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Video: Gingrich says he cheated on his wives because he felt so 'passionately for this country'

CBN Video - Gingrich's patriotc excuse - Mar. 9, 2011

As long as we're covering the Newt...

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Video: Tennessee Cops Fight Each Other To Steal Your Money, No Charges Required

Watch this one all the way through.  This is uniquely and seriously deranged, not to mention unconstitutional.  Cops are fighting turf battles to steal your money, with no need for criminal charges.  Don't skip the last 3 minutes, including the f-bomb, threat-laden, cop vs. cop macho challenge.

The real fun begins at 4:30.

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Alleged Victim Of Dominique Strauss-Kahn Has HIV, Ron Paul Says Sell All The Gold In Fort Knox, Greece Will Be MUCH Worse Than Lehman, GE Strikes Again (LINKS)


Peasants Storm The Castle - Hundreds Of Activists Descend On JPM Chase Shareholders Meeting


Video: Matt Taibbi Vs. Wall Street Apologist Megan McArdle On Goldman Sachs Criminal Behavior

Read the transcript...

Corrupt enterprise nirvana.  You're guilty, everyone knows it, and no prosecution. Geithner took care of that with Cuomo, secretly, in 2008, in the name of system stability.  Bill Black is writhing in the throes of a wretched death spiral.

What about Anton Valukas - you remember the Chicago lawyer handling the $600 billion Lehman bankruptcy - 2 years within the bowels of Dick Fuld's Repo 105 nut sack ought to qualify him for special financial prosecutor.  Eric Holder is a dipshit, have we mentioned that lately.  

Obankster, listen up.  Wanna get reelected... Then tell Holder to name a Special Wall Street Prosecutor.  Now.

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Meanwhile Your Civil Liberties Are Under Siege In Indiana

Judge Napolitano:

"The Indiana Supreme Court is wrong.  If cops don't have a warrant, don't open your door."

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Chris Whalen With Tom Keene On U.S. Banking Outlook, Citigroup's Failed Reverse Split, Housing Slide: "No Big Bank Mergers Because There's No Equity In The System"

Video - May 16 (Bloomberg) -- Christopher Whalen, managing director at Institutional Risk Analytics, talks about banks, the labor market and economy.

If you have 10 minutes, watch this.  Discussion takes off after the 3 minute mark. Headline quote comes near 10:20.  Great stuff from the world's best and most obsessed independent banking analyst.

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WATCH LIVE: Indiana Protest Against State Supreme Court 4th Amendment Ruling Allowing Police To Enter Your Home Without A Warrant


Pat Buchanan: "You Have The Charlie Sheen Of Finance Running The IMF" (Fact: U.S. Gave The IMF 103 Million Ounces Of Gold)

Video can't be embedded.

Pat Buchanan on the sex scandal surrounding IMF director Dominique Strauss-Kahn: "I will tell you. Look, you have the Charlie Sheen of global finance running the IMF. The seriousness of it is this: He is dead as a presidential candidate in France. Good news for Sarkozy, he's out of the IMF, but more important, this is going to bring a focus on the IMF, which through the back door has been putting the American taxpayers on the hook to bail out Greece and Ireland and those European countries which are in fact bailouts of those European banks. And Ron Paul is right on top of this, and, Joe, I see this as bringing the IMF, at this critical point, when the bailouts in Europe are in big trouble, it is put a limelight on the one institution other than the European Central Bank, which is baling out these European countries and banks."

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U.S. Borrows $58,000 Per Second


Video: Dominique Strauss-Kahn Arrives At NYC Court

IMF chief Dominique Strauss-Kahn arrives at a New York City courthouse early on Monday morning.  DSK looks slightly unsettled.

Perp walks have been in short supply since the crisis began in 2008.  

We're milking this one.  

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Debt Ceiling Reached, World Doesn't End, Treasury Yields Flat, Geithner Remains A Fear Mongering Wall Street Stooge


New From ANONYMOUS: Mortgage Insurance Fraud 101: How Banks Rip You Off And How To Fight Back


The End of Wall Sreet Accountability: A Response To Roger Lowenstein

Bloomberg's Roger Lowenstein argues in "Wall Street: Not Guilty" that the outcry for Wall Street prosecutions is both misguided and dangerous.

Citing the misgivings of Charles Ferguson, Joe Nocera, The New York Times, NPR, Matt Taibbi and even Bernie Madoff, Lowenstein concludes:

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