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Regulators Investigating MF Global For $700 Million In Missing Client Funds - Was It Stolen By Management?

This is not looking good for former New Jersey Senator and Governor, and previously Goldman Sachs CEO Jon Corzine.  More than $700 million of supposedly safeguarded client funds have gone missing from MF Global.  If it was stolen from client accounts to support MF Global's trading positions, Jon Corzine should go to prison.  And if it was stolen, and Corzine escapes without a Federal ID number and associated orange jumpsuit due to fundraising ties with Obama and Eric Holder, then the game is over.  The rule of law is dead.

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How Former Goldman CEO And NJ Governor Jon Corzine Ran MF Global Into The Ground

Updated on Oct 31, 2011 at 11:13 AM by Registered CommenterDailyBail


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Despite Scott Olsen's Cracked Skull, DoJ And Eric Holder See No Evil In Occupy Crackdown

After Scott Olsen, a two-tour Iraq war veteran, suffered a skull fracture Tuesday when police shot Occupy Oakland protestors with rubber bullets and threw flash bang and tear gas grenades at them, you might think that the Justice Department would investigate.

After all, the Justice Department has the power and responsibility to investigate state and local police violations of Americans’ constitutional rights.

Sorry, Scott Olsen.  Sorry, Occupy.  No such luck.

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Nevada Makes Illegal Foreclosures A Felony (LINKS)


Scott Bergstresser - ANONYMOUS Identifies Cop Who Shot Marine Vet Scott Olsen

More detail inside.

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Did You Hear The One About The Bankers?

It doesn’t get any more immoral than this. As the Securities and Exchange Commission civil complaint noted, in 2007, Citigroup exercised “significant influence” over choosing $500 million of the $1 billion worth of assets in the deal, and the global bank deliberately chose collateralized debt obligations, or C.D.O.’s, built from mortgage loans almost sure to fail. According to The Wall Street Journal, the S.E.C. complaint quoted one unnamed C.D.O. trader outside Citigroup as describing the portfolio as resembling something your dog leaves on your neighbor’s lawn. “The deal became largely worthless within months of its creation,” The Journal added. “As a result, about 15 hedge funds, investment managers and other firms that invested in the deal lost hundreds of millions of dollars, while Citigroup made $160 million in fees and trading profits.”

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A Message To The Oakland Police: "You Have No Power!"

Watch the entire clip.

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VIDEO - Bill Black At Occupy Wall Street Discusses Putting Criminal Bankers In Jail


CNN Analyst On Ron Paul: "He Makes The Most Sense Of Any GOP Candidate"

CNN Video - Oct. 30, 2011

Some good discussion of the college cost, student loan bubble.

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Central Banks Add To Gold Reserves (LINKS)


VIDEO - Protester Interrupts Congress: "End The Wars!"

Video - Deficit Committee Super Congress - Oct. 26, 2011

She got it half right.  Taxing the rich won't fix a $1.4 trillion deficit, not even close.  The problem in Washington is spending, much of it on the war machine.  And closing loopholes that allow corporations like GE and Exxon to pay no income taxes would raise hundreds of billions annually.  The 15% hedge fund tax loophole also needs to be scrapped.

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Ron Paul Wins NFRA Straw Poll With 82% Of Vote


Nashville Judge Tells Cops: "You Have NO Lawful Basis To Arrest Occupy Protesters!"


MUST SEE - "First You've Got To Get Mad!"

Start watching at the 45-second mark.  Olbermann is on fire.

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