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Ron Paul On The 'Smelly' Super Congress: "There Are NO CUTS! Freeze The Budget Instead! That Would Be A Huge Cut!"

Video - Ron Paul with Judge Napolitano & Neil Cavuto - Aug. 3, 2011

Another loud scream for sanity.  More inside.


Does the Super Congress violate the Constitution? - Ron Paul with the Judge - Aug. 2, 2011


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Reader Comments (3)

Judge Napolitano said that the Supreme Court does not like to get involved with Congress. However I think that Congress has proven over and over that they need someone to step in and make the proper changes. Will the Supreme Court do that though? Dr. Paul makes even more sense that the cut they are offering (if we even see them) are just a token which is to say it is a jobke. Boehner says he's willing and wanting everyone to give up 5%. He would have been better off not saying anything.

I guess that the whole point though. They have proven themselves completely untrustworthy. Now that I've pointed out the obvious I will sit and figure out a solution to solve the whole problem. LOL!!!

Thanks DB, Great as usual. I'll do my part and spread it around like the manure it is. ; )
Aug 4, 2011 at 10:48 PM | Unregistered CommenterDave
Boehner says he's willing and wanting everyone to give up 5%. He would have been better off not saying anything.


As you know, Boehner wants to cut SS and Medicare to perpetuate the war machine. He makes me insane.
Aug 5, 2011 at 12:17 AM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
Are we ever in for a new ride at the Co. Fair, when this crap starts......
Aug 5, 2011 at 8:41 PM | Unregistered CommenterTexas Dar

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