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BP OIL DISASTER: Top Kill Procedure Explained (WATCH)

Video:  Animated footage of the 'top kill' procedure which BP will perform later this week at the Deepwater Horizon site in an effort to stop the leak.

Links and complete story from the Oil Drum.

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Video Round-Up: Rove, Shiller, CC Reform, Kaufman, Gregg (The Apologist), Code Pink @ BP, Spain, Rand Paul, Russian Mafia, Biden & Obama 

Obama Gives the Middle Finger to Clinton

Notice the finger.  A loving gesture for Hillary Clinton in Campaign 2008.

  • Sixteen clips. 
  • No particular order.

The newest attempt at a citizen's arrest of Karl Rove is classic.

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Why Did Goldman, Citi & GE Suddenly Agree To Bailout Obama's Favorite Bank? -- Glenn Beck Exposes The Truth On ShoreBank (Video & Transcript)

We poke fun at Beck's persona from time to time, but he does an excellent job here with a complicated story.

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SPECIAL TREATMENT: Bailout Of Bank With Obama Ties Raises Eyebrows; Citi, Goldman, Taxpayers To Rescue


BANKRUPTING AMERICA: The United States Is The Next Greece (WATCH)

Video:  The Bankrupting Of America

Three very short clips -- five minutes total.  No miss.

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Fraudulent Fergie (Video & Transcript)

Video:  Sarah Ferguson, Dutchess of York, sells access to Prince Andrew -- May 23

Political corruption from across the Pond.

  • "He knows that he's had to underwrite me up to now because I've got no money.  So if you want to meet him in your business, look after me and he'll look after you.  You'll get it back tenfold.  I can open any door you want."
  • "That opens up everything you would ever wish for.  And I can open any door you want. And I will for you."


Complete transcript is HERE  >>

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COMEDY DUMP: Friday Afternoon Time Waster (WATCH)

Updated on May 21, 2010 at 2:19 PM by Registered CommenterDailyBail

Updated on May 21, 2010 at 3:18 PM by Registered CommenterDailyBail

NOTE:  I will be building this post all afternoon.  There will eventually be at least ten 13 videos (so far), but I'm publishing the story now, so you can get started.

NOTE:  I'm done adding clips.  Stopping at 15.  Great stuff.

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Friday Afternoon Reading (May 21, 2010)

Excellent links this afternoon.  Big comedy mash post coming up, so check back.

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Glenn Beck's "Unholy Alliance" With Goldline (Comedy)

Video:  Glenn Beck Ad for Goldline

"Call Goldline. Study it outPray on it....Trust the people at Goldline."

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Who Will Your Senator Stand With Now?

Brand new op-ed submitted by Dylan Ratigan.

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EXPOSED: The Lies Of Hank Paulson (WATCH)

Note:  The original headline of this story has been changed.

Note:  I spent 2 hours putting this post together, so please take 2 minutes to share it somewhere on the vast interweb.  Thank you.

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Update On The BP Oil Disaster: Photos From Space, Videos Of Gusher, New Leak Estimates, Massive Cover-Up Alleged


NWO EXPOSED: In CFR Speech Brzezinski Warns 'Political Awakening' Could Thwart Global Agenda (WATCH)

Video:  Zbigniew Brzezinski speaks to CFR Montreal -- May 18, 2010

As background, Brzezinski wrote the following in his 1970 book Between Two Ages: America's Role in the Technetronic Era:

  • "The technetronic era involves the gradual appearance of a more controlled society.  Such a society would be dominated by an elite, unrestrained by traditional values.  Soon it will be possible to assert almost continuous surveillance over every citizen and maintain up-to-date complete files containing even the most personal information about the citizen.  These files will be subject to instantaneous retrieval by the authorities."

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Honest Bill Fleckenstein: The Only Difference Between The U.S. And Greece Is A Printing Press (WATCH)

Excellent discussion of deflation, inflation, gold, Greece, and the US dollar.

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