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A Tournament, A Tournament, A Tournament Of Lies (REM Live Athens, Greece 2008 And Several More)

REM with Bruce Springsteen "Man On The Moon" -- classic performance -- plus 5 more songs.

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Gross Negligence: BP Under The Microscope (Must See)


BP Cut Corners on Safety, Design of Gulf Rig (PBS Video)


Geithner Defends TARP, Says Loss To Taxpayers Will Be $109 Billion (VIDEO SUMMARY, Transcript)

PBS Video:  Elizabeth Warren & Tim Geithner square off -- June 22, 2010

Treasury Department Secretary Timothy Geithner defends TARP before Elizabeth Warren and the Congressional Oversight Panel in testimony earlier this afternoon.

Solid summary clip runs 2 minutes.  Plenty of soundbites.

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VOTERS REVENGE -- TARP Bailout vote could claim two more GOP lawmakers

Hillary and John both supported and lobbied aggressively for TARP, though neither one had the mental capacity to understand it.  Much like Sarah.

We warned you.  There was a reason that calls to your offices were running 99:1 against bailing out Wall Street in the Fall of 2008.  And this year it's our turn to vote.  So, buh-bye.

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Save Me, Obama (Song)

Video:  Obama song parody to the tune of Lady Madonna

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The Republican Presidential Problem

What's the problem?  They don't have a candidate that voters like according to a revealing new poll from Rasmussen.  Hillary Clinton beats them all.  Easily.

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Wanted For Telling The Truth -- WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange breaks cover but will avoid America

US desperate to ask 22-year old founder of WikiLeaks what he knows of classified messages about Iraq and Afghanistan wars.  Julian Assange spoke to the Guardian in Brussels after emerging from a month in hiding.

This is a great story, in case you've not been following along.

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NEWS ALERT: We Regret To Inform You That The Next Congressional Budget Has Been Cancelled


Deficit Austerity Everywhere But The U.S. -- Simon Johnson On European Spending Cuts (PBS Video & Transcript)

Video:  Simon Johnson & Sophie Pierson -- PBS -- June 17, 2010

Excellent short interview from PBS News Hour last week.  Though there are signs Congress might finally be listening to voters regarding their distaste for annual $1.5 trillion deficits, we're still not actually doing anything about them.  It's just chatter at this point, from both sides, with neither having put forth anything close to a formal plan.  On the other hand, somewhat shockingly, the UK and Europe are taking their recent brush with Euro collapse rather seriously.  Moderate cuts in public expenditures are being approved daily in capitols across Europe.  Good on them.

They've gotten serious, and we're still bloviating for more wasteful stimulus, that simply, honestly, logically, isn't working.  In advance of Thursday's G-20 economic summit in Toronto, Geithner and Obama can't shut up about the need for 'continued, coordinated global stimulus,' meanwhile Angela Merkel laughs in their faces to the German press.  I love it.  Can't get enough of it, candidly. 

While Krugman, Delong and Keynes still hold some sway within the White House, pretty much no one else agrees or even seems to be listening to their pitiful cries, which by the way are really more about politics and keeping Democrats in power than anything else. 

Yes, Europe.  Cradle-to-grave Europe, having turned a deaf ear toward Washington, could now teach us something about political cojones.

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BOOM -- The harrowing tale of the BP rig workers and the Coast Guard crewmen who rescued them

Lost in the catastrophic aftermath of the Gulf of Mexico oil spill is the gripping tale of the rig workers and the Coast Guard crewmen who rescued them. 

Sean Flynn re-creates their long, harrowing, heart-pounding night.

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The Life And Career Of The Great Manute Bol (WATCH)

Four clips inside of the acclaimed humanitarian Manute Bol, including thoughts from Charles Barkley.  If you are unaware of the story, Bol gave all his career earnings, tens of millions to Sudanese charities and died penniless.

  • "He was a wonderful person. He would always talk about the civil war going on in Sudan, because he was sending all of his money back to Sudan," Charles Barkley, Bol's teammate on the 76ers and an NBA analyst for TNT, told CNN's Don Lemon. "I can honestly say I never played with a better person," Barkley said.

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The Beholden State: How Public Sector Unions Bankrupted California (MUST READ EXPOSE)

By far the best story I read this weekend.  Well-researched, well-sourced, outstanding journalism.  I'm excerpting only a small portion of the piece.  I highly recommend you read the entirety.  In fact, follow the link below and read it at it's source -- there are 3 more cartoons as well.

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Music of the sun recorded by scientists (LISTEN)

The universe is talking.  The sun is hot and needs a can of Mountain Dew.

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