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VIDEO - Occupy The Federal Reserve In Dallas

Alex Jones is wrong in his criticism of Occupy Wall Street.  The Federal Reserve is a huge part of the problem, no one disputes this, but that doesn't make the protests in New York and all across the country, any less valid.  Protests against Wall Street bailouts and the Fed are both positive steps on the path to enlightenment, and they can co-exist in harmony, as evidenced by Occupy Chicago and Boston.

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CNN's Jack Cafferty On Wall Street Protests: "This Isn't A Joke! Media Would Be Well Advised To Take This Seriously"


Bernie Sanders: "Mitt Romney Is Right, Class Warfare Is Being Waged In America Today, The Problem Is That The Wrong Side Is Winning"

Video - Bernie Sanders with Keith Olbermann - Oct. 5, 2011

I am by no means a Socialist, but Sanders makes a solid point, though his solution could use some work.  The problem is that taxes and spending are both too high, except for taxes paid by U.S. corporations who utilize loopholes provided by a captured Congress.

Sen. Bernie Sanders takes issue with Mitt Romney's definition of class warfare, saying:

  • "Class warfare is being waged in America today - the problem is, the wrong side is winning." Sanders continues, "In America now you have the most unequal distribution of income and wealth of any major country on Earth, with the top 400 wealthiest people owning more wealth than the bottom 150 million Americans."


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Memo To The Media: It’s Not 'Anti-Capitalist' To Protest An Industry That Was Saved By Trillions Of Taxpayer Dollars

Videos, photos and links.  There's something in here for everyone.

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The WSJ's Evan Newmark, A Former Goldman Sachs Executive, Thinks Wall Street Protesters Are Buffoons

Newmark is wrong on several counts in the above clip, the most egregious example being his assertion that Wall Street bears no responsibility for the massive increase in the national debt, in stark opposition to accepted fact as Simon Johnson discusses below.

From Simon Johnson Destroys The Myth Of Jamie Dimon's Bernanke Complaint:

The realized downside risks, as handed to the taxpayer, should be measured not merely as the cost of the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) or Federal Reserve rescue plans, but in terms of the increase in the national debt the financial crisis caused.  According to the Congressional Budget Office, the financial crisis will end up increasing government debt by at least 40 percent of gross domestic product. (I’ve covered the details of this calculation elsewhere; this point is not controversial among fiscal experts.)

So, to turn Dimon’s question around, we know that previously low capital requirements led to social losses (those borne by taxpayers) in the trillions of dollars, as well as millions of jobs and homes lost, while the private gains were in the low billions.

Read the rest HERE...


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VIDEO - Ron Paul Speaks On The Wall Street Protests

Runs 2 minutes - Quotes transcribed inside.  From earlier today at the National Press Club.

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Dylan Ratigan: Our One Demand

Check out the website:


Read the Ratigan editorials at the following links:

Ratigan With Denninger - Editorial #1

Ratigan With Ron Paul - Editorial #2


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Herman Cain: "Don't Blame Wall Street, Don't Blame The Big Banks, If You Don’t Have A Job And You’re Not Rich, Blame Yourself"

Herman Cain is the former Chairman of the Kansas City Federal Reserve and has said publicly that the Fed shouldn't be audited, though he has changed his tune recently.

“I don’t have facts to back this up, but I happen to believe that these demonstrations are planned and orchestrated to distract from the failed policies of the Obama administration. Don’t blame Wall Street, don’t blame the big banks, if you don’t have a job and you’re not rich, blame yourself! … It is not a person’s fault if they succeeded, it is a person’s fault if they failed.”


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MUST READ EDITORIAL - Protesters Arrested While Wall Street Crooks Go Free

Scathing, blistering, truth-telling op-ed from columnist David Weidner.

This is awesome.

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How To Clear ALL The Crooks Out Of Washington In Less Than 30 Seconds - Guaranteed!

Some Friday humor.  This ought to elicit a few laughs.

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BUSTED: TARP-Loving, Wall Street Puppets - New GOP Leadership Caught On Tape

Delivering a big fat dose of truth, all of it conveniently, caught on tape.

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VIDEO - Kudlow & Coulter Call Protesters 'Criminals' While Avoiding Discussion Of Wall Street Crimes

CNBC Video - Larry Kudlow, Ann Coulter On Occupy Wall Street Protests - Oct. 6, 2011

Nonsense as ususal from Larry Kudlow and Ann Coulter, who choose to ignore the issues raised by the #OWS protests and instead focus on the mundane and trivial criticisms seen repeatedly from the corporate media these past 2 weeks.

Allow us to summarize the complaints emanating from Liberty and Zucotti Parks:

  1. Ongoing TRILLIONS in stealth bailouts of Wall Street via the Fed and U.S. Treasury
  2. No criminal prosecutions of financial fraud
  3. Corporate control over BOTH political parties

This isn't rocket science, people.  End the bailouts, put the crooks in jail, and get the money out of politics.  Problem solved, and the protests will end.

Otherwise, it's going to be a long 2012.


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Ratigan Schools Barack-Loving Progressive: "Obama Works For Goldman Sachs & Wall Street, Get Over Your Nonsense That Democrats Are Any Better Than Republicans!"

Video - Dylan Ratigan Deals In Political Truth - Sep. 20, 2011

Clip has not been posted before.  This is another must see.  Start watching precisely at the 4:30 mark - Runs 2 minutes from there.

  • Ratigan nails the Republican and Democratic factions of the one-party Kleptocracy known as Wall Street. If you still believe in left-right puppet show, get to the nearest mirror and shout "KNAVE!" until the mythical recovery arrives.

Fully transcribed inside.

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IMF Senior Advisor Warns: "In The Absence Of A Credible Plan We Will Have A Global Financial Meltdown In Two To Three Weeks"

Runs 4 minutes - Don't skip this.  Hide the kids, this is for real.

Partially transcribed inside.

BBC Video - Robert Shapiro who advised Presidents Clinton and Obama, and who currently advises the IMF, predicts a cascading meltdown of the global banking system starting with sovereign debt in the Eurozone, affecting the U.K. and then finally bringing most major banks across the globe.

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