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U.S. Will Always Be AAA Country, Obama Says


AIG Sues Bank Of America For $10 Billion Over 'Massive Mortgage Fraud'

Updated on Aug 8, 2011 at 12:35 PM by Registered CommenterDailyBail

It's getting ugly.  BofA will need at least $100 billion to avoid bankruptcy.  Ken Lewis' retirement SIV (BAC stock) is trading sharply lower (currently down 17%) dragging down all financials.

(Reuters) - The insurer American International Group Inc (AIG:nyse) is suing Bank of America Corp (BAC:nyse) to recover more than $10 billion of losses from a "massive fraud" on mortgage debt, deepening the morass of litigation faced by the largest U.S. bank.

AIG, still largely owned by taxpayers after $182.3 billion of government bailouts, is the latest of a growing number of investors filing lawsuits seeking to hold banks responsible for losses on troubled mortgages that contributed to the financial crisis.

The AIG complaint, being filed in the New York State Supreme Court in Manhattan, accuses Bank of America and its Countrywide and Merrill Lynch units of misrepresenting the quality of mortgages placed in securities and sold to investors.

Reuters obtained a copy of the complaint.  AIG is preparing similar lawsuits against other large banks.

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ECB Decision To Buy Bonds Of Italy, Spain Deepens Rift With Germany's Bundesbank

Europe trades sharply lower Monday - Marketwatch

Picking a fight with Bundesbank dangerous for ECB - Commentary

Financial Times

 The decision by the European Central Bank to intervene in the bond markets to buy Italian and Spanish government debt is likely to prove hugely controversial – both inside and outside the eurozone’s chief monetary guardian.

It was not clear on Sunday night whether the ECB governing council was still split on the issue, after the German Bundesbank had argued strongly last week against taking such an intitiative. But there remains a clear division of principle between members of the ruling body.  Opponents of such bond buying, led by Germany’s Bundesbank, have constantly argued that such measures go beyond the monetary policy responsibilities of the ECB, and should be left to the governments of the 17 eurozone member states.

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S&P Affirms U.S. Short-Term Debt Ratings Keeping Money Market Funds Safe - For Now

Treasuries Little Changed In Monday Trading - Marketwatch


The decision by Standard & Poor’s to affirm the U.S.’s short-term rating at the top A-1+ level even as it cut the long-term grade from AAA may help to stabilize money markets, according to strategists and economists.

The move means money market funds won’t be forced to sell Treasuries, said Mansoor Mohi-uddin, the Singapore-based chief currency strategist at UBS AG. The “impact” on money funds “appears to be limited,” Philip Marey, the senior U.S. strategist at Rabobank Groep in Utrecht, Netherlands, wrote in a report to clients.

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PHOTO OF THE DAY - It's A Bear Market

Photo is inside to save space on the front page.

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VIDEO - S&P Debt Chief Warns Agency Might Downgrade U.S. Rating AGAIN

Video - David Beers On Fox with Chris Wallace - Aug. 7, 2011

From earlier this morning.

Q: Can you explain Tel Aviv markets’ reaction today? (Israel's stock market fell 6% and trading was halted.)

Beers: A lot of what is worrying markets is Europe and from a global economic perspective that the economy might be slowing. So the market is not just reacting to S&P's decision.

More inside.

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CHART: U.S. Dollar Chart From 1980 Thru 2010


Dennis Kucinich "It's A Fake Crisis, Social Security Did NOT Create The Deficit! It Will Be Able To Pay 100% Of Benefits Through 2037!" (Video)

Congressional Video - July 12, 2011

Full transcript inside.  Runs 1 minute.

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Larry Summers & Warren Buffet Are Economic Idiots, Citigroup Must Pay Lehman $1 Billion, Europe In Crisis, USPS IS Broke, Bank Of America In MORE Trouble


KABOOM - Full Text Of S&P U.S. AAA Downgrade


Fannie Mae Asks For ANOTHER Bailout, China Blasts U.S. 'Debt Addiction', Saudi Stock Market First To PLUNGE On U.S. Downgrade, GOP Wants Geithner Fired, G-7 Plans Action In Wake Of Downgrade, BofA Fraud Claims Rise 


Geithner: No Risk U.S. Will Lose AAA Credit Rating - EVER

Updated on Aug 5, 2011 at 10:32 PM by Registered CommenterDailyBail

UPDATE - Geithner gets it wrong again as S&P downgrades U.S. AAA

Video - Tim Geithner Speaks Too Soon - April 25, 2011

Geithner Downgrades His Own Credibility to Junk

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S&P just upgraded this photo to AAA...

We didn't get a deal to cut spending.  We got a deal to INCREASE spending by $7 Trillion over the next 10 years, instead of $9.5 Trillion.

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National Debt & Wall Street Bailouts -- Thoughts From Jay Leno, Craig Ferguson & Wanda Sykes (VIDEO)

3 short clips.  Craig Ferguson is the most impressive.  You'll be pleasantly surprised.  And Wanda Sykes is just flat-out funny.

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