SCULLY: You know the numbers, $1.7 trillion debt, a national deficit of $11 trillion. At what point do we run out of money?

OBAMA:  Well, we are out of money now.  We are operating in deep deficits, not caused by any decisions we’ve made on health care so far.  This is a consequence of the crisis that we’ve seen and in fact our failure to make some good decisions on health care over the last several decades.

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Greece Bans Short Selling, S&P Gets Revenge By Downgrading Warren Buffett, German Market Falls 5%, Treasuries Post MASSIVE Rally, Oil Tanks, Decade Of Economic Hell For U.S., Israel Bonds Downgraded (LINKS)


MUST SEE VIDEO: 74 Year-Old Former Astronaut Buzz Aldrin Punches Moon Conspiracy Stalker In The Face

This is awesome.

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