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Fitch Downgrades Greece, Warns 'Even Soft Restructuring Of Greek Debt Means DEFAULT'

First Greece, then Ireland and Portugal will be restructured.  Default.  Default. Default.  Then its Spain's turn.  Viva La Revolucion Bailout!

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Strauss-Kahn Set To Receive Lifetime $320,000 Annual Pension From IMF, Heavily Funded By U.S. Taxpayers


David Stockman Says: 'Shut The Government Down,' Geithner Says New Financial Crisis Coming, Vikram Pandit Gets Huge Pay Package, Mailman Needs A Bailout


Barney Frank: Banks Are Winning the War (Video)

In the face of Republican opposition to derivatives reform, Barney Frank of Massachusetts makes his case for increased oversight of derivatives.

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The End Of The Eurozone? - Stiglitz At European Zeitgeist 2011: "We Are Out Of Money, But We Can Pay You In Fish"

Excellent discussion.  Pretty humorous responses, with anecdotes from Iceland's response to the crisis.

  • "We are out of money, but we can pay you in fish."
  • "The only people I saw in Iceland who were concerned about the banking crisis were foreign bankers holed up in the local Hilton." 

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Ben Stein: Economic Village Idiot

“In life, events tend to follow patterns. People who commit crimes tend to be criminals, for example. Can anyone tell me any economists who have been convicted of violent sex crimes? Can anyone tell me of any heads of nonprofit international economic entities who have ever been charged and convicted of violent sexual crimes? Is it likely that just by chance this hotel maid found the only one in this category? Maybe Mr. Strauss-Kahn is guilty but if so, he is one of a kind, and criminals are not usually one of a kind.”

-Ben Stein, 5/17/11

Cobourg’s former economic director goes to jail for sexual assault
Economist on governor’s staff charged with child sex abuse
Former Rockford College economics professor pleads guilty to sexual abuse
W&M assistant [economics] professor charged with online sex crime
Colby [economics] professor resigns amid secret-camera flap
Economics professor caught in teen sex sting
CSUN economics professor Kenneth Ng runs Thai sex tourism website

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John Boehner Stuck Between Tea Party And A Hard Place, Pelosi's District Gets 20% Of Obamacare Waivers, Student Loan Debt Now Equals 7% OF GDP (LINKS)


Jon Stewart Exposes Gingrich As A Hypocritical Jack-Ass (Video & Twitter Proof)

Can't get enough of the Newt demonstrating his rare, under-appreciated intelligence?  Check out this Daily Show appearance from February 2010.

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DSK Is Done At The IMF, Dominique Strauss-Kahn Resigns 

Breaking story.

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Christine Lagarde To Replace DSK At IMF?, Dominique Strauss-Kahn To Make Bail Thursday


MADRID AWAKENS: Aerial View Of Spanish Youth Protesting 21% Unemployment

Spain's 21.3% unemployment rate is the highest in the EU - a record 4.9 million are jobless, many of them young people.

Spanish media say the protesters are attacking the country's political establishment with slogans such as "violence is earning 600 euros", "if you don't let us dream we won't let you sleep" and "the guilty ones should pay for the crisis".

The global banking elite has another problem... 

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Video: Iowa Voter to Gingrich: "Why don't you get out before you make a bigger fool of yourself"


'An executive at a small defense contractor recently joked to me, “Afghanistan is our business plan.” I asked him what he would do if the war ended. He stared at me for a moment and said, “Well, then I hope we invade Libya.”'

The 43-cents-of-every-dollar-is-borrowed war machine rolls on...

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Dylan Ratigan On War And Debt Ceiling Politics: Fearocracy or Democracy? (Guest Post)

Forget the Republicans and Democrats who are mere puppets of k-street lobbying whores and their industrial henchmen...

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