Max Keiser: "Obama Defaulted On The U.S. Constitution; Christine Lagarde Is A Debt Junkie; Round Up The Bankers And Throw Them In Jail"
Aug 2, 2011 at 8:58 PM
DailyBail in IMF, banks, banksters, christine lagarde, imf, max keiser, max keiser, obama, obama, video, video

Video - Max Keiser July 10, 2011


Press TV: The IMF chief hopes that in Washington there is enough bipartisan intelligence and understanding of the challenge ahead of the US and the rest of the world. Do you think America will default at the end of the day? 

Keiser: Christine Lagarde is a debt whore. She sees the world in terms of how much debt she can create. The IMF is there to create debt. The problem is debt…0 She will do anything for debt. 

Press TV: Why do you think the situation has reached this point? Would you say the American lawmakers have taken the budget issue hostage? 

Keiser: Barack Obama has defaulted on the US Constitution. The solution is to round up the corrupt bankers who are pushing more debt and to throw them in jail. The former IMF Chief Dominique Strauss-Kahn was a financial rapist and he has been replaced with a debt whore. This is not going to solve any problems in terms of the austerity measures that are being forced on people like the people in Greece unfairly, because they did not incur the debt, the debt whores incurred the debt. That is why they are revolting. 

As John Locke said in 1690, when the social contract is broken, the people must revolt and that is what the people must do now.



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