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Coach Bob Knight Annihilates BP Executives For 'Lazy, F#@***ing Response' To Oil Spill

Video:  Bobby Knight chews out BP executives

Warning:  Profanity...Mostly F-bombs.  Quotes are transcribed inside.

I highly, highly recommend this if you can handle the language.

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Obama On Sestak: "I Can Assure The Public That Nothing Improper Took Place" (WATCH -- Blames It On Bill Clinton)


OBAMA SPEAKS: Deepwater BP Oil Spill -- Presidential Press Conference (Video & Transcript)

Video:  President Obama speaks about the federal response to the Deepwater BP disaster and answers questions from the media -- May 27, 2010

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A Few Words For My Critics (With Help From Bob Knight)

Video:  Go to 2:55 of the clip ------>! 

Quote is transcribed inside for those who can't watch.

It's very funny.  I was there at Assembly Hall when this happened.

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Obama Says 'Official' Explanation Coming 'Shortly' on Alleged Sestak Job Offer


FRAUD: Documents Show Bank Of America & Citigroup Utilized Lehman-Style Repo 105s To Hide Debt

As I wrote at the time, it wasn't just Lehman Brothers.  Eventually, I'm sure we will learn that Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley and JPMorgan were doing the same.  The good news is that there's a new FASB Rule just now being implemented that makes these practices explicitly forbidden.  So the loophole should be closed.

Hiding true leverage ratios and debt at quarter's end is FRAUD

It's but one of many Wall Street practices federal prosecutors should be examining.  And it wouldn't hurt if Robert Khuzami at the SEC started to make some noise about this blatantly corrupt accounting.  And while we're at it, why did the auditors sign off on these techniques?  Where are the investigations of KPMG and others?

Nothing as thrilling as asking my questions into an echo chamber of enforcement.  Now on to the story.


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AMBROSE EVANS PRITCHARD: US money supply PLUNGES at 1930s pace as Obama eyes fresh stimulus


WATCH LIVE: Obama Press Conference On BP Oil Disaster (Happening Right NOW)

Press conference is now over.  I will post a video when one becomes available.


And here it is:

CLICK HERE to watch a video of the press conference  >>

Includes a transcript of the speech and reporters' Q&A.


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Mid-Day Reading (Nixon Helicopter Photo, May 27, 2010)

Just getting started with things.  Now thirty links.

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RATIGAN: BP Gusher Could Leak For 24 Years (WATCH)

Video:  Author Matthew Simmons with Spitzer & Dylan Ratigan -- May 26, 2010

Watch the entire clip if your time allows.  Otherwise start at 6:30 or so, when Simmons begins.  He estimates that if BP's top kill fails, and no other alternative is found, that the ruptured well could leak for 9,000 days (24 years).

At the start of my career I was an oil & gas analyst for Alex Brown (now part of Deutsche Bank).  I still follow the industry and have been emailing a few old drillers about solutions.  I've been advocating, and shown in a second clip (inside), the solution is to drop a bomb down into the pipe that is big enough to collapse the sea floor and smother the leak.  The Russians have done it at least 6 and possibly as many as 9 times, and they did it with nuclear weapons.  Simmons advocates for the same.

It might sound radical, but so does 9,000 days of gushing oil.  After top kill, the next option is firing golf balls and debris into the leak.  After golf balls and tire shreads fail, there is no other option besides collasping the sea bed.  And that will require that a nuclear bomb be detonated beneath the ocean floor. 

And Obama must be aware of it as an option, as he sent an advance team of nuclear scientists to the Gulf a few days ago.

Simmons also mentions a Purdue analysis showing possibly as much as 120,000 barrells leaking daily, just a tad higher than BP's marketing lie of 5,000.

Great interview.


Video:  Nuke the leak and collapse the sea bad


Check Out 11 Extreme Oil Spill Solutions  >>


All day UPDATES on the Success (or Failure) of Top Kill


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Hilarious Political Ad -- Meet Dale Peterson, Candidate For Alabama Agriculture Commission (WATCH)

Updated on May 21, 2010 at 5:06 PM by Registered CommenterDailyBail

Updated on May 27, 2010 at 4:55 PM by Registered CommenterDailyBail

UPDATE:  Though I believed I had made myself clear in the original story, I am not making fun of Dale Peterson.  I like the AD and the candidate.  I have received several emails from readers who thought I was criticizing Peterson. 

Read my response HERE  >>


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Afternoon Reading (Plus Obama Cartoon, May 26, 2010)

Obama Arizona Immigration Cartoon


AWESOME -- Make Goldman Sachs Give Back the $13 Billion!!!

TABLES TURNED -- Activists blast Mexico's immigration law (GREAT READ)

CHINA -- Prostitutes to Blame for Housing Bubble

NEW TOKYO SPEECH -- Bernanke Says Fed Must Be Free from Meddling

NEW WARNING -- Moody's Says Debt Level, Spending Pose Risk to U.S. AAA  Rating

Sestak-Obama White House scandal called 'impeachable offense'

Ambac closer to paying billions of dollars to banks

Regulators Push for Coordinated Global Rule on Bank Capital

FBI Arrests 2 for Trying to Sell Disney Earnings Info (Idiots Sent Letters!)

Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick Gets Multi-Year Prison Sentence

New York Pension Scandal -- Outrageous (must see)

Nuke the Oil Spill

If 'Top Kill' Fails, BP Will Resort To Firing Golf Balls Into The Leak

12 Senators named to work out bank reform bill in Conference with House

Larry Summers -- Second Stimulus Plan on the Horizon

ING Says Paying Principal on Mortgage Loans is Unnecessary (MISH)

Fed's Bullard: Euro crisis no Lehman-style shock

GOP Senator -- Obama Needs Valium

SC SCANDAL -- Purported Haley Text: 'You're The One Who Screwed Her'

Author writing about Sarah Palin moves NEXT DOOR to her

Rand Paul Plans Staff Shake Up after Gaffes

Exclusive: FBI details surge in death threats against lawmakers

O'Keefe -- Conservative Phone Hack Plotters Plead Guilty

Tony Blair to earn millions as climate change adviser

Defiant Gov. Christie -- We're Not Raising Taxes!

Arizona Gets Border Soldiers; None for Texas

WOW: Researchers Achieve Quantum Teleportation Over 10 Miles of Empty Space

America's Most Dangerous Airlines


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BP DISASTER: Gruesome Underwater Spill Footage: 'It's A Nightmare’ Says Cousteau During Dive (WATCH)

This post has turned into a round-up with 7 important clips and several links.  I spent a few hours on this one, so check it out.  Make sure you see the BP revenge photo.

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Obama Wants $26 Billion For Bailout Of Teachers' Unions

Video: Education Secretary Arne Duncan -- May 25, 2010

While it's difficult to criticize funding for educators, this would be the 2nd bailout for state teachers' unions who already received $40 billion as part of last January's stimulus package.

Two clips, several links, full story treatment.

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