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Dylan Ratigan With Nevada AG: "We Should Investigate Foreclosure Fraud Before We Settle With The Banks"

Video - Ratigan with Nevada Attorney General Catherine Masto - Nov. 3, 2011

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MUST SEE - Max Keiser Mutilates Greek Bailout Apologist: "Bring It On You Nazi Financial Terrorist!"

Entire clip is awesome, but don't miss 3:37 thru the end.

Max loses it and starts screaming at the Greek banking stooge.

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Herman Cain 2012 - Lamest Political Ad Of All Time

Is it just me or do you feel like he's trying to sell a pizza.

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RAW VIDEO - Police Use Flash Grenades & Tear Gas At Oakland General Strike

From last night's general strike at Occupy Oakland.

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How US Banks Are Lying About Their Euro Debt Exposure


South Park - Occupying The Cafeteria, We Are The 99%

Michael Moore doesn't look very good.  A war on fat people in South Park.

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Occupy Denver Witness: 'Cops Fully Armed, Ready For War'


AP - Greece Bailout Referendum Has Been Scrapped

From the AP:

Two officials close to the Greek prime minister say he has scrapped his plan to hold a referendum on the latest European debt deal for Greece after the main opposition leader said would back it.

The two officials said George Papandreou made the comments during an emergency Cabinet meeting Thursday. One also said the premier would not resign despite mounting pressure, and would await the outcome of Friday's confidence vote in his government. 

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Greece's Papandreou To Resign

MarketWatch - Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou is expected to offer his resignation Thursday, the BBC reported, citing unnamed sources. Papandreou is set to meet with Greek President Karolos Papoulis immediately after the conclusion of an emergency cabinet meeting, the report said, with Papandreou expected to clear the way for a coalition government headed by Lucas Papademos, a former European Central Bank vice president.

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COMEDY - Bernanke Visits His Psychiatrist

  • "I'm The Bernank, not Batman..."

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How Occupy Wall Street Cost Me My Job (LINKS)


VIDEO - Oakland Police Were Embedded In Occupy Oakland's Camp Before The Raid

Source - BI

One of the Oakland Police Department's justifications for firing on unarmed demonstrators last week was that the protesters were throwing rocks and bottles.  But what if it was an undercover cop, within Occupy Oakland, that started the violence?

Since 9/11, law enforcement has made this a standard tactic.  In 2003, Oakland's acting police chief, Howard Jordan, said the following:

  • "You don't need to have some sort of skill to be able to infiltrate these groups. If you put the people in there from the beginning, I think we'll be able to gather the information. And maybe direct them to do something we want them to do."

And there's this:


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NEXT STOP - Occupy Foreclosures Gains Momentum


Mike Mayo: Send Citigroup And Bank Of America To 'Minor Leagues' For Breakup: "We Don't Have Capitalism, We Have Entitlement"

Big banks that haven't been performing should be broken up before they become a threat to the entire financial system, banking analyst and author Mike Mayo told CNBC.

"Let's go bank by bank, company by company, CEO by CEO, chairman by chairman, let's just go down the list...and start cleaning house," he said.

Looking at specific institutions, Mayo pointed to Citigroup Chairman Dick Parsons and said, "I don't know how he still has a job."

Full write-up inside.  This is a great interview.

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