Trump Rips China: "Listen You Motherfuc****!" (VIDEO)
The f-bomb entertainment begins at the 5-minute mark.
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Reader Comments (69)
To the victor belongs the spoils!
…says the carnival barker.
Trump is going to shake out the lame GOP candidates. Only the tough will remain. No Romney, no Huckabee, and so on.
Maybe Karl Rove will stop working for Obama. That would be good news, right? I think Trump is going to pull in a great VP as well. I have not decided yet but it is worth a look.
Come on, Obama wanted to go up against Romney or the like. Romney is unelectable, he is in a cult and he is a dull man with no fire.
She must be a problem for Obama for you to feel that way.
Memo to Mitt:
AUGUSTA, Maine — State officials have 90 days to find a buyer for two Katahdin region paper mills before their Toronto-based owner begins decommissioning them....
.....Brookfield officials had not specifically stated when the dismantling process would begin, but noted that they had a tentative agreement that gave Meriturn Partners until Friday to buy the mills if certain conditions were met, including relief from all liability associated with the landfill.
The San Francisco investor backed out of its tentative agreement on April 8 to buy the mills, citing a failure to meet its goals and the fact that some of the East Millinocket mill’s customers had begun seeking other vendors for mill products, including newsprint and telephone directory paper. About 450 workers were laid off. The Millinocket mill closed in September 2008, idling about 150 workers.
The owners offered to sell to Meriturn for $1.00..... Due to political issues related to California based Democrats and comments made by the Governor regarding the President, (told him where to go) this may be a really good deal for the right buyers. I am originally from the region and there is a lot of wood from well managed forestland. The Mills are located a few miles from where the television series American Loggers (on the Discovery Channel) Is filmed. There is rail access, and a deep water port about 80 miles away.
I hope someone or a group of investors would consider purchasing this.
Q.> But who does Mr. Rothschild want elected?
A.> The ultimate winner and hired tool
Trump had donated to Democrats such as Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, Rahm Emanuel, and more.
Trump is surely an insider. Did you listen to his rants.
He wants to take the oil. We are the conquerors! And he immediately disregards their sovereignty. Excuse me phucktard....they didn't attack us. And we ended up destroying completely their infrastructure and killing well over 500,000 innocent lives. The culture is virtually lost...stolen.
He belittles Iraqi as being stupid to not understand democracy
He believes Iran will overtake Iraq if we leave. And that Iran will conquer the Mideast. And his concern...Israel.
And did you hear the folks clapping for Israel and supporting this derogatory and hateful speech? Those were Americans cheering this guy on.
Trump is an insider and this video just confirms he's toting the propaganda line and thinks the world should operate by taking from those who are weaker than you. OK...are sure you want it that way? Are sure you will always be "on top of the pack". Such arrogance from these rich fuchs.
I hope you travel with bodyguards Trump. Cause someday you just might need them.
What a perfect example of how the elite (altho Trump is at the lower lower level) cater to our emotions, deceive us and ultimately divide us with lies.
Simply amazing. This video says it all for those rational human beings left in America about Donald Trump.
There really is no one with power that is looking to save this country or make the world a better place to live.
This is much more serious than I had realized...and I thought it was pretty bad.
Good luck folks. The message in this video IS NOT about slandering China. If that's what you gleamed from it, then I would say its rather hopeless.
Onr more thing, Americans will never wake up, while thier country is being sold to the lowest bidder and being destroyed from within, they are mostly watching the Royal Wedding with wide open eyes. I guess what will happen to them is deserved.
Perhaps you should follow the vote rigging and corruption scandals that have clearly been proven to be "rigged" since the Bush/Gore election of 2000. Do you really believe your votes counts? Even with electronic machines? A recent court hearing provided evidence from a IT specialist that demonstrated how easy it was to rigged votes, and that he was given work instructions to rigged the votes. So why waste your time and energy in a corrupt system? Perhaps you believe that doing what they expect you to do, and believing naively that it will make a difference is the solution.
You continue to believe in your "system"....I want no part of it regardless of who is running (e.g., Ron Paul). The windbags in Washington DC have usurped their powers. They are instruments of corporate entities. They work for the USA, Incorporated and are officer of the corporation. THEY DO NOT WORK FOR YOU UNDER THE CURRENT SYSTEM. Your statements have proven your ignorance and that ignorance has continued the facade of what America is today.
America is NOT a great country. Americans have continued to sacrifice their rights and liberties by trusting in this government and accepting the policies of the government as gospel. I would gladly debate you on why you think America is so great?
In case you do not know, we are a fascist-led state....not a republic or government of the people. Our country is the world military force used by elite entities around the world to secure land, natural resources, and strategic locations to threaten those that will not go along with the global UN/IMF/World Bank policies. Simply stated....America is the killing force in this world that has brought wars, genocide, starvation, disease and other atrocities to unsuspecting countries that assumed we had good intentions.
If you want to learn about this government....go here and spend 3-6 months reading the documents. Then, come back and tell me what you believe in. If you continue to believe that your politicians will save're a fool. It doesn't matter who you vote in to office because they are only allowed in if they conform to the rules. Otherwise, you are booted out or murdered. Plenty of examples of the latter!!
Study the works of William Cooper
Study the works of Eustace Mullins
I wish you luck. I started the journey many years ago and have discovered more of the truth, and it is rather ugly and appalling. Nothing will change until you understand the truth. Otherwise, you're just a tool.
Let's start chopping..... start with Jamie Simon.... the other Wall St gangsters...
I always wondered what made the French come out and CHEER when the heads rolled.... Now I understand.
The Federal Government ONLY has Jurisdiction in the "10 square mile area" known as the "District of Colombia" it is CLEARLY stated in the Constitution for ALL to read!!!!!! However Americans are too busy with American Idol and Dancing with the stars bullshit to even think about reading one of the most important documents ever written.....
Everything and I do mean EVERYTHING the US Government does and has done since 1933 has been "ILLEGAL" "UNCONSTITUTIONAL" and designed to steal American wealth and give it to the very richest people on Earth (and I am not talking about the poor people like the Donald or Warren Buffet) I am talking about the VERY richest people like the Rothchilds and the Rockefellers!!!!!!
The Federal Reserve Bank is no more federal than Federal Express, has NO reserves, and is NOT even a Bank!!!!!! It's a CORPORATION!!!!!!! And it controls OUR Government from within!!!!!!!!!
It's time "We the People" wake up and TAKE control of OUR Government before America is spelled "AmeriKa" and "We the People" become obsolete!!!!!!!
And to the sheeple that THINK America is supposed to be a "Democracy" I have some good quotes from our past that will shed some light on that bullshit....
Benjamin Franklin
"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well armed lamb contesting the vote!"
1928 Army training manual
“Democracy: A government of the masses. Authority derived through mass meeting or any form of ‘direct' expression. Results in mobocracy. Attitude towards laws is that the will of the majority shall regulate, whether it is based upon deliberation or governed by passion, prejudice or impulse, without restraint or regard to consequences. Results in demagoguism, license, agitation, discontent, anarchy."
Charles & Mary Beard
"At no time, at no place, in solemn convention assembled, through no chosen agents, had the American people officially proclaimed the United States to be a democracy. The Constitution did not contain the word or any word lending countenance to it... When the Constitution was framed, no respectable person called himself a democrat."
Thomas Jefferson
"The Republican is the only form of government which is not eternally at open or secret war with the rights of mankind" (letter to William Hunter, March 11, 1790)
H.L. Mencken
"Democracy is a form of worship. It is the worship of jackals by jackasses."
H.L. Mencken
"A good politician under democracy is quite as unthinkable as an honest burglar."
ANd I could go on and on and on and on with the awesome Democracy quotes but I will spare you all.... I just hope and wish that the American people wake up VERY SOON and take back what is rightfully ours!!!! America!!!!!!
However, I think it's much too late for protests all together. Orwell's world is already upon us here in the EU as well, although the point when a silly imbecilic clown like Trump is allowed to enter the rostrum is not yet reached. (Hmmm... well, we do have Silvio Berlusconi down in Italy of course... ;-)
@ Norman ("One last "Q": what are your "Bona Fides" as to being a true "Patriot" in reality, not just in the "Rhetoric" department?")
What the hell are yours?
Back in the 70's it still payed to vote, but to make anything realy count, you need'ed 70% to cover the under the table votes from "Both Sides".........................
Then came the late 80's-90's, and them thAre "Chad's"................Thats when the Crap out of Washington started to taste Foul................Crap, I reamber the MSM Everynight makind a "Big-Fuc*in Deal" about the last hanging chads in the last 4 states.............
Whos gona win.........????????? or Bush..............? We all knwe "Baby Boots" was a sure in, and im glad he payed more money to swing the W/H in his favor, evan if the "R" had to buy the win..........
Clinton did the same thing. And that was before Moncia was under the table. Just think how many votes that would bring from either side, with a "Chic" under the desk........?
But the Elite, knew there has to be a better way to "Cheat" right in front of the Sheeple's nose, and they will neaver see it commin.................? Elc. Voting Machines............The units were bought n payed for by the eliet, and they can swing the vote 49-51, no mater who got the votes..........
The "Buildenburg-Group", have the voteing machines all under thAre wings. Neaver again will voting mean a Shit, to the American People.
And "Num-Nuts" if you want Proof, I'll get you the link to the clip that will spell it out, how voting is a long gone right, of the American People...........Its all a set up, to still make you think "YOU", can make a differance..............................
& Dont Climb Up My "Ass" becouse "Texas Dar" cant Spell Worth'ed-a-Shit"..........DB's Good Ol Boys, already know that..........
Voteing is for the stupid-uninformed folks out thAre, that just aint with whats goin on today, and with the "New World Order" right out in the open..........................
I reamber when "Daddy-Boots" said, this is a great day for the new world order, and a new way of life for thepeople of the world.................................................................................................................................................................................................
I didend know what it ment, but I was smart enought to know, it wasent going to be good for the people of America...................? So, get of the voting Shit, that was for us back in 1982........................
The Donald & Obama, are in togeather on this fuc*ing shit. This is all a big plan to make us think Trump is our new leader, just as many got "Sucked In" with the Bull Shit Obama gave us in 2008.........
I may be wrong, but Trump has been friends with the Dem. Obama can give Trump as much as he wants to play the game. The American People have a shit load of money I can spend on getting in the W/H again in 2012, if you will play the "Sucker-Game"
on the American People....................I hope im wrong, but my gut tells me Trump-Obama, is in the great Ploy, on the Stupid-Sheeple, and they wont evan see it comming................................4 more years of Obama, and his "Queer-Carzr's", and sex in Kindergarden.....................
How Fuck*n sick is this country comming too............................................................................................................................?