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VIDEO - Krugman Wants To Create A Keynesian-Infused Space Alien Economic Bubble To Revive U.S. Economy

CNN Video - Academics Paul Krugman & Ken Rogoff debate the economy - Aug. 14, 2011

You gotta see this short clip.  Though superficially in jest, we do not doubt the powers of Krugman's Keynesian imaginative machinations.  How is this academic weasel still taken seriously.  One does not solve a massive debt crisis with more debt.  Paul must have loved Christina Romer's appearance with Bill Maher last week, as he appears to support whining in the dark, long after everyone stops listening.

Without a doubt the only positive of the last 3 years of stimulus failure, is the near absolute recognition that Paul Krugman is an idiot.

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CAPTURED - Mitt Romney Has Raised More Campaign Cash From Lobbyists Than All Other GOP Candidates Combined

You will notice that Ron Paul doesn't even make the list as his contributions come strictly from the people.  Full story inside.

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Another $40 Million Bailout For Chicken Farmers

This is the 3rd bailout for chicken producers in the past 4 years.  No worries, eh.  We can afford it.  It's not like we borrow 43 cents of every federal dollar anymore.  Just 42 cents.

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Michele Bachmann Predicts The End Of The World In 2008

An early advertisement for Harold Camping?  This is an electable candidate?

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Reporter's First Hand Account Of Ron Paul Mania In Iowa

Video - Aug. 16, 2011 - Dr. Ron Paul was just 152 votes behind Michele Bachmann, but why isn't the mainstream media giving him any coverage?  RT reporter Kristine Frazao offers an honest account at what she saw in Ames, Iowa.  Solid clip with details not heard elsewhere.

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Ron Paul On The 'Smelly' Super Congress: "There Are NO CUTS! Freeze The Budget Instead! That Would Be A Huge Cut!"

Video - Ron Paul with Judge Napolitano & Neil Cavuto - Aug. 3, 2011

Another loud scream for sanity.  More inside.

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CNN's Candy Crowley 'Horribly Misinformed' About Ron Paul's Polling Results Vs. Obama


Federal Reserve works to strip a key mortgage protection for homeowners against predatory lending

WASHINGTON — As Americans continue to lose their homes in record numbers, the Federal Reserve is considering making it much harder for homeowners to stop foreclosures and escape predatory home loans with onerous terms.

The Fed's proposal to amend a 42-year-old provision of the federal Truth in Lending Act has angered labor, civil rights and consumer advocacy groups along with a slew of foreclosure defense attorneys.  They're not only asking the Fed to withdraw the proposal, they also want any future changes to the law to be handled by the new Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, which begins its work next year.  

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Goldman Sachs The Movie By Civil War Creator Ken Burns

This is very well done. Give it a few minutes.

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Super Congress: Already Bought By Corporate Interests

Alyona leads an excellent discussion of crony capitalism.  As we reported yesterday, military and banking interests will be protected at all costs, while social security and medicare are certain to face cuts.

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Uncomfortable CNBC Moment - Rick Santelli Rips Meredith Whitney For Calling Tea Partiers 'Freaked Out, Unemployed White Men' Tells Her 'To Stick To Munis' (Heavy Sarcasm)

CNBC Video - Santelli battles Whitney - Aug. 10, 2011

Brilliant LIVE moment from Squawk Box this morning as Santelli responds to Whitney on air over her comment about the Tea Party.  Don't skip this.

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Moody’s Lowers U.S. Growth Outlook, China Growth Slows, German GDP Stalls, Mortgage Mess Meets Too Big To Fail, Changes In Military Retirement, Foreclosures Resume In NJ


Glenn Beck Endorses Ron Paul For President

This should come as no surprise to anyone who looks past the hyperbole as Beck is an avowed Constitutional Libertarian who has repeatedly attacked both Republicans and Democrats as part of his belief in the destructively false Left-Right paradigm which grips party tribalists from both sides.

Still have doubts about Beck's independent credentials?  Read these stories:

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Super Congress Seeks To Protect Military, Buffett Calls for Tax Hike On Billionaires, Starbucks CEO Urges Fellow CEOs to Boycott Giving To All Politicians, Al Gore's Global Warming Rant - When He Thought No One Was Recording