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Goldman Sachs Links Fest (Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About The SEC Case)


STIMULUS - REAL OR FAKE: Can you tell which of these government spending projects are real?

Joke-telling robots, expensive walking turtle tunnels, Blackberries for smokers, and training American prostitutes to drink responsibly. What do these things have in common? They're all questionable government spending projects in a time when our economy is struggling and people can't get jobs....or, maybe we just made them up.  Put yourself to the test.  See if you can outwit the Rebel Economist before she stumps you.  So what is it: REAL or FAKE?

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Somalia - Libertarian Paradise Vacation

  • "I have cholera..."

Highly entertaining clip sent by a Libertarian reader who wasn't afraid to poke fun at himself and fellow anti-government disciples.  It's a joke, people, relax a little.

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Demand To See Your Mortgage Note! -- Brand New Website Makes It Simple

Where's your note?  Has it been lost somewhere along the way?

You can also verify your loan servicer with MERS online -- takes about 45 seconds:


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Attention Christina Romer: You Tried. You Failed. Shut Up.

Updated on Aug 15, 2011 at 12:39 PM by Registered CommenterDailyBail

UPDATE - Romer tries again with a NYT op-ed pushing more debt-laden stimulus.

HBO Video - Christina Romer with Bill Maher - Aug. 5, 2011

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BUSTED: Another Black Eye For Iowa AG Tom Miller: Cold Called Bank Of America Lawyers Asking For Contributions


Obama Hits NEW LOW In Latest Gallup Poll, White House Staff Gets Big Pay Raises, Germany & France Say NO To Eurobonds, Soros Calls For EU To Dump Greece & Portugal


CNN & Politico Admit To Ignoring Ron Paul's Success: "He Tied Bachmann For 1st Place In Iowa, But Why Isn't He On The Sunday Talk Shows"

Michele Bachmann celebrating first place.

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60 Minutes: New Corporate Tax Havens

60 Minutes replayed this segment on tonight's show.

Our government is in knots over ways to lower the federal budget deficit. Well, what if we told you we found a pot of money - over $60 billion a year - that could be used to help out?

That bundle is tax money not coming in to the IRS from American corporations. One major way they avoid paying the tax man is by parking their profits overseas.

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The Media Geniuses Who Decided That Michele Bachmann Was Electable Obviously Never Saw This video

Video - Michele Bachmann Says The Darndest Things

We feel no need to comment further, as the Iowa straw poll winner is an accomplished, self-annihilating, soundbite machine.  Ron Paul is not electable, but Bachmann is?

Wake up corporate media, wake up.

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Marcy Kaptur: "Wall Street Greed And Endless Wars Are To Blame For Our Budget Crisis"

Video - Marcy Kaptur on the House floor - July 12, 2011

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John Boehner Says In Order To Pay For The Wars, We Need To Raise The Social Security Retirement Age To 70 (VIDEO)

Flashback to last Summer for anyone who hasn't seen this yet.

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Hank Paulson Speaks At Dartmouth: "My Bailouts Saved The World From A 21st Century Meltdown!"

Henry Paulson at Dartmouth College - Aug. 11, 2011

Just stumbled across this clip.

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Nationwide Fox News Poll - Ron Paul WINS Iowa GOP Debate In A Landslide

It's not even close, with Ron Paul with approximately 60% of the first place votes.  The poll is still open, so vote NOW.

Ron Paul WINS Iowa GOP Debate - Vote NOW


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