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Jon Stewart Vs. Bill O'Reilly: The Unedited Version (VIDEO)

Does Jon Stewart have Obama remorse.  Part ideological discussion part comedy.  Aired Tuesday night.  Don't skip this one.

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Stephen Colbert Goes To Washington -- Best Moments From Congressional Testimony (Video Collection)

Video:  Colbert explains his true motives -- More video inside

This is the only clip in which Colbert breaks character and talks as himself.

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Whatever Happened To Limits On Leverage -- Dylan Ratigan Destroys Christina Romer (Must See Video)

Awesome short clip.  Runs 2 minutes.

Make sure to read this story from the NY Times on Henry Paulson's role in the SEC rule change (2004) that allowed leverage to expand from 12:1 to 100:1 for only the 5 largest investment banks.

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Penn & Teller Explain Obamanomics -- Video: Spreading The Pie


"When You Try To Please Everybody, You're Going To Lose your Ass!"

It's Friday, relax.  A series of life lessons from Coach Bobby Knight.  Give him a chance.  Excellent speech.  Great Michael Jordan story from when Knight coached him in the '84 Olympics.

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Obama's Latest Stealth Bailout -- $30 Billion For Community Banks -- Disguised As Help For Small Business

Subterfuge and sleight of hand.  It's a bailout of smaller, regional banks who made ridiculous loans on strip malls and assorted commercial real estate garbage.

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The Official GOP 'Pledge To America' -- Same As It Ever Was (Talking Heads Video & Official Scribd Document)

Scribd document.  Talking Heads Live.

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The Wall Street Money Machine: CDOs Interlocking Ownership (ProPublica Reports)

Merrill Lynch CDOs

Brand new from ProPublica.

  • "I'll buy your crap and you'll buy mine."
  • "And we'll both report higher sales."
  • "Then we can both have bigger bonuses."
  • "Sweet.  See you on the tarmac at 3 pm."


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First Blood for Elizabeth Warren -- Unregulated Derivatives Being Sold To Your Grandmother

The bell has rung.  Round 1 begins.

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Max Keiser: "Geithner Is Smelling The Vapors Of His Own Delusions. This Man Is Psychotic!" (VIDEO)

Max Keiser

New clip.  Outstanding interview with Yves Smith of Naked Capitalism.  Keiser goes nuts demanding Goldman Sachs bonus clawbacks.

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Check Out This List Of Bailout-Loving Replacements For Larry Summers (A Detailed Look At The Candidates)


FDIC bailout crim -- GE's Jeff Immelt -- headlines the list. 

Not incidentally, Immelt serves proudly on the Board of Directors of the New York Federal Reserve.  Wall Street-captured, bailout-loving criminals, apologists and charlatans.  Every single name.

Photos, links, truth.  Short clip of Chris Whalen calling Geithner 'clueless and inept.'

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Treasury nets $213M on Lincoln National TARP warrants

The TARP saved Lincoln Financial and other insurers from extinction.  You have achieved full payback plus warrants for their privilege of doing business with Taxpayers, Inc.  Lincoln is likely still insolvent if forced to value assets and liabilities at market value.

Excellent clip from David Faber on insurer bailouts at the bottom of the story.

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We Say Sue The Bailout-Sucking, Bonus-Paying Bastards! Foreclosure Fraudster GMAC Got $18 Billion In TARP Funds It Has Yet To Pay Back!

Lawyer up!

Inside we have an update from the Washington Post on yesterday's story.  Fannie & Freddie are involved (find out if they own your mortgage).  If you've lost your house to foreclosure, it's time to call a lawyer.  You might have a case against your mortgage provider.  This is the dirty little secret of the foreclosure industry -- lost paperwork means forged documents. 

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Elizabeth Warren & Henry Blodget On The $18 Billion Bailout Train Wreck At GMAC -- Tim Geithner Screwed Taxpayers Once Again (VIDEO)

Another gift from Geithner to the politically connected.  We've got proof.

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