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Debtris - A Billion Here And A Billion There (UK version)


Video: BP Spill Update: Claims Czar Ken Feinberg Sued


AWESOME - Watch A Protester Flip Out On JP Morgan Exec During Senate Banking Hearings

These are by far my favorite type of clips - random, live, televised episodes of public humiliation for the criminal bankster elite.

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Defrauded And Evicted: Watch Former Houseowners Kicked Out By J.P. Morgan Show Up And Protest At Foreclosure Auction Of Their Own Homes (Video)


Investigation: US ATF Secretly Arming Mexican Drug Cartels

Photo - A Mexican Army General holds one of the Barrett .50 caliber rifles (!) the ATF allowed to be smuggled into Mexico.

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Why Ron Paul Leads The Real Anti-War, Anti-Government Tea Party And Sarah Palin Is A Neocon Buffoon

Ron Paul

I spent a few hours putting this collection together.  Give it a listen.  Some head-to-head battles between Palin and Paul.

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Hate Comes To Orange County


Video: Tim Geithner's Accidental Brush With Truth...

Geithner lets down his guard at Fannie hearing Tuesday.  Runs 45 seconds.

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President Obama's Top Scientist An Inconvenient Truth For Senate Democrats On Global Cooling 

Video - Senate Hearings - Mar. 2, 2011

Jim Inhofe and Barbara Boxer spar over 1970's global cooling hysteria.  I can speak with experience on this subject.  I was in the 6th grade in 1977 and was completely indoctrinated into the hysteria by a program that was taught at my public middle school, University Elementary in Bloomington, Indiana.  As a result I soon started having nightmares about global cooling and the new ice age, and glaciers overtaking my neighborhood.  No kidding.

All of which brings up a point.  STOP SCARING THE LIVING BEJESUS OUT OF KIDS WITH ENVIRONMENTAL HYSTERIA AND DOOMSDAY SCENARIOS.  These programs begin in ELEMENTARY school these days.  A high number of kids can't handle it emotionally until they are older, say 8th grade.  I know from experience.  I turned my household of 5 (including me) into a war zone, with rebukes for family members who left lights on or otherwise wasted electricity.  I actually kept a list.  It was awful.  I was made an enviro-nazi practically overnight.  All for global cooling. 

What a waste of time.  Do not buy into the hype.  This is an agenda being pushed by groups with deeper motives.  Enough said.  And keep your eyes open for those glaciers.  They'll be coming around the corner any minute now.

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Have You Ever Seen A Tank On Top Of An Airplane: Video Of Libyan Airport After Days Of Fighting


KC Fed President Issues New Report Calling For 'Break Up' Of J.P. Morgan, Goldman, Citigroup & Bank Of America


Crime Without Punishment: FCIC Chair Phil Angelides With Dylan Ratigan: "28% Fraudulent Mortgages And No Wall Street Handcuffs"

Outstanding discussion.  Charles Ferguson woke some people up with his Oscar speech according to Angelides.  Complete transcript included.

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The 2008 Financial Crisis Was NOT Caused By Terrorists Unless By Terrorist You Mean Hank Paulson


Inside The Shiny Head Of A Financial Terrorist

Inside Paulson's Mind 

Originally published in Sep. 2009

Writer Todd Purdum and Vanity Fair have published an extremely interesting piece on former Goldman Sachs CEO, Treasury Secretary and TARP terrorist Henry Paulson.  Purdum had access to the Hammer for over 6 months and reveals it all to VF.  The juicy revelation seems to be the admission from Hank that he knew early on that capital injections would be required instead of an asset buy.  This should not be surprising.  The Hammer knew all along that an asset purchase program would be impossible to create and launch quickly.  But it sounded more palatable than asking for $700 billion to lend directly to the banks.  So he sold TARP under a false premise and then changed the wording of the final bill.  Except we knew this already.  Anyone remember the language change in the final TARP legislation?  I covered the story back in February but can't find it in the site archives.  Phrasing was inserted into the bill which would grant the Treasury Secretary "the authority to make direct investments in troubled banks."  No one noticed until a few weeks later when the policy shift toward direct investment was announced. 

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