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NSA Whistleblower: 'Everyone Is Under Virtual Surveillance'


BAILOUT: New Film Exposes United States Of Kleptocracy

Life meets art as DOJ confirms the film's central thesis by pronouncing the rule of law dead in HSBC case.

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PHOTO OF THE DAY: Miss Drone America

Eric Holder Luxury Jet Cost To Taxpayers - $11 Million

CNN - While federal workers are being furloughed and illegal immigrants are being freed, Attorney General Eric Holder is flying in luxury.

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Nasdaq's New Private Market: Trading Unlisted Stocks

Details inside.

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Obama On Wall Street Fraud

David DeGraw and William Black with Dylan Ratigan.

'We put the Treasury up for auction and Goldman Sachs was the highest bidder.'

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'We're Looking At $700 Billion Just To Pay Interest On The Debt!'

On Bernanke's balance sheet bubble.

'How will Bernanke deleverage into this market when the Fed itself owns the bulk of tradeable Treasuries.  Who wants to sell assets into a fragile recovery with the debt continuing to rise. Bernanke will delay, delay, delay!'

Yesterday on CNBC, Rick discusses the burgeoning cost of servicing our ginormous national debt -- $17 trillion is within sight, hell for that matter, $20 trillion isn't very far away.

Meanwhile the Fed's Debt Machine rolls on, lending $3 million per minute.

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The Bubble Man

All hail Alan Greenspan.

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BUSTED: Cops Caught Lying In Occupy Wall Street Trial

Exhibit A.  The man being pummeled was charged with felony assault of a police officer.  You decide.

Defense video that was used in court to show that the NYPD lied under oath.

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Victor Oladipo 360* Dunk On Bernanke [SICK VIDEO]

The air apparent.

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Drunken Bernanke Tells Everyone At Neighborhood Bar How Monumentally Screwed The U.S. Economy Really Is

The intoxicated Fed chairman informs bar patrons of the dangers of reckless spending.

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WATCH: Cop Assaults And Arrests Woman For Videotaping

New clip.  This gets pretty intense.

Just another day in Police State U.S.A.  The assault begins at 55 seconds.

A thug Connecticut cop assaults a woman for having the gumption to film him, and not back down when he demands that she turn off her camera.

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Faux Outrage AT JPM Scheduled For Display In The Senate

Here's the list of JPM frauds...

Bank Secrecy Act violations;
Money laundering for drug cartels;
Violations of sanction orders against Cuba, Iran, Sudan, and former Liberian strongman Charles Taylor;
Violations related to the Vatican Bank scandal (get on this, Pope Francis!);
Violations of the Commodities Exchange Act;
Failure to segregate customer funds (including one CFTC case where the bank failed to segregate $725 million of its own money from a $9.6 billion account) in the US and UK;
Knowingly executing fictitious trades where the customer, with full knowledge of the bank, was on both sides of the deal;
Various SEC enforcement actions for misrepresentations of CDOs and mortgage-backed securities;
The AG settlement on foreclosure fraud;
The OCC settlement on foreclosure fraud;
Violations of the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act;
Illegal flood insurance commissions;
Fraudulent sale of unregistered securities;
Auto-finance ripoffs;
Illegal increases of overdraft penalties;
Violations of federal ERISA laws as well as those of the state of New York;
Municipal bond market manipulations and acts of bid-rigging, including violations of the Sherman Anti-Trust Act;
Filing of unverified affidavits for credit card debt collections (“as a result of internal control failures that sound eerily similar to the industry’s mortgage servicing failures and foreclosure abuses”);
Energy market manipulation that triggered FERC lawsuits;
“Artificial market making” at Japanese affiliates;
Shifting trading losses on a currency trade to a customer account;
Fraudulent sales of derivatives to the city of Milan, Italy;
Obstruction of justice (including refusing the release of documents in the Bernie Madoff case as well as the case of Peregrine Financial).

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VIDEO: Topless Women Protest As Berlusconi Casts Ballot


DOJ RULES: 'It Is Legal To Photograph And Film The Police'

Holder finally got one right.

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