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Matt Taibbi With Keith Olbermann: "Wall Street Protests Growing, One Million Member Union Joins The Fray"


Message From The Democracy To The Plutocracy - Expect Us, We Are Legion

Much more inside.

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Ralph Nader Joins The Ron Paul 2012 Bandwagon (LINKS)


HE DID IT AGAIN - NYPD Thug Anthony Bologna Pepper Sprays Photographer At Wall Street Protests, Police Chief Ray Kelly Calls 1st Mace Incident 'Appropriate'

Complete story inside including video of the 2nd mace incident and comments from NYPD Commissioner Ray Kelly.

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Max Keiser: Time To Mace Jamie Dimon In The Face

Jamie Dimon and Lloyd Blankfein - Wall Street's Good Cop & Bad Cop of Financial Terrorism

The first 4 minutes are outstanding.  Max and Stacy ask why Wall Street protesters are maced in the face for merely walking on the sidewalk, while JP Morgan’s CEO, Jamie Dimon can throw a tirade in the face of regulators and foreign central bankers without being pepper-sprayed.

In the second half of the show, Max discusses the 2nd Great Depression with former Goldman managing director Nomi Prins.

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Ron Paul Asks Fed Governor Thomas Hoenig: "What Is The Definition Of A Dollar?" (Congressional Video)

Great clip from earlier this Summer.

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Ron Paul Asks Bernanke: "When You Wake Up In The Morning Do You Care About The Price Of Gold? -- Why Doesn't The Fed Just Hold Diamonds Instead?"


Germany Votes Yes On EFSF - NOT The Geithner Plan

We want to be clear, as some readers have already expressed confusion this morning.  The 'Yes' vote today in the German Parliament was widely expected, and is part of the deal reached earlier this Summer, subject to approval by all 17 Euro nations.  Germany was the 9th member nation to agree to the expanded EFSF, with Slovokia next to vote.

As stated, this is not a big story and will do nothing to stem the Euro crisis.  The Geithner Plan, that of a dramatically leveraged EFSF, has not been voted on anywhere, and as we told you yesterday, is being ridiculed all over Europe, along with Geithner himself for having proposed it.

Details inside.

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CAUGHT ON TAPE - NYPD Officer Punches Wall Street Protester In The Face, Melee Ensues

Check this out - It all goes down in the first 30 seconds.

Source - Alexander Higgins

In yet another show of rampant police brutality being waged against non-violent Occupy Wall Street protesters, this video captures a NYC police officer grabbing a man by the back of his neck and punching him in the face, again true to form, for no apparent reason.  The man was then arrested and hauled off in a police van, presumably charged with some frivolous crime to cover up the unprovoked assault he suffered.

Related story:


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NYPD Anti-Terrorism Unit Monitoring Wall Street Protests

Short clip - Runs about 45 seconds.  Why are the NYPD and Wall Street so frightened of peaceful protesters?  Full write-up inside.

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Comedy From Bernanke's Latest Speech

We seriously wonder if he bothered to proofread his speech in Cleveland yesterday.

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Protesters Plan To Occupy London Stock Exchange


Glenn Greenwald - What's Behind The Scorn For The Wall Street Protests?

White shirt NYPD officer above is none other than Anthony Bologna, the thug who maced innocent female protesters over the weekend.


Call NOW and demand that Bologna be charged:

Mayor Bloomberg: +1 (212) 639-9675 or +1 (212) 788-2958
Deputy Commissioner of Public Information: +1 (646) 610-6700
NYPD Switchboard: +1 (646) 610-5000
First precinct: +1 (212) 334-0611

Story from Glenn Greenwald inside.

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Report: Police Refuse To Work Against #OccupyWallStreet

Video - Lawrence O'Donnell on police brutality at Occupy Wall Street - Sep. 26, 2011

Check this out...

  • "Today we received unconfirmed reports that over one hundred blue collar police refused to come into work in solidarity with our movement.  These numbers will grow.  We are the 99 percent.  You will not silence us."

Meanwhile on the Anthony Bologna front...

Make Your Voice Heard

Mayor Bloomberg: +1 (212) 639-9675 or +1 (212) 788-2958
Deputy Commissioner of Public Information: +1 (646) 610-6700
NYPD Switchboard: +1 (646) 610-5000
First precinct: +1 (212) 334-0611

UPDATE - Protests are getting started in Boston as well.


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