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"You Know Something? You're A F-king A-hole": Iowa Man Confronts Gingrich (Video)

Ah, live confrontations are the greatest thing since Paulson's mangled pinky.

GOP presidential hopeful Newt Gingrich got an uncensored earful from an Iowa man during a campaign stop Tuesday.  In a moment captured on camera, the man, dressed in camouflage, approached the former House Speaker in a grocery store and told him to his face, “You know something? You’re a f–king asshole.”

Gingrich answers, “No I am not!”

“Yes,” the man said.

“It’s a free country,” Gingrich is heard saying as the clip ends.

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NYT Political Analyst Declares: "If Ron Paul Wins New Hampshire, All Bets Are Off"


VIDEO - Ron Paul Rips Michele Bachmann On The Tonight Show: "She Really Hates Muslims"

Video - Ron Paul with Jay Leno - Dec. 16, 2011

Short clip from Paul's appearance with Leno last Friday night.  The new leader in Iowa polling offers his thoughts on Bachmann, Gingrich, Romney and Huntsman.  Now just 14 days and counting until the Iowa Caucus, where we expect a relatively easy Ron Paul victory.  On PBS News Hour tonight, even GOP strategist Stuart Rothenberg, not a Paul fan, declared him the favorite to take Iowa.

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Adam Levitin Tells Congress: Citigroup, Bank Of America, JPMorgan & Wells Fargo Are All INSOLVENT

Transcribed inside. This is one of the more important clips we've posted, at least for those who still have an interest in banking truth.

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Fed's Lacker 'Chastened' By 2011 GDP Forecast Error, Admits Fed Policy Effects Inflation More Than Growth


If Ron Paul Wins Iowa It Doesn't Count - Fox News

Video - Chris Wallace Gets Blasted - Dec. 15, 2011

Fox News host Chris Wallace argues that if Ron Paul wins the Iowa caucus, the results become meaningless.  The best line from Cenk comes at the very end of the clip.

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VIDEO - 60 Minutes Edits Out Obama‘s Claim That He’s the Fourth Best President In U.S. History


Lloyd Blankfein Joins Occupy Wall Street

Not the greatest satire I've seen, but pretty entertaining nonetheless.

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Ron Paul Takes Lead In Iowa, GOP 'Frightened'


Tale Of The TARP Two Years Later: How The Elite Media Perpetuated The Lies


Senators Say Bernanke Promises Fed Won't Bailout Europe

SOURCE - WASHINGTON (MarketWatch) - Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke told Senate Republicans in a closed-door meeting Wednesday that he has no plans to bail out Europe, according a report on WSJ.com quoting Sen. Bob Corker, a Republican from Tennessee, who attended the meeting. "I think people walked away knowing he has no intentions whatsoever of furthering U.S. involvement in the crisis," Corker told reporters after the briefing. Bernanke also told lawmakers that the U.S. economy can be hit if Europe starts to unravel, said Sen. Mike Johanns, a Republican from Nebraska. Sen. Richard Shelby, the Republican chairman of the Senate Banking committee, said that the Fed chairman spoke with some candor about the crisis. "The situation is bleak," Shelby said.

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Larry Summers On Paul Volcker & Obama's Banking Proposal, Glass-Steagall Lite (VIDEO)

For the Volcker Rule to "work," nit-wit journalists have to start writing about it as if it's really about regulation, not simply playing politics with regulation. For the Volcker Rule to "work," we need to see another stupid cat fight between pundits on the "left" and those on the "right." For the Volcker Rule to "work," we need to get all worked up over whether the proposed regulation is "anti-capitalist," or whether it prevents "capitalism" from destroying itself.

For the Volcker Rule to "work," everyone in D.C. and the media must pretend that this is something besides another red herring to distract us from the real issues at hand, namely Too Big To Fail, ongoing taxpayer subsidies of Jamie Dimon and Lloyd Blankfein's salaries and bonuses, and the fact that widespread FRAUD continues to go unpunished at the banks while the banks continue to turn the screws on their customers with more and more fees.

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Bob Ivry On Bernanke's Trillion Dollar Honey Pot

PBS News Hour Video - Judy Woodruff with Bob Ivry of Bloomberg News - Nov. 30, 2011

Ivry helped write this story for the January edition of Bloomberg Magazine.


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Bank Bailout By The Numbers - $7.7 Trillion

From yesterday's broadcast of CBS Sunday Morning.  Runs 2 minutes.  For the hardcore news junkies among you, this is nothing new, but it's always a victory when stealth bailouts see some transparency, especially on a national broadcast.

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