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Michel Lewis On 60 Minutes -- Wall Street: Inside The Collapse (Video & Transcript)

Video:  From tonight's 60 Minutes broadcast -- Michael Lewis writes about a handful of Wall Street outsiders who realized the subprime mortgage business was a house of cards and found a way to bet against it -- March 14, 2010

I always wondered what happened to Tabitha Soren.

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Radio Appearance Tonight With Larry Doyle of Sense on Cents @ 8PM EST

Larry Doyle of No Quarter Radio has invited me back.  We will be discussing Lehman, health care, financial reform and more.  Tune in tonight at 8pm EST.

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Start listening at the 9 minute mark.

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Latest Intrade Odds On Obamacare Passing Next Week

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Closed today at 45 but up to 60 (representing a 60% chance of House passage) in all recent after-hours trades.  I assume there will be trading all weekend as we head into a vote early next week.

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John Stossel On Government Run Health Care (VIDEO)

Video:  August 2009

When Stossel was still with ABC.  Short clip.  Obama and Pelosi have decided to push for a vote next week.  Get ready to dial Congress Monday morning.  It's going to take everyone's best effort.

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Sen. Byrd Annihilates Reid & Pelosi's Attempt To Use Reconcilliation To Pass Health Care: "NEVER, NEVER, NEVER" (Must See Video)

Video:  Senator Robert Byrd -- March 10, 2010

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Nancy Pelosi Press Conference: House vote on health care may come as early as Monday (VIDEO)

Video:  Nancy Pelosi committing political suicide -- March 12, 2010

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Sean Penn Tells Bill Maher: Reporters Should Be Jailed for Calling Chavez 'Dictator' (VIDEO)

Updated on Mar 12, 2010 at 6:07 PM by Registered CommenterDailyBail

Video:  Sean Penn on Bill Maher -- March 8, 2010

UPDATE:  Earlier today Penn had a problem with a reporter's question.  We have the reporter's iPhone video.  Pretty solid entertainment as Penn is forced to confront the insanity of his recent comment that he "hopes his critics die of rectal cancer."

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Senator Bob Corker On Dodd's Decision To Break From Negotiations On Financial Reform (VIDEO)


On Wall St. Bonuses Max Keiser Asks: "Barack Obama Have You Lost Your Mind" (Goldman Sachs Toilet Paper Clip)

Video:  Max Keiser -- February 26, 2010

Classic Max Keiser on bonuses for Blankfein and Jamie Dimon and Obama's comparison between Wall Street CEOs and elite professional athletes.  You will be a better, happier person for watching this clip.  Guaranteed.

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Links: Suck My Goldman Sachs (PHOTO)


Dodd Goes It Alone On Financial Reform (Ratigan Video)

Video:  Dylan Ratigan with Senator Ted Kaufman

Chris Dodd's decision to produce a new, go-it-alone bill early next week, will allow us to see precisely where the retiring Senator stands on the question of the Consumer Financial Protection Agency (CFPA).  Will he propose an independent agency with rule-making authority and enforcement power, or an emasculated blob housed within the Fed or Treasury, as had been proposed during failed negotiations with Republican Senator Bob Corker?

Excellent clip.

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GMAC Bailout Update: New Report From Elizabeth Warren Says Taxpayers Could Lose $6.3 Billion On Failed Lender

Video:  Chair Elizabeth Warren of the TARP Congressional Oversight Panel introduces the March report, The Unique Treatment of GMAC Under TARP -- March 11, 2010

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Harry Markopolos: "The Only Job I Would Take At The SEC Is Chairman" (VIDEO)


Unlimited Credit Card Interest Rates (VIDEO)

Video:  Why do credit unions have an interest rate cap of 18% but banks have no limit?

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