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Tim Geithner Is A Worthless Piece Of Maggot Sh**T (Shockingly Offensive Bailout Rant From WalStreetPro)



Video:  If you haven't seen this before, buckle up...seriously

Yesterday's hearings were an exercise in frustration, anger and futility.  Then I watched some WalStreetPro and felt surprisingly better.  You do the math. 

If you don't like profanity, then don't watch.  Consider yourself warned.  And don't send me emails telling me I'm going to hell.  (I already know that and have made reservations.)  For the rest of you, get ready for a ride.

Give WalStreetPro a few minutes to get warmed up, and watch the clip to the very end.

For what it's worth, this is the video that helped to establish the Bail.  I found it late one Saturday night in January of 2009, during our first 2 weeks.  Close to 100,000 unique visitors saw it here during a 3-day stretch.

There are about 75 mildly amusing comments that go with the original story which you can read here if interested.  You can also see how I worked shamelessly to pimp the site (with links bombardment) to all the unsuspecting visitors.  Ouch.

NOTE:  To explain the site reference at the beginning of the clip -- this is not the original video.  The original was pulled by 'the youtube man' about 2 weeks after it was published (because of what Kevin/WalStreetPro does in the last 10 seconds).  It was so popular on our site that Kevin uploaded a new copy so viewers here could continue watching it, and the inconsistent 'youtube man' never found and deleted it.

We have since posted several more clips from WalStreetPro2.  I suppose you should click at your own risk.



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Reader Comments (7)

I would love to party with this guy if i havent already.
You know all the politicians and big banks used to at least try and
keep the average person confused and in the dark ,But now we
have come to the point were they are fucking us and make
no attempt to hide it.Its a known fact once a percentage of people
go with out jobs you see civil unrest. We will be there soon.

BTW the ceo of skank of america Ken Lewis however is name is spelled
is lucky he is not in my city.

Apr 28, 2010 at 9:42 AM | Unregistered CommenterJTS
glad you liked it jts...there are a lot of new readers who never saw his clips...and i love watching them in reruns as much as the first time...you should check out his other clips...
Apr 28, 2010 at 12:48 PM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
DB, I'm sure you've seen this already (Geithner could face criminal or civil charges in AIG cover-up), but I thought this little bit was pretty interesting, too:

A Democrat named by a Republican president, Barofsky says missteps by both the George W. Bush and Barack Obama administrations are to blame for TARP’s failures.

“There’s a reason there are Tea Partiers out there, and when you look at it, anger at the bailout is one of the first things they talk about,” says Barofsky, referring to the anti- Obama political movement. “This Treasury Department and the previous Treasury Department bear some of the responsibility for not being straightforward with the American people.”
Apr 28, 2010 at 1:04 PM | Unregistered CommenterJames H
yes..i saw the story late last night...and that was one of my favorite quotes...it was awesome...gotta love barofsky...he gets it...will be posting the story soon but the emphasis is the issue...how real are the chances of criminal or civil charges...i called barofsky's office this morning and couldn't get any answers from tehm..not surprising...they have to keep it close to the vest...if you ask me, i would say it's 50-50 whether we will get charges or just a report...
Apr 28, 2010 at 1:45 PM | Registered CommenterDailyBail


N. Carolina Hiker Bumps Into President, First Lady
David Knowles

AOL News (April 26) -- On a remote wooded path in North Carolina on Friday, a 65-year-old woman took a solitary hike. Little did she know she'd meet President Barack Obama and the first lady along the way. The chance encounter happened when Westerville, Ohio, resident Karen Russell was hiking the Mountains-to-Sea Trail just off the Blue Ridge Parkway, Asheville's Citizen-Times newspaper reported.

"It was just a little nondescript trail that I was on," Russell told the Citizen-Times, "and I didn't expect to find anybody there really, let alone the president."

Russell, who had also come to North Carolina on vacation, had already been on her trail for an hour when she noticed the cars on the parkway below. Then, in the middle of the forest, two Secret Service agents approached her.

After asking Russell if she minded being checked with a metal detector, the agents made sure her camera was real and not a concealed weapon. Once cleared, Russell could scarcely believe who she saw next.

"And then I probably went 10 feet and I couldn't believe it," she told the Citizen-Times. "I just looked up and I said something really stupid, like, 'Are you who I think you are? You are!' "

The Obamas shook her hand, and stopped to chat for a moment before wishing her well and continuing on their way.

"Talk about a strange meeting of time and space," said Russell, who told the president she had voted and campaigned for him in Ohio. "I was ecstatic, I really was."
Apr 28, 2010 at 2:15 PM | Unregistered CommenterZarathustra
Too funny...best clip I have ever seen!!!! Don't worry DB, you will not be able to post it.


This is the type of person who will be in charge of your healthcare in the very near future.

For those of you who don't know how two-faced a socialist is, watch this video over and over and over.
Apr 28, 2010 at 3:02 PM | Unregistered CommenterZarathustra
I think you right on this DB at 50 50 .Like to see them all strung up.Oh and Broke.
And if i ran into Old Bama on a trail mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm may not be typing this now.
Apr 28, 2010 at 3:19 PM | Unregistered CommenterJTS

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