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Jon Stewart On The Unreleased Bin Laden Photos


BITCOIN - Peer To Peer Currencies Eliminate Banks


Poll - When Was Osama Bin Laden Killed?


Senator: No Debt Ceiling Hike Without A Balanced Budget

The boldest plan to rein in spending and debt comes from newcomer Sen. Mike Lee (R-Utah), a Tea Party favorite who dispatched Republican incumbent Bob Bennett in the primaries before coasting to victory in the general election last fall. Lee has vowed to block passage of a debt-limit increase unless Congress signs on to his balanced-budget amendment which would cap annual federal spending at 18 percent of Gross Domestic Product (GDP).  The amendment would require a super-majority of two-thirds in the Senate and House of Representatives. Lee’s bill is competing with another Republican proposal from Sens. Hatch (Utah) and Cornyn (Texas) to cap spending at 20 percent of GDP. The Hatch-Cornyn bill has weaker rules on its higher cap as well.

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Harry Reid in '06: Raising debt ceiling last thing we should do, will weaken country, hurt economy


Wife: We're $14 Trillion In Debt; Husband: We Need More Credit Cards

Excellent work from Nick Gillespie at Reason TV.

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Mike Capuano's Bank CEO Beatdown: "I'm Amazed That None Of You Have Been Prosecuted Yet!" (VIDEO)

Video:  Rep. Mike Capuano takes on bailed-out bank CEOs - Flashback

Jamie Dimon, Lloyd Blankfein, Ken Lewis, John Thain, Vikram Pandit sit slack-jawed.  Start watching at the 1:20 mark.  Part of this clip was included in Charles Ferguson's Oscar-winning Inside Job.

  • "Basically you come to us today on your bicycles, after buying Girl Scout cookies and helping out Mother Theresa."

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Goldman Sachs 'Totally Freaked Out' About Volcker Rule, Lobbying Congress Without Remorse For Past Deeds


Bush's Latest Communique On Bin Laden From Sizzler

Will Farrell's Funny or Die - Bush remarks from a Sizzler steakhouse in Texas.

He has personally overseen a 'strategic and covert operation.'

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Keith McCullough: "Geithner Has Dollar Problems"


Big fish, little fish: Why the executives behind the financial crisis aren’t facing jail time but Charlie Engle is serving 21 months for a liar loan

Video - Joe Nocera on PBS Need to Know - April 30, 2011

New York Times columnist Joe Nocera discusses the case of Charlie Engle, one of the "little fish" who went to jail for lying on a mortgage application, while many of the "biggest fish" responsible for the financial crisis have escaped prosecution.

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WSJ Interactive Map - Food Stamp Use By State (14.3% Of U.S. Residents Benefit From Program)

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Growth in the food stamp program appeared to reach a plateau in February — with 14.3% of the population relying on the safety net program.

The number of food stamp recipients was essentially flat in February, the most recent month available, with 44.2 million Americans receiving benefits, according a new report from the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

See a sortable breakdown of the data here...

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South Carolina Supreme Court Halts Foreclosures

The South Carolina Supreme Court halted pending foreclosures Tuesday and instated a mandatory foreclosure intervention program.

Chief Justice Jean Toal wrote in an administrative order that any foreclosure cases pending as of May 9 may not be subject to foreclosure or a foreclosure sale before going through a mediation program. Foreclosure intervention will also be mandatory for any foreclosure cases filed after that date.

South Carolina is a judicial foreclosure state, meaning each individual case must go through the court system to be valid. Toal is hoping mediation will relieve some of the burden foreclosure volumes are causing to the court system.

Continue reading at Housing Wire...

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Brother, Can You Spare A Trillion?