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Max Keiser On Criminal Banking Syndicates, Moral Hazard, The Gold Standard & Goldman Sachs

Filed under: Goldman Sachs, AIG, Wall Street's Criminal Nature, BNP, Financial Collapse, Wall St. Compensation & Bonus Structure, JPMorgan, Greenspan, Bernanke, Lehman, Bear Stearns.

Max Keiser:

  • "I'm waiting for one of these banks to announce they're going to start commoditizing dog poop and trading dog poop futures, because that's all they have on their balance sheets."
  • "There's alot of competition for thieves out there.  Thieves have alot of competition. That doesn't mean that they're not thieving. What about AIG!?  AIG was point-blank theft.  They bailed out AIG, AIG then put the money into these investment banks' pockets.  That's theft by any definition."


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The Natives Are Growing Restless Part 1 (Rep. Steny Hoyer Clip)

I enjoy the live, unscripted confrontations, especially when a career politician is repeatedly called a liar while attempting to give a speech.  Here, Democrat Steny Hoyer is attacked and shouted down at a public presser presumably over his support of the Obama health care bill.  This is only part 1, and we have a few more waiting in the wings.  If you've seen something that fits the theme, by all means, send it our way.


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WalStreetPro2 Calmly Discusses Green Shoots & Offers His Thoughts On A Recovery (Laying Waste To A Chinese Printer Clip) 

Kevin just posted a new video to his youtube page yesterday.  Found it this morning in my inbox.  We discovered and profiled him back in January, before anyone had heard of him.  The rest is history.  Warning: extreme profanity.


WalStreetPro Collection

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Ratigan & Fleckenstein On Bernanke & Greenspan: 'We're Going To Crazytown"

There are 2 Alan Greenspan clips included within this video.  Bill Fleckenstein and Dylan Ratigan discuss pretty much everything: HR 1207, the Federal Reserve, AIG, Goldman Sachs, regulation, transparency, and a very out of touch Federal Reserve Board of Governors.


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Krugman And Keynesian Fear Mongering

This is the third in the Times Talks video series from Paul Krugman.  Listen and hear how the world will soon come to an end if this particular recession is not mitigated.  For the record, Krugman originally wanted a stimulus in excess of $2 trillion.  A Japanese style deflationary trap is contemplated.


Part I: Krugman On Bailouts & Lemon Socialism

Part II: The Height Of Hypocrisy: Krugman's Housing Bubble Amnesia

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Thursday Morning Links (25 Articles, August 6, 2009)


V For Vendetta's Message To The United States

This is bizarre.  I have never seen the film 'V For Vendetta' nor read the comic upon which this adaptation is based.  But the themes of capture, corruption, and a 1-party system are all over this short clip.  This guy's character reminds me of Sammy Terry, a spooky TV fright-night host that some may remember.  Just throwing this one out there as a change of pace.


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U.S. Debt Infomercial (Ratigan & Spitzer Clip)

Excellent discussion of the growing cost of funding our national debt (Treasury yields spiking this year), and the complicated task of selling that debt overseas, specifically to China.  Spitzer says the solution is rebuilding the U.S. domestic manufacturing economy, not to reinflate the debt bubble.  The Bush-Obama administration has elected the hazardous and imbecilic re-inflation option.  A Ship of Fools.


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Ron Paul Speaks And Bernanke Is Forced To Listen (Truth Bomb)

It's from July 21, and I have already covered the adult exchange between Bernanke and Dr. Paul, which took place an hour later in the testimony.

This is 3 minutes of straight truth on debt.  It's Ron Paul's opening statement while Bernanke sits and listens.  The photo grab of Bernanke was taken a few seconds before Paul began his harangue.  He is not smiling for a reason.  He knows what's coming.  I enjoy the interplay between these 2 actors more than any other players on the so-far 18 month bailout production from hell.

Editor's note: pay attention in the first 5 seconds when Barney Frank announces that there are only 3 minutes left for the Republican side.  You can clearly hear Paul snort and make a sarcastic comment to Frank.

This one is a must see and share.  Watch

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Catching Up With Kashkari

This was the 2nd televised appearance for former Treasury-Goldman acolyte Neel Kashkari.  The first was on Charlie Rose and we have that clip here.  Sounds like NK was head of human resources at Treasury, though he squarely was drunk on the kool-aid.  I withdraw my comments where I absolved him of wrath.  The rest of you were correct.  I was wrong.  He's part-captured, part smooth Sachs.  He will replace Blankfein when he's done. I can feel it.  Or run for president.


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Elizabeth Warren Defends The Consumer Financial Protection Agency

Harvard Professor and Head of the Congressional Oversight Panel for TARP, Dr. Elizabeth Warren explains why America needs a Consumer Financial Protection Agency, CFPA. (July 16, 2009, Cambridge, Massachusetts)


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Warren Buffett On CIT's 13% Debt Deal: It's Hard For Them To Compete With Banks Getting 1% Money

I'm no big fan of CIT Group and their shoddy loan portfolio.  But Buffett's comments are helpful to understanding the inherent injustice of rewarding failed banks.  Excellent commentary on the FDIC-backed debt that is so prevalent with the too-big-to-fail crowd.  Hard not to make a bundle with 1% money.


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Ron Paul: "Mr. Speaker, The Big Guns Have Lined Up Against HR 1207; What Are They So Afraid Of?" (House Floor Clip)


The Bailouts Have Driven Dylan Ratigan To The Edge Of Insanity

And I can relate. The fixed pupils, sweaty upper lip.  Constant mode of explanation. These are symptoms of too much information with nowhere to successfully release it because the anchors around you are imbeciles.  When you're at this stage, talking to people who don't grasp the impetus of your words doesn't help.  You need a beach, a drink and some sleep. Good clip from Morning Joe.  Too big to fail is generational rape.  F you Scarborough.


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