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MOODY'S WHISTLEBLOWER BREAKS SILENCE: Says Ratings Agency Rotten To Core With Conflicts, Corruption And Greed

By Henry Blodget

A former senior analyst at Moody's has gone public with his story of how one of the country's most important rating agencies is corrupted to the core.

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Matt Taibbi: How The SEC Covers Up Wall Street Crimes

Brand new for Rolling Stone by Matt Taibbi.

A whistleblower claims that over the past two decades, the agency has destroyed records of thousands of investigations, whitewashing the files of some of the nation's worst financial criminals.

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Call Uncle Sam - Obama's Unhelpful Advice Leads To Bureaucratic Nightmare For Farmer And Politico Reporter

This is a must read nightmare story.  Follow the link and read the whole thing at Politico.

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OUTRAGE - Goldman VP Peter Haller Changed Name, Now a Top Congressional Staffer To Darrell Issa Working To Ease Dodd-Frank Derivatives Requirements On Goldman Sachs

Updated on Aug 19, 2011 at 1:03 PM by Registered CommenterDailyBail

Has Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA) turned the House Oversight Committee into a bank lobbying firm with the power to subpoena and pressure government regulators?  ThinkProgress has found that a Goldman Sachs vice president changed his name, then quietly went to work for Issa to coordinate his effort to thwart regulations that affect Goldman Sachs’ bottom line.

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VIDEO - Shifty Bank Of America Liaison Tells Rick Perry: "We Will Help You Out"

The kleptocratic exchange commences at the 23-second mark.

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U.S. Growth Turns NEGATIVE, Super Congress Already CAPTURED, Ballistic Boxers For Troops, DOJ Probes S&P Bond Ratings, Fed Still Paying Banks Not To Lend


Proof That Bachmann Is More Of An Idiot Than Sarah Palin


Economic Sleepwalking - Why This Recession Is Different

Guest post from economist Terry Coxen.

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KLEPTOCRACY RULES - William Black With Max Keiser On The Lack Of Criminal Prosecution For Corrupt Bankers

Video - Keiser with Bill Black - Aug. 17, 2011

It's been awhile since we've heard from Black, as he discusses the ongoing lack of prosecution for fraudulent banking activity.  Don't underestimate the role that Geithner has played in keeping prosecutions off the table, through meetings with Eric Holder and former NY Attorney General Andrew Cuomo.

Two stories from yesterday underscore the nature of the problem.


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Jim Rogers: "Geithner Is Incompetent, He Hasn't Done Anything Right For 15 Years, He's ALMOST As Bad As Bernanke" (VIDEO)

Reuters Video - Jim Rogers holds court - Aug. 9, 2011

Thought this was entertaining.  Runs 3 minutes, and the Geithner-Bernanke comparison comes 1 minute into the clip.

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James Grant Testifies On The Federal Reserve Before Ron Paul's Committee On Monetary Policy (Congressional Video)

Video - Opening statement from James Grant

This is outstanding, for anyone who missed it the first time around.

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Highlights Of The Iowa Republican Debate - Ron Paul Is The Overwhelming Crowd Favorite, Battles Rick Santorum Over War With Iran, Gingrich Supports Full Fed Audit (VIDEO)

Video 1 - Paul on the Federal Reserve and his recently introduced bill to wipe away $1.6 trillion in debtheld by the Helicopter.  Gingrich's surprising views on the Fed are included.

I watched the GOP debate in full tonight and scoured youtube for the best and shortest clips. All are worth watching in full.

Vote NOW:

Nationwide Fox News Poll - Ron Paul Wins By A LANDSLIDE


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Jon Stewart On Rick Perry's 2012 Announcement

Daily Show Video - Rick Perry Is NOT George Bush On Steroids - Aug. 16, 2011

Two minute clip from last night's show.  And check out the following from yesterday's links.


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War Inc. - Pentagon Sucks In American Youth