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Jake Towne for Congress -- The Lesser Of Two Tyrannies Is Still Tyranny (VIDEO)

Republicrats beware.  This message bleeds truth.


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UPDATE: Disgraced Robert Rizzo Set To Become Highest Paid Retiree In California Public Pension System

Riding the public gravy train to perfection -- Rizzo gamed the system and won.  Big Time.  Just wait until you read how big.

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The Real Reason Tim Geithner Is Afraid of Elizabeth Warren

Blistering op-ed from financial crisis author John Talbott, and a video battle between Warren and Turbo that you really don't want to miss -- hint: Geithner gets his arse kicked by the kind professor from Harvard.  Take a minute to read Talbott's analysis -- the banks are still massively insolvent, and Timmy exists to protect the turf of failed bank management.

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Still Hold A Grudge Against Geithner? Here's Your Last Opportunity To Piss Him Off Royally Before He Starts Taking Paychecks From Goldman

Rarely are we so lucky as to ascertain what our enemy fears most.  Geithner opens his heart of darkness, and we now know how to make him very, very angry, and more than a little bit frightened.

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The Feinberg Report and "The Wisdom of TARP"

Ken Feinberg appears on stage Friday to announce that 2008 bank bonuses were "ill-advised," but assures us of "the wisdom of TARP."

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Bernanke's Opening Statement -- We're Turning Japanese (Transcript & Video)

Chairman Ben S. Bernanke

Semiannual Monetary Policy Report to the Congress

Before the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, U.S. Senate, Washington, D.C.

July 21, 2010


Clip of Turning Japanese by The Vapors also on the flip.

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Dylan Ratigan: "Sen. Judd Gregg Is Lying To Your Face About Profits From TARP" (Must See CLIP)

Outstanding clip from last week.  Runs just 3 minutes.  Ratigan sets the record straight as he attacks Sen. Gregg for pushing the Wall Street fabrication regarding TARP payback.

  • "So when someone like Sen. Gregg starts lying to your face about how much money they made us with their bank giveaways, tell him he's $2 trillion short, and we can talk about the interest they owe us later."


There has been prior conflict:


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BUSTED: Dozens More Fannie Mae Employees Got 'Sweetheart Mortgages' Via Countrywide's VIP Program

Story and another cartoon on the flip.

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Meet California Public Employee Robert Rizzo: News of His $800,000 Salary (And 12% Annual Raises) in City of 38,000 Causes Riot (VIDEO)

Community groups were demanding the resignation of Bell's city council members, most of whom make $100,000 a year; police chief, who makes $457,000; and city manager, who makes $787,637.

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Tuesday Afternoon Reading (Amusing Hillary Clinton Photo, 47 Links, July 20, 2010)

Updated on Jul 20, 2010 at 7:39 PM by Registered CommenterDailyBail

Same format as usual.  I am placing all the links in comments below.  They are in no particular order.


Click here to see the articles (55 total)  >>


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Great-Grandson of Alexander Graham Bell Sentenced To Life In Prison For Spying For Cuba Against U.S.

A former State Department analyst, a privileged great-grandson of Alexander Graham Bell who became a spy for Cuba, defended his decades of work for Fidel Castro before being sentenced Friday to life in prison.

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Stimulus 5.0


Latter-Day Keynesians Have Learned Nothing (New Op-Ed From Niall Ferguson)


FT's Martin Wolf: The Great Austerity Debate (VIDEO)