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Dylan Ratigan: Whining AIG Executives Need A Reality Check

MSNBC Video:  Morning Meeting’s Dylan Ratigan recaps AIG executives’ anger over pay cuts as well as their hollow threats to quit -- Aired December 8, 2009

  • "What's the going rate for an arsonist or a blackmailer?"

Beautiful.  Hot off the presses from this morning's show.  Runs 2 minutes.


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Amazing Video Of Black Friday Panic Inside Wal-Mart (WMT)

Video: Shoppers lose their freaking minds (and scare children) to save a few bucks and get some useless piece of plastic manufactured in China.


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Bernanke Tips Hand On FED's MBS Purchases: More Quantitative Easing Straight Ahead

Video: Sen. Bob Corker (R-TN) questions Bernanke about MBS purchases -- December 3, 2009

Total MBS purchases to date: $1.25 Trillion (that's brand new money)

Another painful bite from Thursday's confirmation hearing comes from this exchange between Tennessee Senator Bob Corker and Bernanke where Corker asks if mortgage interest rates will rise a "couple hundred basis points" (meaning 2%) when the Fed's MBS purchase program ends.

The short exchange begins at the 6-minute mark.


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Senator Jim Demint (R-SC) Annihilates Bernanke In Confirmation Hearing, Then Places 'HOLD' On Senate Vote

Video: Sen. James Demint (R-SC) torches Bernanke and the failed Federal Reserve -- Senate Confirmation Hearings -- December 3, 2009

There are now 4 Senators who have announced they will place 'holds' of various types on Bernanke's confirmation vote on the Senate floor.  Dodd mentioned to reporters Friday, that the vote may now be pushed into 2010.  Demint and Vitter have made their confirmation roadblocks contingent upon a Senate vote on S 604 to audit the Federal Reserve.

Outside of Bunning's show-stopper against Bernanke and the Fed, Demint's 10 minutes with the Chairman were the best these hearings had to offer.  Do not miss.


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The Latest Stories From Live Beat (17 Since Friday)


Off-Balance Sheet Nightmares Set To Begin Costing Banks: Sheila Bair May Give Banks Reprieve On Capital Requirements As New FASB Rules (166, 167) Take Effect

“We support bringing all this back on balance sheet,” Bair said.  “It should have been on, frankly, all along.  And we know that now.”

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Sen. Bunning Tells Bernanke: "You Are The Definition Of A Moral Hazard; The AIG Bailout Alone Is Reason Enough To Send You Back To Princeton" (Video & Transcript)

Video: Senator Jim Bunning Opening Remarks And Response From Federal Reserve Chairman Bernanke -- Senate Confirmation Hearings -- December 3, 2009

This is one of the best speeches (and without a doubt the most enjoyable Fed emasculation) I've ever heard in a Senate hearing.  We have the video and transcript.  Do not miss.


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Senators Demint & Vitter Announce Block On Bernanke's Nomination "Until We Get A Vote To Audit The Fed"


Bunning Calls Bernanke's Performance "Worse Than (Fired) Notre Dame Coach Charlie Weis"

Video: Mike Stark gets confirmation from Sen. Bunning that he will place a legislative hold on the Senate vote to confirm Bernanke -- December 3, 2009

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Chris Dodd's Opening Remarks Praise Bernanke: "I Believe You Are The Right Leader And You Deserve Another Term"

Video: Excellent recap of yesterday's confirmation hearings with quotes from Bernanke, Senators Bunning, Shelby, & Dodd's opening statement -- December 3, 2009 -- Runs 3 minutes

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Bernie Sanders Has Gigantic, Kryptonite Anti-Bernanke Cojones

Though symbolic at this point, Sanders' Senate floor maneuver will serve as a reminder of the malignant reality that has been Bernanke's record as the Wall Street-captured, couldn't see a damn thing coming, Greenspan free-money offspring, central banking Oedipus Rex, quantitative-easing sponge of the entire debt-induced bloody mess.  We applaud the move by Senator Bernie Sanders to announce late yesterday that he will place a legislatively technical hold on the reconfirmation vote of Federal Reserve Chairman Benji Bernanke, when it reaches the floor, requiring an increasingly difficult 60 'yeas' to bring his re-upping to a final vote.

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Not So Mr. Popular: Just 21% Favor B-52’s Reappointment

On the eve morning of the most interesting re-confirmation hearings for a Federal Reserve chairman since the Fed's magical creation in 1913, Rasmussen has a new poll demonstrating that all your hard work has paid -- the citizens of Rome have spoken and by an overwhelming majority, you're not feeling Bernanke. 

Halle -- freaking -- lujah:

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Kudlow Report: Ron Paul And Peter Morici Debate Fed Transparency (Kudlow Calls Bernanke The Tiger Woods Of Monetary Policy)

Video: Congressman Dr. Ron Paul And Economist Peter Morici Debate Federal Reserve Independence And Transparency With CNBC's Larry Kudlow -- Aired November 30, 2009

And Larry doesn't extend the Tiger Woods reference as complimentary, but a jab at Woods' silence and secrecy, not unlike that of Chairman Bernanke.  Outstanding clip.


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A Letter From Santa Claus To Lloyd Blankfein