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William Black: "The de facto policy right now is elite frauds go free if they're in banking because the whole sector is too fragile; That is significantly insane"

Video - Bill Black on banking fraud - April 24, 2011

Source - Tech Ticker

William Black blames policymakers.

It's a matter of "unofficial" policy, he claims. "The de facto policy right now is elite frauds go free if they're in banking because the whole sector is too fragile. That is significantly insane. It will produce the next crisis." Essentially he's saying officials think it's more important for the banking sector to make money than it is for them to follow the law.

In the accompanying interview with Aaron Task, he notes that Treasury or White House officials are fully aware of the fraud, citing FBI testimony as far back as 2004 about rampant fraud in the mortgage market. In fact, Black says the problems banks are now facing with foreclosure paperwork are simply a result of the foreclosure frauds that were never addressed. "Every time you fail to root out the frauds, the fraud simply migrates. It migrates from the lending process to the foreclosure and servicing process."

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Interview With Creator Of Famous NYC U.S. Debt Clock

Ever wonder who pays for and mangaes the debt clock in Manhattan.  Give that company some credit.  We doubt they received stimulus funds.  Solid clip.  Stiglitz comments at 2:30.

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Video: Soros On Obama, Afghanistan: "Doomed To Fail"

From last week with Tavis Smiley.

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VIDEO: Bin Laden's Compound Still Burns, Inside The Kill Site, Navy Seals Double Tap Osama


Raymond Davis 'Acting Head Of CIA In Pakistan' Held For Double Murder: Video Of Police Interview After Shootings

Updated on Feb 24, 2011 at 8:47 PM by Registered CommenterDailyBail

UPDATE: CIA spy Davis was giving nuclear bomb material to Al-Qaeda.


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Hayek On Keynes (Video), Big Payday For Goldman Sachs Team, Dollar Hits Fiat-Era Low, China Stockpiling Gold, U.S. Gets 'C' Credit Rating Lower Than Mexico (LINKS)


WATCH LIVE: Obama Speaks On Death Of Bin Laden

Obama press conference should begin shortly.  Shot to the head and the body is in U.S. custody.  Sources say DNA has confirmed the body as Bin Laden.  The President will speak to the nation live.




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Trump Rips China: "Listen You Motherfuc****!" (VIDEO)


Dean Baker: We Desperately Need QE3 And Inflation: "Dollar Is STILL 20% Overvalued""


Home Prices In 20 U.S. Cities Drop Most In More Than 12 Months - Robert Shiller, Karl Case With Bloomberg

April 26 (Bloomberg) -- Karl Case, co-creator of the S&P/Case-Shiller Index, discusses today's report on residential real estate prices in February and the outlook for the U.S. housing market.  The index of property values in 20 cities fell 3.3 percent from February 2010, the biggest year-over-year decrease since November 2009, the group said today.  The decline matched the median forecast in a Bloomberg News survey.  Case talks with Tom Keene.

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Video: Bernanke's Own Words on Fed Policy, QE2


Sin City Exodus: Las Vegas Mansions Deserted as Foreclosure Pain Spreads To The Rich

April 26 (Bloomberg) -- A growing number of high-end homes are selling at a loss or facing repossession by lenders in Las Vegas, which already has the highest rate of foreclosure filings among large U.S. cities. The wave of defaults that began with subprime borrowers and the unemployed has spread to upscale homeowners who see no point of staying even if they can afford to.


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Audit Finds Sokol Misled Buffett, Broke Insider Trading Rules, Berkshire May Sue: "They're Throwing Him Under A Bus" (Video)

April 28 (Bloomberg) -- David Sokol violated Berkshire Hathaway Inc.’s insider-trading rules and misled the company about his personal stake in Lubrizol Corp., which he recommended as a takeover target to Chairman Warren Buffett, the firm said.  An 18-page report released yesterday by Berkshire’s audit committee portrayed Buffett as a victim of deception and said the company should weigh suing Sokol, 54, to recover his trading profits.

Story from Bloomberg inside.

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Chrysler To Repay Bailout With Bank Loans, Bonds