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WATCH: Obama Misses 17 Shots In A Row

Brick Obama goes 2 for 22.  Check the layup at 1:15.

Video of Obama missing approximately 4 million jump shots today at the White House Easter Egg Roll, while catcalls of 'Brick House' rain from the crowd.  Pay special attention to the airball free throw at 58 seconds and air ball layup at 1:15.

Surrounded by kids and members of the NBA's Washington Wizards, President Obama attempted 22 shots from various spots around the court, making exactly two.

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The Ballad Of Bernie Madoff

Yeehaw song.  Thirty seconds you'll never get back.

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Congressman Who Created The TSA Flips Out Over Waste

Mica completely annihilates Big Sis.  Details are infuriating.

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Live video from CBS Boston.


There are reports the second suspect has been shot multiple times and is motionless in a small boat.  Police are proceeding with caution out of fear he has booby-trapped the boat.

00:44 GMT: Tsarneav is in custody and alive, although police have requested an ambulance on the scene. Police say the standoff is over.

00:42 GMT: The three individuals detained in relation to the investigation are two men and a woman, according to a CNN report citing the FBI.

00:34 GMT: Three people have been detained in New Bedford, Massachusetts in connection with the Boston Marathon bombing investigation, the Boston Globe reports.

00:30 GMT: FBI officials confirmed to the Washington Post that Tamerlan Tsarnaev, the older of the two suspects in the Boston Marathon bombing, who was killed Thursday night, was interviewed two years ago in Boston on request from a "foreign government." Agents found “no derogatory information” relevant to his suspected terrorist ties. The interview was held in 2011, and the anonymous official would not reveal the terrorist organization in question or the country that requested the investigation.

00:15 GMT: A fire has been reported in the boat, as noted by NBC News. Tsarnaev was seen from a police helicopter using thermal imaging technology.

23:51 GMT: A Watertown resident tipped off police that Tsarnaev might be in the area when she noticed a ladder was amiss, according to NBC News.

23:50 GMT: Multiple outlets report that police are working with caution because of the possibility that the suspect is wearing a suicide vest and that the boat could contain full fuel tanks. WFXT, Boston’s Fox affiliate, reported a robot is being sent in.

23:44 GMT: Police have removed a cover from the boat where a man thought to be Tsarnaev is hiding. He is thought to be wounded, with the Boston Globe tweeting, "He's not moving."

23:36 GMT: Contrary to earlier reports, police now say they did find pipe bombs inside the Boston Marathon bombing suspects’ home, according to John Miller of CBS News. A bomb squad also found IEDs along the chase route Thursday night.  There was “meant to be a controlled detonation” of the explosives found at their residence.

23:19 GMT: Metro West Daily News reporter Laura Krantz tweets that a suspect has been “found in a boat” and is "likely dead," adding that there is blood on the scene.

23:08 GMT: The Boston Marathon bombing suspect is reportedly "pinned down" under a boat in Watertown, a source has told the Boston Globe.

23:02 GMT: Tactical teams are approaching a boat from which gunshots are reported to have been fired. Multiple EMS teams have been requested to the scene.

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DIMON ADMITS: Breaking The Law 'Is A Problem At JPM'

Following the rules is not easy for JPMorgan.

Jamie Dimon warns that JPMorgan, which is under regulatory orders to tighten internal controls, will face more sanctions in the coming months.  Dimon comments on the London Whale, criminal investigations into activities at the bank, illegal foreclosures, money laundering and the threat of cyber attack.

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SENATOR: "Banks Still Owe Us For The Bailouts!"

"Hank Paulson is the world's greatest salesman.  We gave $700 billion to Wall Street and nobody cares."

New interview.  Inhofe beats on Paulson.

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Why Did Goldman And JPM Get Fed Minutes A Day Early?


Guess How Many Millionaires Collect Unemployment

This is more than mildly disturbing.

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CNBC: "There's A Rumor There's No Gold At Fort Knox"


Bitcoin Down 50% In Massive Sell Off: $1 Billion Vaporized

The bloodshed continues today.  Watch the mayhem unfold.

Bicoin real time quotes: http://realtimebitcoin.info/

UPDATE - Bitcoin exchange freezes, arbitrarily shuts down


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Perma-Bull Abby Joseph Cohen: 'Buy Stocks, Sell Bonds'

This is actually a very good interview.

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The $400 Billion Military Jet That Can't Fly On Cloudy Days

Evening links.  25 stories.

Update - Huge new video collection has been added.  Some great stuff inside.

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Madoff Contacts Congress: 'JPM Was Complicit In My Crime'

Full story inside.

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NETWORK: 'I'm All Out Of Bullshit'

I don't have any bullshit left.  I just ran out of it, you see.

Peter Finch as Howard Beale.  More inside.

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