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Max Keiser: "Obama Defaulted On The U.S. Constitution; Christine Lagarde Is A Debt Junkie; Round Up The Bankers And Throw Them In Jail"

Video - Max Keiser July 10, 2011


Press TV: The IMF chief hopes that in Washington there is enough bipartisan intelligence and understanding of the challenge ahead of the US and the rest of the world. Do you think America will default at the end of the day? 

Keiser: Christine Lagarde is a debt whore. She sees the world in terms of how much debt she can create. The IMF is there to create debt. The problem is debt…0 She will do anything for debt. 

Press TV: Why do you think the situation has reached this point? Would you say the American lawmakers have taken the budget issue hostage? 

Keiser: Barack Obama has defaulted on the US Constitution. The solution is to round up the corrupt bankers who are pushing more debt and to throw them in jail. The former IMF Chief Dominique Strauss-Kahn was a financial rapist and he has been replaced with a debt whore. This is not going to solve any problems in terms of the austerity measures that are being forced on people like the people in Greece unfairly, because they did not incur the debt, the debt whores incurred the debt. That is why they are revolting. 

As John Locke said in 1690, when the social contract is broken, the people must revolt and that is what the people must do now.



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Reader Comments (27)

Max pissed me off when he called Americans pussies. That really bugged me.

But at least he's a man for coming out and saying what he thinks. Unlike that fetid bag of smegma going around by the name of Jamie Dimon. I've got gophers in my overgrown yard who'd make a meal of the head of JPM. Has this country lost its shit or what?

Where are the Roykos, the Menckens, the Thompsons, the Buks?

When in the flaming hell, in other words, did being an American man who eats chili dogs and runs his mouth out loud become a crime? Seriously, I have to watch a show produced by a 5'4" tall dude in Paris for reality? Really?

Getting old is par for the course. I knew it was coming. Defeated is dehumanized, which wasn't part of the bargain.
Jul 12, 2011 at 1:19 PM | Unregistered CommenterCheyenne
"Amen" to what is above: Essay on The Era of The American-International Banker Ponziophile (Pleonexiaphile)-June 2, 2011

The Wall Street Gang and The Big Banks Gang (American and International, IMF, World Bank et. al-exceptions are LOCAL community banks) have lied to us and stolen from us. It is as simple as that. The Regulator elements, such as The Fed (private) and the Federal regulators (public) and many elected officials have been The Facilitators in this Co-Dependency of Corruption……The Mainstream Media and The Neoconservative Media Lies to us about employment and other economic indicators, telling us how everything is improving……Not so.
Some years ago (not too many) individuals and then gradually (maybe not so gradually), as the “collective ethic” changed, Wall Street and The Big Bankers realized that there was MUCH MORE MONEY and money which could be made MUCH FASTER AND EASIER if they just by-passed employment and production of REAL GOODS AND SERVICES and just made money out of money (Because of powerful, unreasonable unions and government regulation, as well as some other factors, much of America‘s former economic might of goods and services has been exported offshore anyway)………Hence, the various “Instruments” were created: “Ponzi A” rated, “Ponzi B” rated and so on, going far down the line to “Ponzi Z,” rated bonds, thus creating 26 times the original wealth, let’s say (since there are 26 letters in the English Alphabet-36 letters in the Russian alphabet, take note).
Nothing will change SIGNIFICANTLY until these guilty people are investigated, prosecuted, convicted and put in jail. And they should not be put in Country Club Jails, like Bernard Madoff, but they should be put in REAL jails like the one where DSK recently resided, Riker’s Island. These people are “Ponziophiles” who have reeked havoc on The Entire World and have caused suffering and even death, to millions of individuals……………………
I am a capitalist. Capitalism is good but some men are not motivated by good, employing their capital and their ideas in helping others by creating employment and other positive contributions to society. These Ponziophiles have been consumed with Pleonexia, unbridled greed and covetousness, making/taking money out of other peoples’ money. This is not capitalism. This is “Ponziophilia,” and it is immoral, indecent and shameful.
There are some Good Men and Women who are trying to make this happen but until IT ACTUALLY DOES there will be little confidence in the “confidence men” of Wall Street, OR The Banks, OR The Fed, OR The Treasury OR “The Fantasy Island of Economic Indicators/Statistics.”
These people are “Ponziophiles” and should be sent to Riker‘s for Rehab! (You read “Ponziophiles” here first. I “coined“ the term today, as well as "Pleonexiaphiles.") PUT GOLD AND HONESTY BACK INTO WALL STREET, THE BIG BANKS, OUR ELECTED OFFICIALS, AND OUR CURRENCY. (When the CEO's of these Big Banking Institutions are getting yearly bonuses 100 times what I am asking for a piece of God's Created Earth*** as a Reward for lying to the Citizenry and stealing from American children's futures that happens to be behavior which is 2 short of The 10 Commandments Moses brought down from another piece of God's Created Earth.)

……………………..............Leo M. McCormick……………………………….....

“I tremble for my Country when I reflect that God is just.”------Thomas Jefferson.

This essay is not endorsed by Ron Paul but I endorse Ron Paul for President 2012.……….”End the Fed”……….Back the Dollar with Gold………..(The Silverton Gold Mining Company L.L.C.---contributor)...............................................................

***A property I am selling on my website www.SilvertonGold.org

Jul 12, 2011 at 1:36 PM | Unregistered CommenterLeo McCormick
For the most part, if you shut out the bluster, Max usually nails it. But, I would take it a step further--first clawbacks, then jail. This is somewhat promising:



I don't have to lecture you on Americans; however, I will say that, for the most part, Americans may not be pussies, but they are doodle-eating, soda-drinking, TV-addicted, vapid, ignorant, broke and overweight morons. I would guess 80% of Americans have no idea what the Fed is, or what it does. Cannot say that about "Dancing with the Stars," or "Survivior," or "The Celebrity Apprentice," or any of the other garbage on the boob tube...

...and I would also guess that H.L. would be disgusted, but not surprised...
Jul 12, 2011 at 1:48 PM | Unregistered CommenterJosie
Thanks for that link Josie...
Jul 12, 2011 at 1:56 PM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
Pussies? That is a euphamism for what I'd call them. They havent done $$$$ to demand the law be respected or stand up for their rights. That is why the crimes have gotten this bad. The citizens themselves are as corrupt as their govt. Yes it is corrupt to shrug your shoulders, whine and watch Am Idle while the fire is roaring overhead.

50 million people put a moratorium on all your credit card payments. For 6 months. Can guarantee these bankster f*$$$$ would be groveling at our feet in half that time. But pussies say "ohh I could get in trouble". Not realizing they're in a whole heap of $hit already and the pile is only going to deepen. "But my credit rating"! Soon your credit rating wont mean diddly squat either. The people in US want a life of ease, entertainment, and porn and they want it all with no investment for free.
Aint happening. No pain no gain.
Jul 12, 2011 at 2:49 PM | Unregistered CommenterIRS, Interrupted
@IRS...the problem is getting 50 million to follow thru...1 million could be done...but there aren't even 10 million paying attention to these issues...
Jul 12, 2011 at 2:54 PM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
nice link again josie...
Jul 12, 2011 at 2:55 PM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
Yes, thank you for the "clawback" article. Still "on topic" but a different angle...........Glenn Beck was in Israel a few days ago saying that His God is Their God...........When Loyd Blankfein says he is doing God's Work..........Which God is that? I would appreciate it if someone could clarify this Theological Conundrum..................By the Way, well said up above Cheyenne.
Jul 12, 2011 at 3:00 PM | Unregistered CommenterLeo McCormick
Max is correct.

The above comments are correct.

Rothschild and his zionist oligarch banking associates (a defacto crime syndicate) control the Fed and 192 other private central banks (of a total of 197 countries) through fractional fiat and usury. They also control the IMF, BIS, the World Bank and the WTO. It is them who carried out 9/11, Spain-train bombing and 7/7 for geopolitical gain through Mossad and the domestic secret service of the country attacked. Al-Qaida is a deliberate zionist MSM myth.

The coming global economic meltdown (read collapse of the dollar and all fiat currencies in the world) is to force everyone on earth to cry out for the implementation of a one world government and a one world currency.

If you succumb you and you familly will literally become slaves.
Jul 12, 2011 at 3:51 PM | Unregistered CommenterMouser
Mouser, so that is the real meaning of the "In GOD We Trust" on the U.S. Dollar Bill? Thanks for the illuminating answer to my question........So they want a World Theocracy, I mean World Currency, correct?
Jul 12, 2011 at 4:38 PM | Unregistered CommenterLeo McCormick
Glen Beck working for the same god that Christine LeGaarde appears to work for (add her to the list of IMF bosses with a conspicuous loyalty).
Jul 12, 2011 at 6:25 PM | Unregistered CommenterPaul
In the event your question is not rhetorical: yes.

It is actually a false theocracy because as Jesus Christ states in the book of revelations: You who call yourselves Jews but who are not, you are the synagogue of satan - which I believe refers to the ashkenazi/khazarians who are completely devoid of semitic origin. The white khazars converted to judaism ca 700 AD. They are not semites such that the term "anti-semitiic" is a complete misnomer.
Jul 12, 2011 at 6:48 PM | Unregistered CommenterMouser

I agree with him though. We are pussies. Well a lot of us are. See, the broken system that corrupted lawmakers are trying to fix has created the middle class and the poor. We are too concerned with our own personal problems because the system was designed to keep us like this. As a result, nobody thinks for themselves. They trust corrupt leaders and talking heads. Those corrupt leaders and talking heads are criminals. Criminals belong in jail. The system doesn't need to fix, it needs to fail. When it fails we can replace it with something that works. The middle class and the poor will be unaffected. Only the rich stand to lose not only their money but their power over the people.

The fact that people like my dad in his 60s had not idea just how bad this system really is (he didn't know the Federal Reserve was a private non-government organization) despite living through problem after problem, unemployment, losing homes, bankruptcy, etc. is concerning. You would think people would realize they are being conned by now. The fact that they aren't and the fact that people aren't doing anything makes them pussies. I have a 1 minute memorized explanation for the federal reserve system. It's the truth and can be verified with their own website. But everybody I tell it to either doesn't care or thinks its a conspiracy theory. That's a problem.
Jul 12, 2011 at 7:09 PM | Unregistered Commenterjaymes

Thanks for taking the time to lay that out. My own thoughts are similar.

Is like the Jesus problem articulated by C.S. Lewis.

Dude busts in the living room and says, "I am the son of God."

There are 2 rational responses, one of which is to prostrate yourself and say, "Lemme know how I can help."

What's curious about this entire escapade is the disappearance of moral commentators. Earlier I was bitching about the absence of Mencken and Wolfe. At the same time they were on their bully pulpit, they were competing with the likes of Billy Graham and Jimmy Swaggart. They're all gone now.

Raise your hand if you think we're better off.
Jul 12, 2011 at 8:26 PM | Unregistered CommenterCheyenne
but there aren't even 10 million paying attention to these issues... @ DB.........

Its like if we had 10 million to stop paying our tax's. It would cut the head off the snake. But the people would ban togeather and go threw with it.

The goverment has the American People, right whAre they want them. On the couch in front of the Telly.......... Fat & Clueless... So Dumbfound'ed-Down, they could give a shit, as long as the TV works.

Its in our Food, Water, Air, Vaccines, Fake-Sugar, GMO Foods, TV Sets......All goverment control of the people. Dont evan get me goin on what "Big Pharma" puts into the pills most of Americans think they are taking..............

If the goverment rang the door bell and said Come With Me, they would walk right past their gun and out the front door and into the the Death Chamber, neaver evan asking Why..........?
Jul 12, 2011 at 8:50 PM | Unregistered CommenterTexas Dar
It's the truth and can be verified with their own website. But everybody I tell it to either doesn't care or thinks its a conspiracy theory. That's a problem. .............@ jaymes,..

I too agree. What were up aginst is the people. You can read it to them.......Show it to them...............Prove it to them, and they will still say "Yr Full of Shit"...........

Back in 1913 a egg hatched. It became a monster Holliwood could of neaver dremped up. Today the "Fed" is like an Oct-Ta-Puss.....each arm is into every part of our life, and its not a good thing either.

See above Dar post.......The goverment is in No Way Afraid of Us that know whats realy going on today. They can vaporize any one of us that should think we could take our country back.................. Tex !
Jul 12, 2011 at 9:11 PM | Unregistered CommenterTexas Dar
Kill all the socialists and Wall Street Criminals and Kill IMF WTF
Jul 13, 2011 at 3:55 AM | Unregistered Commenternegrodamus
Mouser, thank you, I remember the words of Jesus saying you are the Synagogue of Satan to the Jews. Another question and this is not rhetorical..............If Christ viewed them as the Synagoue of Satan why do many protestest and evangelical Christian Churches feel they must give and contribute to the American, Christian, and don't forget financial and military, support? Regards, Leo.
Jul 16, 2011 at 7:34 PM | Unregistered CommenterLeoMcCormick
Mouser, my posting above with a question about Synagogue of Satan was/is what my college English professor would have called a "dangling" whatever. I would call it a writing on one of the circles of a planet like Saturn. I was in a hurry and did not re-read it. In the meantime, Michelle Bachman is in Tel Aviv, reference article by Jeffrey Goldberg in Bloomberg/Atlantic. Her visit and what Mr. Goldberg says in his article "explores" what I am curious about. These protestant and evangelical Christians have this allegiance to Israel based on what, really...........................exactly........................The Pilgrimage from Egypt by way of The Red Sea parting to their exclusive parcel of real estate several thousand years later until 1948 to the exclusion of everyone else? Leo
Jul 18, 2011 at 2:19 PM | Unregistered Commenterleo mccormick
Is Dylan Ratigan a bankers tool? He is pushing the infrastructure bank


Read how that works here...

The Bankster Plan to Hijack the Next Budget Deal


Here Comes the Infrastructure Bank and Higher Taxes

Aug 9, 2011 at 11:31 PM | Unregistered CommenterLiberatedCitizen
"After reading all the comments I'm exhausted but I do think I got RELIGION". He said,with a smile on his face.
Aug 9, 2011 at 11:34 PM | Unregistered CommenterTR
Just the FORWARD is a good summary. Long read but I'm trying.

Aug 10, 2011 at 12:24 AM | Unregistered CommenterTR
The insurrections are world wide. The slaves are rising up. The banksters have completely corrupted the system, taking 100s of millions of pounds, euros, dollars, and pesos from our grandchildren. The private US Fed paid out 12 trillion dollars, in secret, to their Council on Foreign Relations counterparts. This amount was 1-1/2 times the historical US National debt. Now that the US has been downgraded, there is another 1.5 quadrillion dollars in derivatives that they expect will be paid for by the children. REVOLUTION!!!
Aug 10, 2011 at 8:11 AM | Unregistered CommenterMiguel Grande
Hey Liberated Citizen, thanks for the links! I love a Ratigan rant, but he is on Immelt's MSNBC. He hasn't been fired. He has the microphone. He sounds good, gets the peeps worked up, but just as he did with healthcare, he veers off into banker land at the last moment.

A national infrastructure bank, run as a privateer profit center and creating another political slushfund and black hole for tax dollars. Yep, I'd say Immelt I-belong-in-jail Pond Scum is just helping the Big Zero kick off his re-election campaign.

I'm still stuck on Harry the-mobster's-Reed appointing the total scumbag Baucus to the Super Catfood Commish. This really is a rerun of healthcare. One thing Ratigan was spot on, nothing gets better until bribery becomes illegal again. Washington has no intention and no capability of making anything better for the citizens of this nation. We truly do need revolution. The first one didn't take.
Aug 10, 2011 at 11:56 AM | Unregistered CommenterG Street
And as long as Immelt is kicking off his campaign for another round of tax breaks for international corporations, I'd like to point out that the meanings of national and private are being misused. If something is privatized, it should become completely market driven. For example, privatizing education would remove all tax support and only customer support would prop up the product. Likewise, if you were going to have a national bank, it would be er, uhm, run by the nation. There would be no fees paid to private banking, otherwise there's no point. Let's stop mis-identifying realty like we did with the not-Federal Reserve.
Aug 10, 2011 at 12:04 PM | Unregistered CommenterG Street
It is time to know your Constitution. Go and download it for free here...for Android http://bit.ly/wbakR1 & Nook http://bit.ly/yq18H0
The app is extremely easy to use and social media friendly! You can simplify your work by highlighting the text with different colors, by adding tags and by leaving textual and audio notes!
Feb 9, 2012 at 7:54 AM | Unregistered CommenterPaul Ronbow

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