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Memo To Erin Burnett - Shut Your Banking Apologista Pie Hole And Get Your Facts Straight On The Bailout, Seriously!

Updated on Oct 6, 2011 at 10:23 AM by Registered CommenterDailyBail

This clip is a must see.  Fairness and Accuracy In Media has now responded to Erin Burnett.

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Barry Ritholtz: The Left Right Paradigm Is Over! It's You Vs. The Corporations

cartoon of corporate fat cat

Barry is right.  It doesn't matter which party runs the show -- the real power on Capitol Hill is entrenched within the Military-Industrial Party, the Agriculture Party, the Banking Party, the Big-Energy Party, and Big Pharma & Insurance.

They win.  You lose.  No matter who is in office.

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Max Keiser: "Goldman Sachs Are Scum That's The Bottom Line" (Best Keiser Video Of All Time)

Classic, brilliant Keiser.

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SIGTARP Report - Bank Of America, Wells Fargo, Citigroup Left TARP Early To Avoid Restrictions On Executive Pay

Bank of America was especially persistent, submitting 11 separate exit proposals to the Federal Reserve Board in less than a month.  And now, less than 2 years later, BofA's stock is at $7, Citigroup is $2.70 (adjusted for perception-boosting reverse 1:10 split) and both will need billions more in taxpayer funds to survive.

Full story inside.

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Ron Paul With Dylan Ratigan: "Boomshakalakah! 100k Signers In One Week As The Anti-Money Wave Surges"

Video - Ratigan With Ron Paul - Oct. 5, 2011

This is an outstanding interview - Runs 4 minutes.

Check out the website and sign the petition:

The quote in the headline for this story is the lead from Ratigan's newest op-ed published yesterday and printed inside.

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Former CEO John Reed Apologizes For Creating Citigroup 'Monster'

I'll give Reed some credit; his honesty in the face of the devastation he helped create is preferable to Lloyd 'just call me Jesus' Blankfein's ridiculous traipse through the maze of public scrutiny on the heels of the $13 billion AIG stealth bailout, and the decision to soon pay out $20 billion in bonuses at the end of Goldman's fiscal in November.

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VIDEO - Fox NY News Crew Beaten By Police While Covering Occupy Wall Street - #OWS

Here's more footage of last night's NYPD melee near Wall Street.  This clip provides a timeline and explains how the situation turned violent.  Runs 90 seconds.

Details and video inside.

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VIDEO - MASSIVE Crowd At Foley Square - Protests At #OccupyWallStreet Are Growing

Runs 30 seconds.  Check this out - This is what revolution looks like.

Short clip from last night demonstrating that Wall Street protests are gaining momentum.

More videos are inside including a raised view of last night's police beatings.

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VIDEO - Peter Schiff With Jeff Macke: "Gold Is Real Money, Everything Else Is Just A Substitute"

Video - Peter Schiff with Jeff Macke - Oct. 5, 2011

"The U.S. Dollar is worse than the Euro..."

Quotes inside.

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GRAPHIC VIDEO - NYPD Thugs Beat Wall Street Protesters In Baton Wielding Melee, Dozens Arrested

This clip runs 40 seconds and is very graphic.  This all happened last night.  Full story and more video inside.

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Dexia Bank - Shares Halted Amid Massive Decline (LINKS)

Dexia is one of Europe's most troubled banks.  The first domino is falling.

SAN FRANCISCO (MarketWatch) -- Shares of French-Belgian bank Dexia were halted pending a news release, according to NYSE Euronext. Shares in Brussels fell more than 17% before they were halted. Earlier, Dexia said it has entered into negotiations with a group of investors to sell off its Luxembourg unit. Before shares were halted, Bloomberg News reported that Dexia planned to break itself up to protect its Belgian depositors and its municipal-lending business in France. The Wall Street Journal cited local news reports that the Belgian government was moving to nationalize the bank's domestic unit.

Stories from around the web Thursday:


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VIDEO - NYPD Cop On Wall Street Brags: "My Little Nightstick Is Going To Get A Workout Tonight, Hopefully"

Video runs 30 seconds.  An NYPD officer is caught on camera talking about how he hopes to beat #OccupyWallStreet protesters.  His dreams came true as you will see inside.

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The Problem With Kucinich's Plan To End The FED

We've discussed this effort from Kucinich in the past:

Watch this clip all the way through.  It doesn't make sense.  For example, Kucinich makes a reference to a "permanent supply of money, that will not be inflationary."  That is complete and utter nonsense.  This is the core of the problem if Congress gets rid of the Fed. 

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VIDEO - CBS Evening News Covers 'Occupy Wall Street'

The corporate media has been slow to cover the Wall Street protests, though NBC has been giving a few minutes nightly with Brian Williams.  Today, for the first time, CBS News picked up coverage, and the report was pretty solid.

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