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The WSJ Big Interview: Sheila Bair (Don't Miss This Clip)

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Video Excellente:  FDIC Chairwoman Sheila Bair talks to WSJ economics editor David Wessel -- Recorded yesterday afternoon -- June 25, 2010

  • "Unsecured creditor's of a failed bank must be hurt."

Awesome stuff.  Listen closely, she talks fast.  Set aside a few minutes.

Sheila should have been in charge of TARP, not Paulson.  Bank bondholders luckily escaped her wrath, and were treated to par.  Geithner and Paulson protected bank creditors instead of taxpayers.  It was an early recurring theme that I wrote about often.  Later this afternoon when I have time I will update this story with links.

I'm sure you've already had your fill of financial reform fallout.  But here's 2 more:








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