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Wall Street Hiring Spikes As The Big Bonus Returns


WE WARNED YOU: Angle Attcks Reid Over Washington's Bailout Culture (VIDEO) 


Ratigan: "The conflict of interest is intact, the leverage is still there, and too big to fail still exists; It won’t stop the bonuses, and it won’t create jobs." (VIDEO)

Video:  Dylan Ratigan on Morning Joe yesterday -- June 25, 2010

Two videos -- an excerpt (hand-built) that runs less than 2 minutes, plus the complete clip.  And the transcript.  Awesome performance.

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Bernanke Poised To Set Printing Presses To 'Monster QE Overdrive'; Internal Fed Printing Limit Revealed

Ben Bernanke

This can't be a surprise to astute readers.  Guess the internal Fed QE limit as leaked to Ambrose Evans-Pritchard and published this afternoon. 

Also, who said the following in 2002:

  • "The US government has a technology, called a printing press, that allows it to produce as many US dollars as it wishes at essentially no cost."

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Chris Whalen On Financial Reform: Goldman Might Give Up Bank Holding Company Status (VIDEO)

Video:  Chris Whalen with the CNBC Fast Money crew -- Friday June 25, 2010

Always helpful to hear from Whalen.  There is no better pure banking analyst anywhere.  Barry Ritholtz is part of the discussion.

By the way there is rumbling tonight that the much ballyhooed financial reform bill could be in trouble.  There are 2 problems -- Scott Brown is angry about $18 billion in last minute taxes, and Robery Byrd is gravely ill, thus endangering the Democrats 60-vote core. 

It's still not clear that Byrd that Byrd couldn't vote by proxy, or pull some other "I've been here for six decades" maneuver.  I've always assumed he would continue voting once dead, anyway, so I can't imagine a mere hospital stay would stop him.

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Student Vs. Politician: Interview Gone Wrong (Comedy)

This one pretty much explains itself.  It's a mismatch from the beginning -- no politician stands a chance against a well-informed high school journalist.

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Obama Is Disappointed About The Jobless Recovery & Failed Stimulus (Must See Comedy Clip)

NOTE:  This is NOT the same Bob Knight clip that I've shown previously.

Obama is Coach Knight.  This could also be Krugman, Geithner & Summers all reacting to fiscal austerity from Merkel and the rest of Europe.  The action gets going at the 30-second mark.  As usual with Bobby Knight -- Profanity Warning -- don't watch if you don't want to hear F-bombs.


Did you see:


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Obama, Palin, McCain -- Dance Off (Guess Who Wins)

Written & directed by David Morgasen.

This was made during the campaign and has 11 million views on youtube.  I hadn't seen it until tonight.  More Saturday night comedy.  Palin comes in at the 2-minute mark.  Don't miss the final comments from Obozo and McIdiot.

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Lost Generation -- Truth Upside Down (WATCH)

Video was created for the AARP U@50 video contest and placed second.  Based on the Argentinian Political Advertisement "The Truth" by RECREAR, which is inside.

Maybe some of you have seen this before -- though it was new to me.  Thanks to William for the email.

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WATCH LIVE -- Reuters Live Blogs The G-20 Protests (Awesome Photos)


BUSTED: Biden Calls Ice Cream Store Manager Who Told Him To Lower Taxes A "Smartass" (CLIP)


Saturday Afternoon Reading (June 26, 2010)

Same format as usual.  I am placing all the links in comments below.  They are in no particular order.


Click HERE to see the articles (47 total)  >>


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The Daily Bail Launches A New Site Section -- VIDEOS


The WSJ Big Interview: Sheila Bair (Don't Miss This Clip)