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Nationwide Unemployment County By County (Time Lapse '06-'09)

Click the image to see the unproductive scourge of recessionary unemployment come sharply into focus, county by county (time-lapse chart runs 30 seconds).  As far as we can tell, the figures are based on the BLS U3 measurement and thus don't show the true nature of job destruction that is reflected by U6 (17.5%).  Also, since these figures come from BLS they don't reflect the recently announced mea culpa on the birth-death adjustment for '09 of 824,000 phantom jobs.

Definitely impressive, but it lacks the action of this piece.

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For The Next Week, Joe Biden's In Charge (SNL Video)

Saturday Night Live: Biden Assumes The Position While Obama Travels To Asia -- Aired Nov. 14


Vice President Biden (Jason Sudeikis) believes he can get health care reform passed in a week while the President is gone.  Banks Obama embarked on a nine-day trip to Asia Thursday, "so for the next week, Joe's running things."

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Arrogant Fed Hasn't Learned A Thing

Mishkin Impossible -- By Bill Fleckenstein

The bubbles, toils and troubles that nearly wrecked the financial system should've been obvious to the policymaking numbskulls whose monetary tricks made matters worse.

"Arrogant and incapable of learning."

When a teacher uses those words to describe a student, it's an isolated (if regrettable) situation. But the repercussions are widespread when "arrogant and incapable of learning" fits the Federal Reserve like a glove.

Still clueless after all these bubbles

Frederic Mishkin, a former member of the Fed's board of governors, wrote an article in last Tuesday's Financial Times that displayed that he, and presumably other Fed heads, have learned exactly nothing from the disastrous consequences of their activities in printing money over the past couple of decades.

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Janet Tavakoli On Derivatives & Bear Stearns Sub-Prime Fraud 

Video: Janet Tavakoli Interview On Fox Business News -- Aired November 11 -- Runs 3 Minutes


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Ratigan, Nomi Prins, & Henry Blodget On Wall Street Compensation

Video: Dylan Ratigan, Ex-Goldman Director Nomi Prins & Henry Blodget Trash Goldman Sachs, AIG, and Wall Street's Bailout & Bonus Culture -- Aired November 12 -- Runs 6 Minutes


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Obama's Secret Plan For Deficit Reduction: Talk A Lot, Dr. Doolittle


Ratigan Goes Nuts For The 10th Birthday Of Gramm-Leach-Bliley


More Bull From Paul Krugman: Making The Case For A 15th Stimulus

Let's count out loud:

  • 0% interest rates
  • TARP and related guarantees
  • AIG stealth counterparty bailout (more than 50% went straight to bonuses)
  • Trillions in Fed quantitative easing
  • Bush #1 -- Tax Rebate

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Chris Dodd: "The Fed Has Been An Abysmal Failure At Regulation"

Hello, Pot.  Meet Kettle.


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The 56 Trillion Dollar Debt Inheritance

The official national debt is briskly approaching $12 trillion, getting $5 billion closer by the day, while the real national debt has already surpassed $56 trillion.  Though cloaked in fear, this clip makes the point rather clearly.  It's also the point 6-year-old Sam made so eloquently.  When today's teenagers learn what happened to their futures without consent, expect an assault on entitlements in response.  Book it.  Runs 32 seconds.


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Dylan Ratigan: Break Up The Insurance Monopoly And Get Rid Of Employer-Based Health Care

This is not a call for a public option, rather an end to state insurance monopolies and the anti-trust exemption that the industry enjoys.

The practice started during World War II as a result of fierce competition for a shrunken workforce and it continues today.  It's antiquated and economically destructive as certain segments of the labor force remain working only for healthcare benefits as they await eligibility for Medicare, often for years and occasionally for decades, thereby keeping younger workers more relatively underemployed, during what should be their peak years of productivity.  It's an issue we will face more often in the years ahead as competition rises for employment of all types.  I doubt U6 will ever measure south of 10% in the U.S. again, and that means we will increasingly be looking to creative solutions to make it easier for willing older workers to retire early.  Removing the employer-based healthcare structure and granting earlier eligibility for Medicare is one solution, though an overall de-coupling of the practice is greatly preferred.

Another outstanding clip that puts you ahead of the government and your employer in making the healthcare decisions that are best for you alone.  Runs 5 short minutes. 


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Author Glenn Greenwald With Bill Moyers (Complete PBS Interview)

Non-broadcast, web exclusive interview from October 30.  Greenwald and Moyers discuss Afghanistan, government secrecy under Obama and Bush, populist anger at Wall Street, the economy, and his public challenge to the editorial staff of the Washington Post to justify their argument that the U.S. should expand the deficit for war but not for health care.

Though somewhat off-topic, there is enough truth inside to make both parties cry for censorship.


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Barney Frank Gets Testy Over Wall Street Bonus Blame

Video: Barney Frank With Ed Schultz -- Fight Over Bank Bonuses -- Aired November 9

Recent reports indicate that J.P. Morgan, Goldman Sachs, and Morgan Stanley are set to distribute bonuses worth over $30 billion for 2009 (60% higher than last year).  Schultz blames Congress and Frank for their oversight-free giveaway to Paulson and Wall Street last year.

Near the 5:30 mark the action begins when Schultz says:

  • "I just want to clarify here for our viewers that you are OK with the bonuses..."


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Rep. Jan Schakowsky: "We Urge Goldman Sachs To Repay Taxpayers The $12.9 Billion It Received Through AIG"

By Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky

This week I had an opportunity most Americans would relish, just as I did.  I was able to unload on two top executives of Goldman Sachs who descended from on high to my office because I clearly needed some educating.  One was a Vice President and the other their Chief Risk Officer.

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