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Rasmussen Survey Reports The Sky Is Blue And 75% Of Americans Favor Auditing The Fed (Time To Put Pressure On The Senate; Email Addresses For Every Senator Included)

National Survey of 1,000 Adults
Conducted July 27-28, 2009

By Rasmussen Reports

1* A proposal has been made to audit the Federal Reserve and make the results available to the public. Do you favor or oppose auditing the Federal Reserve?

75% Favor
9% Oppose
15% Not sure

Note: Margin of Sampling Error, +/- 3 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence

With 5 clicks you can send this survey result to your Senator.  I have everything you need to do so inside.

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Monday Mid-Day Links (20 Articles, August 3, 2009)

Photo by Peter DaSilva

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Matt Taibbi Talks Vampire Squid (Video)


Niall Ferguson And Bill Maher Discuss Bernanke, HR 1207 & The Fed

Niall Ferguson and Rachel Maddow on Real Time Friday night with Bill Maher.  After the 9/11 Truthers were kicked out of the audience they returned to discussing the economy.  Maher brought up Ron Paul and HR 1207, as well as Eliot Spitzer's recent comments that the Federal Reserve is a Ponzi scheme. 

Ferguson immediately sprang to Bernanke's defense and somehow overlooked the abysmal failure of the Fed's regulatory oversight.  You don't give the pilot another jet to fly after he just had the most horrendous crash in the history of the world.

And as I've written before, none of us will be well-served with Congress involved in monetary policy.  I don't agree with that portion of the bill and can only imagine it was included in order to be dropped later as a part of negotiations.  It's a pretty decent discussion.


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Bill Maher's Live Broadcast Interrupted By 9/11 Truthers (Video)

Did any of you see this?  Six 9/11 truthers (those who believe the CIA engineered the attacks), interrupted the live broadcast of HBO's Real Time Friday night, shouting loudly and repeatedly from the audience.  Bill gets appropriately pissed and goes into the crowd to toss the first 2 rabble rousers, but the disruptions don't stop as 4 more protesters weigh in.


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Bill Clinton: The Banking Crisis Is A Confidence Game

Former President Bill Clinton on September 24th of 2008, in the heart of the crisis with Harry Smith.  Slick Willy actually impresses me somewhat in this clip.  He discusses fractional reserve lending and the importance of confidence.  He still proves to be a captured bailout Socialist like so many others but he seems to be slightly more informed than Palin, Bush, McCain and Obama.


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Sarah Palin Is A National Embarrassment And A Bailout Socialist (CBS Couric Interview)

I'm pretty sure her answer is in English, though it's difficult to know for sure without a translation from Shatner.

Seriously for a moment, Sarah Palin is an acute, national embarrassment, like a troublesome rash that won't respond to treatment.  This interview was conducted on September 24th of 2008, at the apex of the financial crisis, a time when we needed intelligence and insight from our leaders. If Palin proves anything at all in this clip, it's that we really need to have a requisite IQ minimum for politicians.

Any remaining supporters of Caribou Barbie, please take an honest look and listen to Palin's response.  She's so dense she makes George Bush sound like a Rhodes Scholar.  I would honestly rate her intelligence about equal to that of Bernanke's replacement from Happy Hour In Santa Cruz.  She remembers the talking points, but has no idea what they mean.  May the heavens protect the United States if she ever gains national office.

And one last thing, Palin shows quickly that she's a bailout Socialist, no different than Bush, Obama and McCain.  It's quite obvious she doesn't even have the most basic understanding of finance, or any of the other concepts she attempts to discuss.

U.S. voters should be enraged at McCain for allowing such an imbecile to get so close to the White House.  Have we no shame, have we no more decency?

And if one more person says she's cute and spunky, I'm going to grab an IED and blow up your brain.


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Arianna Huffington On The Colbert Report: Pigs At The Trough, How Corporate Greed And Political Corruption Are Undermining America


Anti-Bailout Motivation From Coach Bob Knight: "I'm Tired Of This Shit; This Is Absolute F***ing Bullshit."


Friday Morning Links (20 Articles, July 31, 2009)


The Poetry Of Sarah Palin's Tweets As Interpreted By William Shatner


Janet Tavakoli: Where Were The Drama Pundits When It Mattered? (Whitney, Taleb & Gasparino)


The Daily Show Examines Why Geithner Still Can't Sell His House 


Paul Krugman & Edmund Andrews On The Colbert Report

Andrews is the NY Times reporter who had his own mortgage crisis and wrote a book about it. He bothers me enough that I'm not going to link to it. Nutshelled, he knowingly borrowed more than he could chew, hoping that the home would increase in value and he could refinance his way out of the problem. Both appearances are from the week of July 16th.


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