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SPARKS ON FIRE: Did A Goldman Banker Lie Under Oath?


AIG Cover-Up: SIGTARP Barofsky Hints At Criminal Charges Against The New York Fed


Chanos Expects More Wall Street Fraud Cases, Says Financial Reform Doesn't Go Far Enough (VIDEO)

Video:  Jim Chanos on Obama's speech, financial reform, and fraud investigations -- April 22, 2010

Chanos begins after the 3-minute mark.  He is preceded in the clip by Obama's speech on Wall Street reform and a few minutes with Bobby Pisani.

Some quotes and a link are inside.

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Tim Geithner Is A Worthless Piece Of Maggot Sh**T (Shockingly Offensive Bailout Rant From WalStreetPro)

Video:  If you haven't seen this before, buckle up...seriously

Yesterday's hearings were an exercise in frustration, anger and futility.  Then I watched some WalStreetPro and felt surprisingly better.  You do the math. 

If you don't like profanity, then don't watch.  Consider yourself warned.  And don't send me emails telling me I'm going to hell.  (I already know that and have made reservations.)  For the rest of you, get ready for a ride.

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Fresh From Goldman Success, SEC Looks For New Wall Street Targets (ProPublica)

Do not miss this one.  It's starting to look as though the SEC has turned the corner and is gunning for more prosecutions.

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WATCH LIVE (Embedded Video): Goldman Sachs' Day Of Reckoning -- Testimony From Blankfein, Fabulous Tourre, David Viniar


UPDATE:  The testimony continues (it's currently 7 pm EST)...Blankfein remains in the hot seat.


Video:  Watch the Goldman Flogging LIVE...

Boy, Fabrice's got a helluva mug.  The guy just radiates arrogance -- or perhaps, his face mimicks his tightly puckered arse.  So grab some popcorn and your gun. 

Attention federal prosecutors: that was a joke.

Will be adding links all day for this story.  For now we have Bess Levin's live blog, the showdown clip from Kingpin (Bill Murray, Woody Harrleson) and a new-look photo from the ladies at Code Pink who are in attendance and protesting.  It's not quite prison orange, but it works.

Testimony schedule and prepared statements are now linked inside.

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Zakaria Interviews Geithner, Discusses Goldman Sachs & Financial Reform With Spitzer, Sorkin, & Martin Wolf

Video:  CNN's Zakaria with Geithner, Spitzer, Sorkin, Wolf & Shlaes -- April 25, 2010

Another excellent clip from this weekend.  Zakaria doesn't understand the implications of Goldman and Paulson creating synthetic CDOs (Abacus), pushing them on unsuspecting clients and then shorting them.  But the discussion has value nonetheless.  Wolf, Sorkin and Spitzer provide interesting perspectives.

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Bill Moyers With Simon Johnson & James Kwak (The 13 Bankers Who Control Washington -- Video & Transcript)

PBS Video:  Simon Johnson & James Kwak with Bill Moyers -- April 16, 2010

For those who haven't seen it already, set aside some time.  Outstanding discussion and congressional footage.  Dimon, Blankfein, Goldman, both Morgans, Citigroup, Geithner and Bernanke all get thrashed about the studio.

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Geithner: "I Never Had A Real Job" (VIDEO)

For once, Turbo told the truth on a weekend talk show.  Sort of.

We could add that Geithner never paid taxes like a real taxpayer either.  Funny sound bit aside, his ongoing attempt to distance himself from Wall Street's leveraged decade is pitiful.  You know my thoughts, as President of the New York Fed, Geithner was criminally negligent in his role as Wall Street's chief regulator.

Even Max Keiser agrees.

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EXPOSED: 'Crash The Tea Party' Infiltration Effort

Considering our previous story, I reserve equal anger for these bastards.

Check out the Keith Olbermann ass-kiss the founder has on his twitter page.

Feel free to trash this tool's Twitter account.

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GOTCHA: Carl Paladino Is A Racist: Tea Party NY Gov Candidate's E-Mails Exposed -- Racism, Porn, Bestiality

Carl Paladino racist

Carl Paladino is a racist.

Carl Paladino, the Tea-Party-backed Republican candidate for governor of New York, is a worthless scumbag racist.

Try suing me now, you bastard.  You're a public figure.  Besides, you'll have to get in line behind everyone else pissed off at the Bail.

As an original member of the Ron Paul Tea Party, I haven't taken especially well to the infiltration of the movement by well...a bunch of ignorant dumbasses.  Our brand is based on ideas not race, religion or ethnicity.  You have no idea the anger I have that the Tea Party movement has attracted and elevated cretins like Carl Paladino.

There are more exposures coming.  Today was step #1 in the reclamation of our ideals.  Racist tea partiers beware. You would be well-advised to get the hell out of the movement.  Forthwith.

We're just getting started.

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Afghanistan: The Permanent War (Bill Moyers With Colonel Andrew Bacevich -- Video & Transcript)

Exceptional discussion from Friday's Bill Moyers Journal.

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Daily Show: Fox Biz Anchor Liz Claman With Jon Stewart

Daily Show Video: FBN Anchor Liz Claman calls Wall Street a casino where the dishwashers have to pay for the bankers' insane bets -- April 1, 2010

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Monday Mid-Day Links (April 12, 2010)