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BP DISASTER: Leaked Internal Documents Say Spill Could Be 100,000 Barrels Per Day

This is not a huge surprise considering Matthew Simmons said last week that the spill might be as large as 120,000 bpd.  But the internal documents provide more proof that BP executives, including yacht-racing afficionado Tony Hayward, have been strategically lying and low-balling the figures since day one.

More photos inside.


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Al Qaeda's American-Born Spokesman Criticizes Obama, Warns Of New Attacks 'Deadlier Than Before'

Al Qaeda

Al Qaida militant Adam Gadahn, (2008 photo), released a new video Sunday attacking President Obama and listing the terror group's demands for peace.

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CBO STUDY: Middle Class (Not the Rich or the Poor) Pay Majority of Federal Taxes


Simon Johnson: Dead On Arrival -- Banks Win, Wall Street Reform Fails, Obama & Geithner Deserve Blame

Brand new op-ed from mega-bank antagonist Simon Johnson.

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Tickling The Political Ivories -- New Songs From Palin, Obama, Bush & McCain

Video:  Obama song by Guy Magic Fingers

  • "Yes we can."

Relax, it's Friday.  Four short songs -- five minutes total.

And before you send me those emails.  There are no favorites here.  These 4 individuals are among the worst politicians our country has ever seen.  Each one a partisan hack in a 1-party system.  Next.


Have you heard:


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Audit The Fed Update -- Ron Paul Responds To House, Senate Compromise (WATCH)

Video:  Ron Paul demands a FULL audit of the Federal Reserve -- June 9, 2010

Compromise article from the WSJ, 3 short clips and a transcript.

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BP Spills Coffee 

Watch out for Kevin Costner.

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Taleb & Roubini Talk Debt, Indebted Grandchildren, & Double-Dips (Video & Transcript -- MUST SEE)

PBS News Hour Video:  Taleb & Roubini discuss the odds of a very lengthy recession -- June 15, 2010

Terrific clip from Tuesday night.  Have been saving it all week.  Transcript is inside.

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Greenspan Demands 'Tectonic Shift' Toward Fiscal Restraint, Says Deficit Is Top Priority, Compares U.S. Debt To Greece

In a WSJ op-ed, Greenspan turns his back on Krugman & Keynes.


There are 2 fair reactions to Greenspan's editorial published this morning at the WSJ:

1.  You accept his voice now firmly on the side of fiscal restraint.


2.  You ignore him because he was an architect of the bubble.

I'm going with option #1.  Anyone who takes on Krugman, Delong, Yglesias & Keynes gets my support.  For the record, Keynes advocated fiscal discipline and surpluses during growth periods to be balanced by deficit spending during recessions.  But fiscal discipline has never existed in Washington, being counter-intuitive to a lobbying culture built on spending and government giveaways.

Henry Blodget still thinks both sides of the deficit debate are simply shouting 'over each other.'  I have pointed out that he is missing the more fundamental aspect of the debate -- our side, that of fiscal restraint, does NOT accept the basic premise of our opponents -- namely, that government spending, at least in this debt-deleveraging recession, actually creates any meaningful private sector jobs.

The stimulus just isn't working.  (Economist Eric Falkenstein explains the failure.)  Pardon the language but we're pissing into the wind, and it's blowing  right back at us in the form of the ever-expanding national debt ($5 billion more each and every day) to be handed to your children.

We've tried and spent, and then spent some more.  And nothing.  It's time for the New Zealand approach (please read it).  And I'll take Greenspan, despite his past sins.  We can despise him all we wish, but the fact remains that the MSM still respects him and his word, and so he is a useful voice on the side of fiscal sanity.

Quotes and links inside.

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Like Paulson With TARP, An Offer BP Couldn’t Refuse

This one pretty much speaks for itself.

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State pensions becoming federal issue; Bailout cost potentially more than $3 Trillion

And if the U.S. stock market doesn't return to old highs soon, the problem is going to get much worse, very quickly.

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FLASH CRASH: Move Along, Nothing To See Here, Our Machines Work Perfectly



NEW YORK -- Erroneous trades briefly prompted shares of The Washington Post Co. to more than double in value Wednesday afternoon, triggering for the first time new circuit breakers put in place by the Securities and Exchange Commission after the "flash crash" that sent markets plunging last month.

A NYSE Euronext official said that trading in Post Co. stock was halted at 3:07 p.m. after three apparently erroneous trades went through NYSE Arca, an all-electronic trading platform. Two of the trades were for $919.18 per share, and another went through at $929.18 per share.

The company's shares had been trading at roughly $455 before the three transactions. Trading in Post Co. stock resumed five minutes later, at $453.25 a share.

It is still unclear exactly how the error occurred. NYSE Euronext officials say that millions of transactions take place daily and that a small fraction mistakenly take place at a price that neither the seller nor buyer intended.

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More Than 90 Banks Miss Scheduled TARP Payments

Big jump from last quarter.

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Learn To Love A U.S. Debt Default: It Could Be The BEST Thing That Ever Happened To This Country (Chris Whalen Saw It Happening Back In 1992)

It's not nearly as crazy as you might think.  We have thoughts on the unthinkable from Matt Yglesias, Chris Whalen, Bruce Bartlett and John Tamney.  The ultimate collection of deficit hawks, well except for Bartlett and Yglesias.

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