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Pat Buchanan: "You Have The Charlie Sheen Of Finance Running The IMF" (Fact: U.S. Gave The IMF 103 Million Ounces Of Gold)

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Pat Buchanan on the sex scandal surrounding IMF director Dominique Strauss-Kahn: "I will tell you. Look, you have the Charlie Sheen of global finance running the IMF. The seriousness of it is this: He is dead as a presidential candidate in France. Good news for Sarkozy, he's out of the IMF, but more important, this is going to bring a focus on the IMF, which through the back door has been putting the American taxpayers on the hook to bail out Greece and Ireland and those European countries which are in fact bailouts of those European banks. And Ron Paul is right on top of this, and, Joe, I see this as bringing the IMF, at this critical point, when the bailouts in Europe are in big trouble, it is put a limelight on the one institution other than the European Central Bank, which is baling out these European countries and banks."

Pat Buchanan - The Dirty Old Man and the IMF

What is this satyr doing running the IMF? How was a man of his Eurotrash reputation approved by the United States government? Such conduct may be pooh-poohed over the pond, but has our country dropped that low?

As is not infrequently the case, Rep. Ron Paul nails it: "These are the kind of people running the IMF, and we want to turn the world's finances and the control of the money supply (over) to them?"

Indeed, there are issues here far beyond the corruption of character that drives aging compulsive lechers to criminality when their prey resist.

One of those issues is: Why is the IMF still being funded by the United States?

With the World Bank, the IMF was birthed at Bretton Woods, N.H., in 1944. In the monetary order established there, the U.S. dollar would be tied to gold, and the free world's currencies would be tied to the dollar, all at fixed rates of exchange.

All would contribute funds in their own currency to the IMF.

America would make the largest contribution.  As its birthday gift, Uncle Sam gave the IMF 103 million ounces of gold.

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Reader Comments (12)

IMF chief Strauss-Kahn caught in "Honey Trap"
By Mike Whitney

May 17, 2011 at 1:38 AM | Unregistered Commentermick
mick...i've read every skeptical story out there on dsk...i have a few doubts myself...but the 2002 attack in france sounds very similar...then you have the reports of other similar incidents with sofitel maids...are you seeing a pattern yet...dsk thought he was invincible and that no one would believe a maid over the head of the imf...problem is new york SVU loves busting fatcats...dsk is toast...he's going to jail...
May 17, 2011 at 1:44 AM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
Pat nails it. He understands the IMF and the European debt situation (it's about bailing out the banks) better than anyone on Morning Joke.

One more reason to like Pat Buchanan. Go Pat, Go!
May 17, 2011 at 9:28 AM | Registered CommenterDr. Pitchfork
NO BLANK CHECK FOR THE IMF (april 13, 2009)



the IMF requires countries to adopt a series of market fundamentalist policies. These include deregulation (including of financial services), privatization, opening to foreign investment, orienting economies to export markets, removing protections for local producers growing food or manufacturing for the local market, removing labor rights protections, cutting government budgets, raising interest rates, and more.

IMF Speaker Warns of Commodity-Based ETFs (april 18, 2011)



Mario Draghi, the chairman of the FSB, said the $1,200 billion ETF business could threaten the global economy, much the way that mortgages and derivatives sank financial markets in 2007 and 2008.
May 17, 2011 at 10:22 AM | Unregistered Commenterjohn
Citigroup moves 49 billion in SIV's to its balance sheet (2007)


Citigroup has moved $49 billion worth of structured investment vehicles (SIVs) onto its balance sheet, potentially forcing an increase in regulatory capital for the bank. The move marks a change in policy by new chief executive Vikram Pandit, who reversed former boss Chuck Prince’s refusal to bring the SIVs on-balance-sheet. As a result, Citigroup’s capital adequacy ratio is expected to drop 0.16% to 7.3%, but the bank believes this figure will return to 7.5% next year. Credit rating agency Moody’s had already downgraded Citigroup’s long-term credit rating from Aa2 to Aa3 and reduced the bank’s financial strength rating from A- to B. In the last three months, the assets of the company’s seven SIVs have fallen by 40.9% as mortgage-backed securities exposed to sub-prime borrowers have collapsed in value. The move by Citigroup also raises doubts about the bank’s commitment to a pooled “superfund” of troubled SIVs, the Master Liquidity Enhancement Conduit (MLEC), first mooted with JP Morgan and Bank of America in October this year.
May 17, 2011 at 10:38 AM | Unregistered Commenterjohn
The IMF, Now More than Ever: The Case for Financial Peacekeeping


Worked out well didn't it.
May 17, 2011 at 12:11 PM | Unregistered Commenterjohn

Great, then the next move is the equivalent of Ashton Kutcher at the IMF…

Hmmmm…Timmy Geithner? Peter Orszag?

Maybe it’s a job for Vera Baker.
May 17, 2011 at 12:53 PM | Unregistered CommenterPatriot Games the Party Tribalist
Simply put, these people (DSK and his ilk) have no character or moral compass. Avarice, lust and gluttony drive them, and money is their religion. And, no surprise, this guy has been the animal that he is for a long time:

May 17, 2011 at 1:01 PM | Unregistered CommenterJosie
"Such conduct may be pooh-poohed over the pond, but has our country dropped that low?"

Yeah, we NEVER have any sex scandals here in the U.S. involving high-caliber officials. [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_federal_political_scandals_in_the_United_States]
May 17, 2011 at 8:19 PM | Unregistered CommenterNeutral Observer
OK, Maby the poor-ol-boy had a Stiffy for 3:53 min. and his Dr. is in his home land, whats a guy to do....? Like Clinton, he had to get the suckker down................!

If he had a Head, that could think, he would of went down to the street corner and payed a hooker $100. to make it go down..............

2 Dick Heads in one week that cant keep the "Little Thingy" in thAre pants........how cool is that....?

I love all this weak-guy, entertainment, showing us how Stupid some of God's first try, and how it went stupid when the Dickkie, got "Hard".................................................I would love to have 10 teachers take me home and have thAre way with me gradding my test paper........................................

Where are them "Chic's" when Dar has a "Stiffie".....................................? Hello, my # is "BR-549"................................!
May 18, 2011 at 11:07 PM | Unregistered CommenterTexas Dar

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