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Despite Warnings From Congress, SEC Still DESTROYING Records Illegally, Lawyer Says

Details inside from the Washington Post.

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Matt Taibbi With Keith Olbermann: SEC Policy Of Document Shredding Covers Up Wall Street Crimes

Video - Olbermann with Matt Taibbi - Aug. 20, 2011

Excellent discussion.  Runs 4 minutes.

Here's the article from Taibbi that is referenced above:

Taibbi: How The SEC Covers Up Wall Street Crimes

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NY Attorney General Facing Intense Pressure From Obama Administration On Bank Foreclosure Fraud Deal: "Wall Street Is Our Main Street And We Have To Make Sure We Are Doing Everything We Can To SUPPORT Them"

As DB readers know, NY Attorney General Eric Schneiderman, along with AGs Beau Biden of Delaware and Catherine Cortez of Nevada, have been opposed to the nationwide foreclosure fraud settlement being led by Iowa AG Tom Miller (read: Once Upon A Time In Foreclosure Fraud), who as Matt Taibbi pointed out has not-so-conincidentally increased his campaign contributions from the finance sector this year by a factor of 88!

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FHFA Lawsuit Supporter Rep. Brad Miller: "Not Suing Big Banks Over Fraudulent Mortgages Would Be Tantamount To A Second Bailout"


Giuliani Tells Don Imus: 'I Wouldn't Lock Up Jamie Dimon, Huge Wall Street Bonuses Are Wonderful, They Helped Me Balance My Bloated Budget'

Runs 90 seconds.  Quotes inside.

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Inside Job Trailer: 'Merrill Trader Thought He Was Smart'

Another trailer from Charles Ferguson's Oscar-winning documentary.

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Wendy Gramm, Judge Bruce Levine & Criminal Behavior At The CFTC - Attention Eric Holder, Federal Prosecutors

If you haven't heard this story yet, be prepared for a new realm of outrage.  When you read this keep in mind that the CFTC has only 2 judges.

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Las Vegas Real Estate Crash Report - Episode #54 Development At Lake Las Vegas

Another troubling data point for the housing bulls.

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Roubini Warns - Sell Stocks, Go To Cash, New Crisis Is Coming, Citigroup VP Pleads Guilty To Bank Fraud, USPS Bankruptcy Looms, Operation Twist Begins (15 LINKS)


WIKILEAKS: Chinese Money Manager Put Pressure On Geithner To Approve Investment In Morgan Stanley

Reuters Video - WikiLeaks cables show China used its position as America's largest creditor to apply pressure on the U.S. to approve a Chinese investment in Morgan Stanley at the height of the financial crisis.  Geithner works quickly.

The deal was announced the following day.

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Just Released Bernanke Letter Downplays U.S. Banks CDS Exposure To Euro Sovereign Debt

No copy of the letter is currently available - story just hit the wires about 10 minutes ago. Bernanke claims to have access to confidential information to back up his story.  We wonder if the Chairman has given any thought to the possibility that regulators are not aware of off-balance sheet exposures.  It wouldn't be the first time that the Federal Reserve would be in the dark about banks under their purview.  Repo 105s and Lehman comes quickly to mind.

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FHFA Bank Lawsuit Conference Call @ 2 PM

MEDIA ADVISORY: U.S. Rep. Brad Miller to hold conference call briefing for reporters on lawsuits filed by the U.S. Federal Housing Finance Agency against 17 of the largest banks over faulty mortgage loans which helped lead the nation into the housing crisis.

September 6, 2011

Miller has repeatedly called on Edward DeMarco, Acting Director of FHFA, to do everything in his power to recover these funds. The Congressman is available for a media briefing at 2 p.m. today to discuss what happened to prompt the lawsuits; what needs to happen next to fix the problem; and what it all means for the taxpayer.

When: Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Start time: 2:00pm (EST)
Dial-in number: 1-308-344-6400
Access Code: 150881#

The conference call, led by Congressman Brad Miller, is happening NOW.  I'm listening in and I can tell you that the US government won't be collecting anywhere near the $196 billion headline number named in the lawsuit.

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A Raging Case Of Bailout Fatigue


Cenk On Bernanke's Secret Loan Program - "I Thought Jamie Dimon Was A Genius And Didn't Need A Bailout..."

Video - Cenk on the Federal Reserve's Secret Loans - Aug. 26, 2011

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