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Max Keiser: Apple Has More Cash & Greater Market Cap Than U.S. Government

Video - Max & Stacy On Apple's Cash And Overseas Jobs - Aug. 2, 2011

A slightly different take on the bounty of Apple's balance sheet.  A related story (somewhat) from Yves Smith today:

Software Outsourcer Infosys Sued for Alleged Large Scale U.S. Employment Fraud


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Dylan Ratigan On The Grand Political Delusion: "Wake Up America! Both Parties Are The SAME! Six Industries Control Everything! It's Time For Independents To Rise!"

Video - Dylan Ratigan On Independent's Day - July 4, 2011

Corporate crapitalism.

Watch at least the first few minutes of this clip.  The intro is outstanding.

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Must See Visualization Of U.S. $14T Debt, Congress Just Gave Obama $2 Trillion To Spend Before Next Election, Newt Gingrich's MAJOR Twitter Embarrassment


Social Security Reform Bill Encourages Americans To Live Faster, Die Younger

New report from The Onion released last week.  This is pretty funny.

The new law will remove restrictions on cigarettes, drugs, and alcohol as well as provide tax incentives for seniors who bungee jump and skydive.

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CHART: Sovereign Credit Default Swaps Pricing

Then click on any individual CDS price.

Monday evening I discussed the derivatives nightmare scenario in which the U.S. is downgraded and a default event occurs leading to payouts on U.S. CDS which could run into the hundreds of billions, given the trillions in Treasuries hedged by institutions.


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60 Minutes - John Boehner's Deficit Pledge

Runs 1 minute

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China Rating Agency Downgrades U.S. Debt, Pelosi Says VAT Tax Is 'On The Table', Rand Paul Says Budget Will NEVER Balance, Faber Says New Bear Market Has Begun (LINKS)


ANONYMOUS Gets Involved In Sunny Sheu Murder Case

New video just released by ANONYMOUS and posted on our forums.  For complete background on the murder of Sunny Sheu, see the following link:

Activist Sunny Sheu Killed After Reporting Death Threat From NY Foreclosure Judge Joseph Golia


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Chris Whalen: Why The Debt Ceiling Crisis Is A GOOD Thing

Whalen gets it right, while others cry in their miserable pool of panicked hyperbole.

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Max Keiser: "Obama Defaulted On The U.S. Constitution; Christine Lagarde Is A Debt Junkie; Round Up The Bankers And Throw Them In Jail"

Video - Max Keiser - July 10, 2011

Transcript is inside.

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Lie From Campaign Obama On Ending The War In Iraq: "You Can Take That To The Bank" (VIDEO)

Video - Barack Obama Campaign Promise - October 27, 2007

  • "I will promise you this, that if we have not gotten our troops out by the time I am president, it is the first thing I will do.  I will get our troops home.  We will bring an end to this war.  You can take that to the bank."

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DEM Party Supports Institutionalized Looting By Banks, Obama Raises MORE From Wall St., EU Says No Bailout For Italy & Spain, Elizabeth Warren Run For President? (LINKS)


Economist Carmen Reinhart With Bloomberg's Tom Keene

Carmen Reinhart, senior fellow at the Peterson Institute for International Economics, talks with Bloomberg's Tom Keene.  They are joined by BNP's Julia Coronado.

Runs 7 minutes.

On the debt ceiling debate, social security and the economic outlook.

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Raise The Debt Ceiling Rap - Debt Crisis Gets A Theme Song

Video - Read more here.  The lyrics are actually pretty decent.  Most of you will be pleasantly surprised.  A collaboration of libertarian Reason Magazine and Remy Munasifi.

"You're looking for some cash it's about to get heavy / I got some big ol' piles of money and guess what -- they shovel ready."  Complete lyrics inside.

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