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Obama's Poll Numbers Whacked By Bank Bailouts, Big Government Spending, & Massive Deficits


Elizabeth Warren Named 'Bostonian Of The Year'

New video from the Boston Globe -- Behind the scenes with Dr. Warren

It's the year end so we're getting more of these made public.  This honor at least was heartily deserved. A feisty (yet polite) graceful, academic-civil servant who effectively utilized the only weapon she was handed (in fact, 'not handed') by Congress: the media bully pulpit.  She was given a grand title and little else.  The rest was pure moxie.

Most of all, we thank her for being what we wished we could have been ourselves -- that is, a huge pain in Tim Geithner's ass.

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Deficit Obama Tells Charlie Gibson: "If We Don't Pass Health Care Reform, The Federal Government Will Go Bankrupt"

ABC Video: Deficit Obama with Charlie Gibson -- Aired December 16, 2009

Oh, so now he cares about the national debt.  When he was busy last week extending TARP and re-directing funds to another failed stimulus, it wasn't on his mind.  He's reaching for straws to save health care reform from implosion; it won't work.  His word is burnt toast on matters of spending.  A $1.5 trillion first year deficit tends to be a credibility killer.

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Ratigan On Banks Repaying TARP: Don't Believe The Hype

Video:  Morning Meeting’s Dylan Ratigan explains why some big banks are scrambling to repay their TARP loans before the end of the year -- Aired December 15 -- Runs 3 minutes

Ratigan's en fuego.  No miss.

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WATCH LIVE: Captured Senate Banking Committee Votes To Confirm Zimbabwe Ben (Despite 79% Public Opposition)


Bernie Sanders On Bernanke: "I Thought It Was An April Fool's Cover For TIME Magazine"

Video: Senator Bernie Sanders with Wolf Blitzer on Bernanke the Failure -- Aired Dec. 16, 2009

Sanders delivers on Bernanke as usual.  Very entertaining.  Begin at the 3:35 mark.

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Senator Jim Bunning On Bernanke, Geithner, Paulson And The Truth About TARP

Video: Sen. Jim Bunning (R-KY) with Joe Kernen & Becky Quick -- Aired December 3, 2009

Continuing the Bernanke reality tour (in response to the delusional machinations of TIME crowning B-52 as 'Printing Press Foreman Of The Year'), we present Senator Jim Bunning from 10 days ago, prior to his celebrated annihilation of the Chairman later the same morning.

Make sure to catch the final 3 minutes, as Bunning goes after Paulson, Geithner and the blood-in-the-streets fear-mongering that was used to pass TARP.  Includes a bonus clip with Kudlow on dollar destruction.  Truth is good.

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Fight Bernanke's Nomination (Senate Call List Included)

Bernanke's Senate committee vote is tomorrow morning.  Inside we've compiled a list of Senators who could be persuaded to vote 'nay'.

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Left-Right Coalition Demands Delay In Bernanke Committee Vote (Scheduled For Tomorrow)


Dylan Ratigan: Goldman Get Your Guns

Video:  Is Goldman Sachs Really The Victim Of The Financial Crisis -- Aired December 2, 2009

Runs 3 minutes.

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Ratigan To Senator Merkley: "How About A Bankers' Bonus Tax"


Congress Is Blowing It On Financial Reform (Again): Where Are The Limits On Leverage?


Irony: House Passes Bill To Audit The FED And Ron Paul Votes 'No'

Video:  Congressman Ron Paul -- Aired December 14, 2009

Talk about sticking to your principles.  Congressman Ron Paul fights for 30 years to gain momentum in his fight against the Federal Reserve.  HR 1207 has 317 co-sponsors in the House (S 604 has 31 in the Senate), and it was INCLUDED in Friday's House vote on (mostly useless) financial reform that passed along party lines, with every single Republican voting 'nay', including HR 1207's lead sponsor, Dr. Paul.

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Amazing Speech From Congressional Candidate Lt. Colonel Allen West: Now This Is A Leader

YouTube Video: Congressional candidate Lieutenant Colonel Allen West -- October 21, 2009 

Do not miss.

Click here for more on West for Congress > >


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