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Ron Paul Takes Lead In Iowa, GOP 'Frightened'

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Reader Comments (10)

Silly knave, DB. Didn't you hear? Now that Ron Paul is the chalk, the great Iowa Stakes Race doesn't matter.

Dec 19, 2011 at 12:36 PM | Unregistered CommenterCheyenne
Good clip...especially the final comment from Cenk. Thanks Cheyenne. It's just that kind of madness from the corporate media that forced me off this site for a month. I think I might be getting an ulcer.
Dec 19, 2011 at 12:42 PM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
Newt loves illegals (amnesty) more than Americans (Newt wants to bring back child labor for US kids). Mitt thinks corporations are people (killing his general election chances). Ron Paul is the only candidate with a plan to end the TSA and end the endless wars for Israel, it all started a decade ago after a false flag attack.
9/11, US and Israel:
Dec 19, 2011 at 1:22 PM | Unregistered CommenterAllen
If Ron Paul wins the Republican primary and wins the Presidental election I doubt he makes it down Penn. Ave., heart attack?
Dec 19, 2011 at 2:29 PM | Unregistered Commenterdavid
The U.S. problem is essentially the same as GB's, except THEIR pile of castles and bling came directly from the blood of relatively unpaid slaves. GB's national debt is 1000% of GDP. Obama's handlers are doing it to us while killing our militias and federal troops. Obama is a Bush family boy-toy who was conditioned to do what the sheeple would never allow a White republican to do. And he is being used to run the U.S. into the ground with the CFRtv providing all the drek-muck thinking idiot America needs to totally FAIL like England..

The major churches of the U.S. are the catholic and protestant, Both of which together provide a mindlessly faithful group of runners to tacitly through herd instincts convince the rest of the general population that everything is O.K. and that people should follow suit and vote for certain candidates because thay mewl and prance so fine.. Vote like cattle. Sheep do not follow the shepherd. They follow the dominant ram, who is harassed by the shepherd's dog. Cattle follow the front of the herd which seeks open road or home. The Daily Bail does MUCH better than that.
Search the 12-15-2011 Benjamin Fulford-David Wilcock-Freedom Radio oddness. Cassidy from Project Camelot adds some material. Apparently 120 nations have had enough of the Rothschild central bank Whitey ripoff fiat currency business and the NWO and their attempted WWIII is destined to become just another cluster-f___ fantasy for the decadent royalty of Europe and the U.S. Bush cabal. The original 'anti-Central fiat Bank' suit was first filed in 1995, and manouvering has been changing things. Previously cultivated events like Fukushima, the DH oilwell blowout, 911, racist genocide, HAARP weather attacks, subsonic earthquake generation, etc., tend to really piss sane people off.

Dr. Ron Paul has been presented as the entity most capable of facilitating the complex transition. He looks physically stronger then he did and seems to have conquered the minor anxiety he previously displayed. Congress' approval rating had fallen to 9% on a Rasmussen TV poll. After declaring Martial Law and scrapping The Bill of Rights, the Rasmussen TV poll tallied a 6% approval rate. The pentagon is reported to be as pissed as hell itself at the mewling prancers. Maybe the sheeple are not as asleep as I think. Just lazy headed and cruel.
You already know that just because you don't understand something, does not mean that it does not exist. And we all know where sheep and cattle end up.
Ulcers are a bacterial infection that responds best to antibiotic therapy. Spices, worry, etc. merely aggravate the infection. Avoid junk food. Especially crispy, greasy things. One small bag of Lay's potato chips has as much grease as 10 bags of Pop Weaver's buttered popcorn and costs 4 times as much per unit.
Dec 19, 2011 at 9:16 PM | Unregistered CommenterHoward T. Lewis III
heart attack? ........................................................... I dident know you could shoot a hart attack out of a barrel......?
Dec 20, 2011 at 10:33 PM | Unregistered CommenterTexas Dar
My Tour Bus Mech. sais Dar, just "Buck Up", and do it.......Eat a clove of Raw Garlic everyday and it will help yr Lyme Dar.......It did the best of everything I've tryed, after I gave all the bus money to a Lyme Dr. and it did no good..........

Try it "DB", and wash it with a Vodcka- Club Soda, with 4 squirts of Real Lemon..............Bugs in yr belly Hate Garlic...! I have Chrons, just like you have only its farther down the swer-pipe.......

You may want to use my other "Rife Unit"..............it kills all the bad bugs in yr gut.........that and the garlic has done the best for me so far. I evan recorded 5 cd's after i started to feel better.......now im gona start flying again and I know I'll be save in the sky's.........

Before the Raw Garlic n Rife Machine, I knew better than to drive big trucks, Bus's, Fly Airplanes, or take a Wizz, by my self..........Im Doin Good, but still for get to put the toilet seat down..........
Dec 20, 2011 at 10:50 PM | Unregistered CommenterTexas Dar
Interesting post on Nixon.
Dec 21, 2011 at 4:45 AM | Unregistered Commenterjim3981
As a Gunnery Sergeant of Marines I would GLADLY provide personal security to a great man like Dr. Ron Paul. There is no doubt in my mind if he wins he had better pick either his son or Gary Johnson so the policies remain the same when the attempts come! America watched as the Military Industrial Complex had Kennedy murdered and an attempt on the next "can't win" president Reagan. Those "wacky conspiracy theorists" are more correct than the average media propaganda spoon fed American!
Dec 21, 2011 at 8:28 PM | Unregistered CommenterGySgt P

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