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Trader Speaks: How I Manipulated LIBOR


Secret Service Shuts Down 'Fire Eric Holder' Protest


Barney Fife Recites The Preamble To The Constitution

Barney gives Andy a history lesson...

Happy 4th to everyone.

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Why Isn't Wall Street In Jail!

Why Isn't Wall Street In Jail?

By Matt Taibbi

Over drinks at a bar on a dreary, snowy night in Washington this past month, a former Senate investigator laughed as he polished off his beer.

"Everything's fucked up, and nobody goes to jail," he said.  "That's your whole story right there.  Hell, you don't even have to write the rest of it.  Just write that."

I put down my notebook. "Just that?"

"That's right," he said, signaling to the waitress for the check. "Everything's fucked up, and nobody goes to jail.  You can end the piece right there."

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BOMBSHELL - Roberts Switched Vote On Obamacare

New video from tonight's CBS News broadcast.

Not sure how many readers saw this blockbuster story yesterday.  Justice Roberts buckled to an accusatory media and political pressure from across the judiciary.

What a mammoth, vaudevillian pussy.

We still believe the GOP will succeed in striking down Obamacare after the November elections, but this law, which pisses all over the Constitution, while simultaneously fellating the entire Managed Care, Insurance-HMO, Big Pharma constituency, should have been shredded by SCOTUS.  We ought not have to rely on the November elections to fix what the courts could have already flushed.

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Barclays CEO Bob Diamond Resigns Over Libor Scandal - "Dude, You're Killing Me!"

Will we eventually see U.S. bank CEOs resign?

Fat, f-ing chance.

Still it's nice to see the corrupt fail... if only fleetingly.

Massive fraud is usually not this funny:

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Bailout Update - $1.5 Trillion Still Owed To Treasury, Fed

A new study released by the Center for Media and Democracy (CMD) shows that, despite rosy statements about the bailout's impending successful conclusion from federal government officials, $1.5 trillion of the $4.8 trillion in federal bailout funds are still outstanding.

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Simon Johnson: U.S. Banks Aren’t Ready For Coming European Crisis, McConnell Says Repeal Of Obamacare 'Not Easy', New Disability Record (Links)


Jon Stewart - The Forecloser Exposes Bank Of America

Daily Show Video - The Florida Couple Who Foreclosed On Bank Of America

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Interview With Jim Chanos: "China Makes Greece And Spain Look Like Child’s Play'

Video - Jim Chanos on Short Selling, China - June 26, 2012

  • "China will have whatever GDP growth number the government wants even if the numbers do not add up."

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Larry Summers And John Taylor Debate Interventions, Bailouts And The Federal Reserve

Video - "Are Government Interventions an Important Cause of Our Recent Economic Problems?" - April 9, 2012

I've only watched half of this clip so far and there's a lot in here: bailouts, debt and deficits, Dodd-Frank, Volcker Rule, Bernanke, etc.  Good stuff but on the dry side. 

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WSJ Economist: '75% Of Obamacare Costs Will Fall On Backs Of Those Making $120K Or Less'

Video - Obamneycare Truth - Jun. 30, 2012

Stephen Moore, senior economics writer for the Wall Street Journal says nearly 75% of Obamacare costs will fall on middle-class Americans making less than $120,000 a year.

The headline quote comes in the final 30 seconds.

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Bank Of America And Countrywide: "It Was The Worst Deal In the History Of American Finance, Hands Down!"


SOURCES: Obama Growing Bored With Foreclosure Crisis