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Obama Is Disappointed About The Jobless Recovery & Failed Stimulus (Must See Comedy Clip)

He explodes at the 30-second mark.



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Wow, this guy is a piece of work. What a joke.
Jun 27, 2010 at 2:18 PM | Unregistered CommenterZarathustra
Second "jobless recovery" in 10 years, maybe the 50th or 60th "jobless recovery" will work...
Jun 27, 2010 at 6:05 PM | Unregistered CommenterS. Gompers
Will someone make a comment on the clip...i can't believe nobody thought it was funny.....cause i'll be f&*^ing disappointed...
Jun 28, 2010 at 12:16 AM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
Bobby Knight is known for his Tourette's syndrome which he has managed to convert into a colorful career-lifestyle. It's funny in its way but it's beyond his control except that he has learned to "surf the wave" of his uncontrollable outbursts to build a successful career. He was a great basketball coach and a colorful personality whom most of his players and fans learned to love.

It stops being funny when you see the real behavior of most Tourettle's sufferers whose lives end in disaster because of their uncontrollable need to scream obscenities and make odd gestures.

Look at the YouTube clip (which is a film dramatization) I provided and then look at some real-life sufferers listed there, and you will still laugh but in a different way: It's just as frightening as laughable when you realize how much most human behavior is dependent on brain chemistry.

But Bobby Knight's career also shows how we can overcome our brain chemistry and lead successful lives. Knowing that, I probably laughed as hard as you did. Bobby liked to make people laugh with his antics so I'm sure he would laugh along with us as he always has.

He also said many, many things that his basketball cohorts wanted to say but were afraid to say and even though most of them pretended to be scandalized a lot of the time, most loved him and still do --- and were secretly happy that he said them.
Jun 28, 2010 at 1:37 AM | Unregistered CommenterJames Street
Compared to people who have moderate to severe cases of Tourette's, Knight's is obviously pretty moderate, and for all I know he denies having it. (I haven't read any confessions at least.)

Not that I'm afraid of being sued, but I'll make a disclaimer anyway: This is only an opinion which has not been approved by the FDA. It's not intended as a medical diagnosis. I'm not a doctor. Please see your medical provider before you swallow this opinion or any other of my opinions. (I would love to have a Bobby Knight moment right now.)
Jun 28, 2010 at 2:02 AM | Unregistered CommenterJames Street
knight has never tried the excuse of tourette's ...he needs to start using it...

i've mentioned before that i'm friends with his oldest son tim...so i know some stories...knight's problem is his temper and his lack of fear of anything or anyone...

when guy walks around without fear of anything, one can expect fireworks...
Jun 28, 2010 at 2:16 AM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
I've had experience with people with borderline brain disorders and they often go undiagnosed. Knight and a lot of other people exist on the normal/pathology border and it is easy for them to fake it most of the time. (He doesn't have noticeable ticcing for example.) But they can cause a huge amount of damage, usually to themselves and their family, mostly because they do NOT admit that they have a problem and therefore, almost by definition, can't deal with it in acceptable ways.

From a distance Knight seems like lovable and very funny guy but I would hate to be his son. I played a lot of basketball myself and I had some pretty domineering and strange coaches but nothing like him. However, most basketball players who are stars at the college level, and especially in the league Indiana plays, have very strong egos. I've never heard of any of his players breaking down and crying (but they probably felt like it.)

If I were you I would do a little research on the topic and talk about it with his son the next time you see him. It would probably help him psychologically. Knight himself is almost certainly too old and set in his ways to change but it can be very helpful for a child or relative of a person like that to understand the physiological component in the disorder.

I'm not trying to say that Knight has no responsibility for his character. Far from it. Only that he and people like him face challenges that "normal" people don't.
Jun 28, 2010 at 12:58 PM | Unregistered CommenterJames Street
James...you say...From a distance Knight seems like lovable and very funny guy but...

Does that mean you know Knight personally?

How do most of the guys who have played for him feel about him?

Has he ever talked to you about how he feels about being stereotyped by the media?

Does he understand that one of his friend's questions his character?

This is a very interesting topic, thanks for your input.
Jun 28, 2010 at 2:17 PM | Unregistered CommenterZarathustra
Sorry, correction...

Does he understand that one of his friends questions his character?
Jun 28, 2010 at 2:18 PM | Unregistered CommenterZarathustra
i will answer some of your questions zara...knight's former players love him...he is extremely intelligent...he raised tens of millions for the iu library...his favorite charity...he does not have tourette's or even a mild form...i would have taken your point more seriously james...i just thought you were kidding...

watch him on espn doing college games and studio work...there is no brain disorder...

i explained it before...bob knight delighted in being a bully...it tickled him that he could frighten people and get his way...he is smart and arrogant...he did not fear a single soul in teh state of indiana...which was his downfall...his friends include the king of spain, both george bushes, the late ted williams, tony larussa....mundane things bored the shit out of him...like his sunday tv show which is the clip above...he used to abuse the host chuck marlowe like no tomorrow...more of his bullying...i've seen every show i think...hundreds of shows...the live donkey he brought on the show wearing the purdue hat was the greatest stunt of all time...i'll post that clip one day...

he's a complicated man...easy to love or hate...but the truth is somehwere in the middle, like with all of us...there's a lot to respect, admire and appreciate about bob knight...and also a lot that can leave you scratching your head...
Jun 28, 2010 at 2:51 PM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
i can tell you know a lot about knight, zara...what are your thoughts...
Jun 28, 2010 at 3:01 PM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
When I said "from a distance, Knight seems like a very funny and lovable guy" I meant from the distance of not knowing him and only seeing him on TV.

For all I know, up close and personal he is unbearable. I've never met him so I wouldn't know.

I can say that I don't think it's nice to see borderline Tourette's syndrome as bad, in itself. But even borderline Tourette's can wreck some lives. However, most, who don't have debilitating tics and body movements, end up leading more creative and productive lives than the rest of us, on average.

Knight is obviously such a person. As I said, from a distance, he seems like a very nice man who cares about his players and the game of basketball, probably about his friends and family and seemingly about not much else and certainly not about public opinion.

To repeat, mild Tourette's syndrome is nothing to be ashamed of and can't be used as an excuse for a bad character anyway. For all I can see Knight has a good character but, as is the case with all of us, he is responsible for his own character and his brain physiology isn't, unless we/he allow(s) it to be.

I should not have said I wouldn't want to be his son. My father died when I was three years old and I'm sure it would have been a great privilege to have Bobby Knight as a father (I would have had much better shot at making it to the NBA also :)
Jun 29, 2010 at 2:36 AM | Unregistered CommenterJames Street

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