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Occupy Baltimore, Day One - Interviews

Video - #OccupyBaltimore - Oct. 4, 2011 - Demonstration, held at McKeldin Square, at the Inner Harbor, in Baltimore, MD.

More excellent footage of average Americans telling the truth about Wall Street and corporate ownership of Washington.


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VIDEO - Searching For Loved Ones After The Brooklyn Bridge Arrests - #OccupyWallStreet

#OccupyWallStreet Video - Two people on a desperate search for their loved ones who were arrested on the Brooklyn Bridge Saturday, during the 'Occupy Wall Street Protests.'

This is a beautiful and brilliant clip shot in HD by Cheyenne's film crew (Bailout The Movie is coming soon!), led by director Sean Fahey.  Don't skip this - Runs 90 seconds.

Complete coverage of the Brooklyn Bridge arrests can be found HERE.

Trailer for Bailout is inside.

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Photo Of the Day - Ralph Nader


AWESOME VIDEO - Occupy Your City - #OccupyWallStreet


No Need To Audit The Federal Reserve According To GOP Flavor Of The Month, Idiot Herman Cain

Troglodyte Herman Cain who used to work for the Kansas City Fed needs a few hours in the ring with Ron Paul.

This is the only story you need to see to understand why we need a Fed audit...

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JP Morgan Gives $4.6 Million To NYPD, Forclosed Homes For Veterans, Greece Enters The Death Zone, Lobbyist Free-For-All Over Tax Holiday, Green Energy Glut (15 LINKS)


Why Do You Occupy? - Interviews At Occupy Boston

Great collection of very short interviews with dozens of protesters from #OccupyBoston.

See our previous coverage of the Boston protests for more detail:


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VIDEO - Occupy Wall Street Protesters Take Brooklyn Bridge, More Than 700 Arrested - #OccupyWallStreet

Story inside, with photos and complete details.

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Video: Occupy Los Angeles Begins - #OccupyLA


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Video: Protesters Outside San Fran Fed Demand Jamie Dimon 'Come Out With Your Hands Up' - #OccupySF

#OccupyWallStreet Video - More than 1,000 protesters outside the San Francisco Federal Reserve - Sep. 29, 2011


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MUST SEE - Keith Olbermann's Call To Arms: The Great Hypocrisy Of Debt, Politics, War And Man

Fire and brimstone.

This video is going to be very controversial with readers, without doubt.  I have my issues with Olbermann, mostly due to his extreme partisanship.  Dylan Ratigan has long since ascertained the truth that Olbermann takes great pains to avoid, namely that both parties are to blame, not just Republicans, as Democrats are equally complicit in facilitating the grand corporate takeover of America, specifically Washington.

That being said, this is an energetic, uplifting and remarkably angry clip that clamors for and deserves 8 minutes of your time, regardless of your tribal affiliation.  I do not agree with all that Olbermann states herein.  He is wrong, for example, about a balanced budget amendment, as it would allow deficit spending in exigent circumstance, and he is wrong as stated above, to focus his blame on but one side.  But his anti-war, anti-political message resonates as among the best I've seen, and his passion in vilifying the guilty will strike a chord with all but the most partisan among you.

Coming on the heels of Lieberman's pathetic call to cut Social Security for the sake of war, virtually endless war, delivered yesterday on the Senate floor, Olbermann's battle cry for action, for a public response of some kind, of any kind, is all the more moving and timely.

This is a call to arms like few you have heard.  Pay it due heed.

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Video: Occupy Chicago - March To Millennium Park

Video - #OccupyChicago protesters march from the Chicago Federal Reserve Bank (where they are headquartered) to Millenium Park - Sep. 30, 2011

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Tungsten Plated Gold Bars - Bob Chapman Implicates Robert Rubin & Larry Summers

Fake gold bars in Fort Knox...maybe.

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Ron Paul: Audit The Gold At Fort Knox! (Monetary Policy Subcommittee: Video)