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VOTERS REVENGE -- TARP Bailout vote could claim two more GOP lawmakers

Hillary and John both supported and lobbied aggressively for TARP, though neither one had the mental capacity to understand it.  Much like Sarah.

We warned you.  There was a reason that calls to your offices were running 99:1 against bailing out Wall Street in the Fall of 2008.  And this year it's our turn to vote.  So, buh-bye.


WASHINGTON — One Republican senator lost his job because he voted for the 2008 bank bailout. Two other GOP lawmakers may be next.

Former President George W. Bush's lifeline to financial institutions is roiling GOP primaries, with Republicans who reluctantly supported it facing the ire of conservatives furious about budget-busting spending and tea partiers grousing that Wall Street came before Main Street.

Yet some GOP primary voters seem to be ignoring all that in what's shaping up to be an anti-establishment election year. Republican and Democratic pollsters alike say that when it comes to the bailout vote, people seem to see Washington and Wall Street in the same light — conspiring against taxpayers.

That's especially problematic for Republican lawmakers who face an electorate dominated by fiscal conservatives and tea party faithful. Thus, in dozens of House, Senate and gubernatorial races, Republican lawmakers are struggling to explain their support for a bailout that to many symbolizes government overreach.

"I had to make a decision based on the information that I had at the time. And I did. And I voted for it," four-term Rep. Gresham Barrett said last week, repeating a poll-tested answer during a South Carolina gubernatorial debate after opponent Nikki Haley asked him if his vote were a mistake.

He added: "Was it implemented like it should have been? No, it wasn't. And I am going to continue to fight to ensure that every dollar is returned to taxpayers and it never happens again."

Polls show Barrett trailing Haley — a state legislator who has the support of tea party activists — ahead of Tuesday's runoff for the GOP nomination. She beat him handily two weeks ago but didn't earn the 50 percent needed to win the nomination outright so the two are going head to head in a contest growing nastier by the day.

South Carolina six-term Rep. Bob Inglis, who also voted for the bailout, also finds himself explaining his bailout vote.

Challenger Trey Gowdy campaigned as a bailout opponent and made the race a referendum on Inglis' vote, casting the incumbent as not conservative enough for the district. Gowdy, the Spartanburg prosecutor, forced Inglis into a runoff.

Americans always were skeptical of the $700 billion package that Bush rolled out in 2008 after a series of bank failures. Any support that was there for the measure dropped significantly as top officials at bailed-out institutions were paid handsome bonuses and high salaries.

Public opinion is more sour even though the economy has stabilized — and the bailout price tag isn't nearly as high. In May, the Treasury Department predicted a $105.4 billion cost because it has made more money than it expected on dividends, fees and other proceeds from banks that took bailout money.

Still, two-thirds of Americans say the federal government shouldn't have helped U.S. banks and financial institutions, according to a CBS poll taken in May. And a CBS-New York Times survey in April found that only 39 percent said the bailout was necessary to emerge from the recession; 51 percent said the economy probably would have improved without it.

The warning shot to lawmakers who voted for the measure came last month when Sen. Bob Bennett lost his quest for a fourth term in conservative Utah. Conservatives at the GOP state convention punished him for his support of the bailout, officially known as the Troubled Asset Relief Program.

Businessman Tim Bridgewater and attorney Mike Lee will face each other Tuesday in the GOP primary. It's likely whoever wins will become the next Utah senator. A Democrat hasn't won a Senate race in Utah since 1970.

Earlier this year, the issue contributed to Texas Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison's loss in the Republican gubernatorial primary in Texas against Gov. Rick Perry; she was derided as "Kay 'Bailout' Hutchison."

Arizona Sen. John McCain is facing similar criticism.

He is taking heat for his vote from his GOP primary rival, former Rep. J.D. Hayworth, who points out McCain's support for the measure at every turn. Says Hayworth: "Despite trying to propagate a perception of fiscal responsibility, our friend Mr. McCain is in no position to lecture any of us."

McCain rails against the bailout but doesn't highlight his support of it. He recently told an audience in Arizona: "As much as I respect former President Bush, America was told that if we passed this TARP, they would go to the housing market and stabilize the housing market. Instead, what did they do three days after it was passed? They went and bailed out their financial buddies on Wall Street, who are now doing fine."




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Reader Comments (10)

Jun 22, 2010 at 10:53 PM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
Jun 22, 2010 at 10:57 PM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
Using Icebergs to Mask a Cooling Economy

Design firm uses icebergs to hide stalled construction


Interesting story...
Jun 22, 2010 at 10:59 PM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
Funny thing about McCain. When during the financial crisis, he first "suspended" his campaign to rush back to Washington, McCain allied with House Republicans to kill the TARP bill. I thought at the time that act had just won the election. But he believed Paulson's BS and later caved. Thus we got president Obama instead. I hope to see both of them at the unemployment line.
Jun 23, 2010 at 8:47 AM | Unregistered CommenterJohn S
Hemp kingpin ditches Amsterdam for Denver
Ah lets not confuse hemp and canibis .Just make it legal already .How much money we waste on people who we
put in jail for weed.
Jun 23, 2010 at 8:51 AM | Unregistered CommenterJTS
I'm surprised by how little outrage there is for 0% interest rates on savings. I'm not sure how to do the math, but my hunch is that this stealth Bank bailout cost American savers more than the $700B TARP. And unlike TARP, it's here to stay instead of a one-time deal. (And the idea that we need 0% interest rates to stimulate the economy is non-sense. It's a transfer of wealth to banks, nothing more.)

So, let's do the world a favor and also kick out the idiots that support 0% interest rates.
Jun 23, 2010 at 11:24 AM | Unregistered CommenterEnm
Funny thing about McCain. When during the financial crisis, he first "suspended" his campaign to rush back to Washington, McCain allied with House Republicans to kill the TARP bill. I thought at the time that act had just won the election. But he believed Paulson's BS and later caved. Thus we got president Obama instead. I hope to see both of them at the unemployment line.


excellent point john...i remember the flip-flop all too well...mccain switching to support saved tarp...he deserves to lose his seat...
Jun 23, 2010 at 12:05 PM | Registered CommenterDailyBail

we've covered these issues so many ways that sometimes i don't put everything into one story...but the 0% interest rates are allowing the banks to coin money since they lend it right back to the treasury at 3-4%...so good point...
Jun 23, 2010 at 12:45 PM | Registered CommenterDailyBail

How Hillary and Bill Clinton enjoyed DOTCOM BUBBLE Fraud along with AL GORE now a Billion dollar thug man

They were praising Greenspan in all DOG PONY HEARING SHOWS on all Media Shill Networks

and now: Hillary screams What? And Bill Screams I should have never listened to RUBIN & LARRY SIMMERS?Lol

Is Alan Greenspan a National Security Risk?
Politics / Central Banks
Jun 24, 2010 - 06:25 AM

By: Fred_Sheehan

(Reuters) - "Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on Thursday said 'outrageous' advice from former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan helped create record U.S. budget deficits that put national security at risk." -February 25, 2010

Alan Greenspan lamented U.S. budget deficits in the Wall Street Journal on June 18, 2010 ("U.S. Debt and the Greece Analogy"). For an analysis of Greenspan's flapdoodle, Barry Ritholtz covered the turf on his blog, The Big Picture. The former Federal Reserve chairman should have withheld comment, given his personal contribution to the nation's poverty-stricken state.

Jun 24, 2010 at 1:50 PM | Unregistered CommenterKen
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Jul 24, 2013 at 6:20 PM | Unregistered CommenterRamsey18Gail

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