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Jake Towne for Congress -- The Lesser Of Two Tyrannies Is Still Tyranny (VIDEO)

Republicrats beware.  This message bleeds truth.





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Reader Comments (6)

Amazingly, Rush then said something many in the patriot movement have said for some time now — establishment Republicans are as threatened by the Tea Party movement as Democrats. “So all of you looking at the Tea Party thinking it’s the Republican Party’s salvation, the Republican members of the ruling class are just as threatened by the Tea Party as the Democrats are. Because the Tea Party is outsiders; the Tea Party is not in the big clique; the Tea Party does not want to be in the big clique. The Tea Party wants to wrest power away from the big clique. The problem, and as Mr. Codevilla’s piece points out is, what vehicle does the Tea Party use?” said Limbaugh.

It appears Limbaugh has had himself an epiphany. Let’s hope he continues along this line. The only way to save the country under the current political system is to have millions of Republicans and Democrats defect from the establishment — the ruling elite — parties and vote Republicans and Democrats out of office and replace them with principled independents who are sworn to uphold and follow the Constitution.

Jul 26, 2010 at 12:59 PM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
Oooh Oooh!

That map at the beginning of the video - I live on that Map! Not in Towne's district, however.


Rush has never, and will never get "it" You torment me yet again!
Jul 26, 2010 at 9:36 PM | Unregistered Commentermark mchugh
Holy credit default swaps, Batman! Rush Limaugh and I are reading the same shit! Except, when the revolution comes, I want to see his fat carcass caged like a circus monkey where we can all throw rotten fruit at him. (Put his cage right between Glenn Beck's and Sean Hannity's.)
Jul 26, 2010 at 11:10 PM | Unregistered CommenterJames H
"Republican members of the ruling class are just as threatened by the Tea Party as the Democrats are. Because the Tea Party is outsiders; the Tea Party is not in the big clique; the Tea Party does not want to be in the big clique. The Tea Party wants to wrest power away from the big clique."

Lets hope it stays that way, they are still flirting with some insiders. But then, we know what the bankers manifesto will attempt as well...

Hi James H., good to see you back. I agree with you on Rush.

Rushes detractors also have a point when they complain that he got off with a slap on the wrist after obtaining thousands of Oxies under false pretenses, a result they find especially galling in light of his general support for the war on drugs and his specific support for incarcerating drug users. "Perhaps the only way for draconian drug laws to change," says Drug Policy Alliance Executive Director Ethan Nadelmann, "is for people like Limbaugh to join other nonviolent drug offenders behind bars."

Rush is a hypocrites hypocrite, and many nonviolent offenders are in jail because of his rants and goading on the conservative side, as long as the "laws" do not persecute the "special" people. To me, he has always been a monkey in a cage, and I know you all know how much I like monkey's...




Jul 27, 2010 at 5:14 AM | Unregistered CommenterS. Gompers
Gompers you are right on about Rush Limbaugh. Years ago I was listening to his show, and he going on about some kid who had been in a serious car accident and ended up addicted to morphine. The kid had broken into a pharmacy to get some morphine and got caught. His attorney got him reduced charges, a suspended sentence and probation. Rush had a twitterpated rant and said the charge should have stayed a felony and kid should have done jail time. He said being addicted was not an excuse for a felony and the kid should have been made an example, to warn other drug addicts such behavior would not be tolerated.

Truth is back then I thought he was right.

Today I realize he was and still is as full of crap as a 3 hole outhouse.
Jul 27, 2010 at 9:28 PM | Unregistered CommenterSagebrush
"Today I realize he was and still is as full of crap as a 3 hole outhouse."

Hey, better late than never. Now take that lesson that you've learned about idolizing the wrong person and henceforth from this day on; apply it to EVERYONE!
Jul 28, 2010 at 3:11 AM | Unregistered CommenterRecoverylessRecovery

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