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Ron Paul With Dylan Ratigan: "Boomshakalakah! 100k Signers In One Week As The Anti-Money Wave Surges"

Video - Ratigan With Ron Paul - Oct. 5, 2011

This is an outstanding interview - Runs 4 minutes.

Check out the website and sign the petition:

The quote in the headline for this story is the lead from Ratigan's newest op-ed published yesterday and printed below.


Boomshakalakah! 100k Signers in One Week as the Wave Surges

We have reached our first threshold!

One hundred thousand of us have decided to GET MONEY OUT of politics once and for all by forming the foundation of a massive nationwide wave.

This is a monumental task that we can only achieve with a single shared long-term goal: To force debate and passage of a Constitutional amendment to ban all private money in politics.

And a laser focus on our short-term actions: Sharing this undertaking by making digital waves to reach out to one other person to tell them what we are doing and why. My ONLY objective between now and next summer's Presidential conventions is to make this group BIGGER.

As you know there is a massive wave developing around the issue of our democracy being sold at auction in the election process (94% of the time the top money-raiser wins); there is a critical need for all of us to align to intervene to save ourselves and our country.

Today tens of thousands of "occupiers" are marching and walking out in a single wave of protest. Anger and frustration are rampant -- but it is only if we can put the positive harness of real action on this wave that can free all of us from this bought system.

We are being heard and winning support, but we at this point are people bringing a knife to a gunfight with a heavily financed auction-based democracy. Which is why, the most immediately impactful use of our collective communications power and energy -- is to devote all of it -- to helping others understand why WE are doing this and ask them to consider joining us.

One hundred thousand is the perfect number to start that process and we share unprecedented tools for information sharing with each other -- a tool that has never existed before -- we must deploy it. For us, it is only if we are massive, aligned around a single pinprick of agreement that we stand a chance. The possibilities for growth are unprecedented and spectacular!

Our greatest barrier to growth is two-fold:

Our own decision to invest time and energy in growing. If every one of us doesn't make the decision to tell at least one other person about GetMoneyOut.com -- we will not benefit from asymmetrical growth. (100k...200k....400k....800k...1.6m...3.2m...6.4m...12.8m....25m...51.2m...102.4m!)

But to do this will require an unprecedented level of TRUST, RESOLVE and PATIENCE among us as partners. This is why as this develops it will continue to be run transparently, with integrity.

I've hired former lobbyist, Jimmy Williams to move this project forward. You'll be hearing from him shortly. I have hired the law firm of Morgan Lewis to secure the trademark's to "Get Money Out." This will allow us to issue non-commercial licences to all who want to sell T-shirts/bumper stickers etc. and to create a bullet-proof integrity policy to ensure that neither I or anyone else can forfeit to potential of this singular group so we can all win the trust of our fellow Americans and GET MONEY OUT!

We know our country stands at great risk, but we also have massive untapped potential.

Let's seize it.



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Reader Comments (8)


You can read the comments at huffington post on the progress being made...

We are gaining on these bastards.
Oct 6, 2011 at 2:29 PM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
Sure it's true that most of our national politicians, from the president on down are bought by large business, and the local selectman is bought by a local business; so what, that's the way things have been getting done all over the world for centuries. The trouble only started when certain politicians realized they could give away entitlements to the have nots in exchange for votes and it compounded over the last 40 years to the unsustainable point we're at today. No to mention, everyone who has ever worked in any aspect of the public sector continue to feed at the taxpayer trough forever from the day they retire to the day they die. This isn't how things work in the private sector and it shouldn't be that way business is conducted in the publc sector either. As politicians all over the country are finding out now, the taxpayer is not a bottomless pit of money.
Oct 6, 2011 at 3:42 PM | Unregistered Commentersteever99

H.R. 2755: Federal Reserve Board Abolition Act
110th Congress: 2007-2008
To abolish the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System and the Federal reserve banks, to repeal the Federal Reserve Act, and for other purposes.

Sponsor: Rep. Ronald Paul [R-TX14]
Oct 6, 2011 at 11:51 PM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
Oct 9, 2011 at 7:28 AM | Unregistered CommenterCheyenne
Great link, thanks Cheyenne.
Oct 9, 2011 at 12:22 PM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
Thank you for the Ron Paul info. Please do more positive stories on him and why he is tremendously popular.
Oct 9, 2011 at 11:42 PM | Unregistered CommenterTLR
Yes, get $ out of politics, but also elect our president by popular vote.
Oct 10, 2011 at 12:04 AM | Unregistered CommenterTLR
Good stuff as per usual, thanks. I do hope this kind of thing gets more exposure. ymlgpe ymlgpe - <a href="http://www.mulberryalexa.org.uk">mulberry alexa</a>.
Nov 24, 2011 at 9:48 AM | Unregistered Commenteruuyxuj uuyxuj

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