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Simon Johnson Says Nominate Elizabeth Warren, Paying Wind Farms To Stop Farming, Twitter Users Ask "Who Is Bin Laden", The Intellectual Dishonesty Of Nancy Pelosi (Links)


Ted Poe Destroys The Environmental Illusion: Dear Thomas Edison: Turn Off The Lights, The Party's Over

This is brilliant.

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Feds File $1 Billion Suit Against Deutsche Bank Over Mortgage Fraud, Other Banks Now In Crosshairs

U.S. May Pursue More Lenders After Suing Deutsche on Faulty Mortgages

The U.S. Department of Justice may pursue claims against other lenders after suing Deutsche Bank AG for more than $1 billion, alleging the firm lied while arranging federal insurance on faulty mortgages.

The Housing and Urban Development Department is examining loans insured through the Federal Housing Administration and may refer additional cases to the Justice Department, HUD’s general counsel, Helen Kanovsky, said yesterday in an interview.

“We go where the evidence takes us, and if it takes us to the larger players on Wall Street, so be it,” Kanovsky said. U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara said it wouldn’t be a “fantastical stretch” for prosecutors to scrutinize other lenders.

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Bin Laden's Terror Files - What Happens Next? (LINKS)


Portugal Agrees To $116 Billion IMF Bailout, India Sees Inflation & Hikes Rates, Silver Takes Hit On Margin Boost, Geithner Presses China, No More Liars - Ron Paul 2012


Wikileaks: Threat To Create Nuclear Hellstorm In Europe If Osama Killed Or Captured


Martin Weiss: U.S. Ranks 33rd Out Of 47 Nations For Credit Risk, Earns 'C' Rating (Video)

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America's rating was ranked 33rd out of 47 nations, according to Weiss, which began tracking sovereign debt last year. France and Japan also got a "C" rating, while Only China and Thailand received an "A" rating.

Weiss Ratings based its score purely on statistics, and does not take into account qualitative factors such as political stability.

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Zuckerman Rips Obama For Failed Deficit Leadership: "The U.S. Is A Ponzi Scheme That Sooner Or Later Will Blow Up"

Video - May 3 (Bloomberg) - Mortimer Zuckerman

Watch the first 2 minutes.  Morty calls for cuts to defense in addition to means testing medicare.  Zuckerman is a Democrat who supported Obama, and this isn't the first attack.


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Bin Laden Meets His 72 Virgins

Editor's Note - NMA TV pulled this Bin Laden clip from Youtube this morning (they produced and released it only yesterday).  Apparently they had second thoughts.  We found a copy that Mediaite had converted to their player and here it is.  There are no other copies of this clip left out there.  Warning - Offensive for some viewers.

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Video: Mississippi River Levee Meets Army Demolition


Roubini On China, Europe, Greece, Euro Instability

Video - May 2 (Bloomberg) -- Nouriel Roubini, the New York University economist who predicted the financial crisis, talks about China's management of its economy. Roubini also discusses al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden's death, the global economic recovery and the outlook for the euro. He speaks with Tom Keene at the Milken conference in Los Angeles.


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Rand Paul With The Judge: Budget Conversation Must Be About Spending Less Not Taxing More


Daily Show: Jon Stewart With William Cohan On Goldman


Daily Show Video - April 28, 2011 - William Cohan Extended Interview Pt. 1

William Cohan says Goldman Sachs uses its influence with government to get out of trouble, and its tentacles are still everywhere.

Part 2 is inside.

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Video: The Horrific Legacy Of Chernobyl

Watch at least the first 90 seconds.

Paul Fusco photographs the children born within the radiation zone.

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